I completely understand you showed up to this blog to discover how to grow fast in network marketing. I won’t disappoint, I promise you that. I have 17 powerful tips to help you grow rapidly.
Yes, just like any business network marketing has a system to be extremely effective inside of the business. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you have to do certain things correctly & fast. I’m going to walk you through my favorite & best network marketing tips to grow fast.
These are the top 17 network marketing tips to grow fast in network marketing. These are all tactics that I teach my team so they should work very well for you. Please put them into action for fast growth in your company.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#1 – Build A Big List
We’ve heard it a million times in network marketing, you must build a list to grow fast in network marketing. What does that mean in 2020?

Only if you want to grow fast in network marketing do you do this. You take your phone & dump it on paper. You take all the contacts in your phone & you write them down on paper with their phone number next to them.
The Bigger You List, The Bigger Your Paycheck.
Terry Jay Gremaux — How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Get yourself prepared to build a big team in network marketing. If you choose not to do this, you’re simply choosing not to play big. That’s okay if you’re okay with playing not as big as you could.
Remember, your mlm team is going to do what you do, not what you say. It’s interesting that as a child or as an adult, we only do what others do, not just what they say. I think that’s incredible. Go grow a big team fast!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#2 – Study Your System
We all have a system in our network marketing companies that was designed from success. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you need to know your system so well you could take an exam on it & be 100% confident you would pass with flying colors!

You want to study your system to grow fast. Watch every video & study the person who put it together. Know it inside & out. Take copious notes on each step of your system & then put it into practice.
Study Your Network Marketing System To Discover How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Terry Jay Gremaux — How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
This way when you teach your network marketing team how to build fast, you reinforce the system of success for your company. If you fail to know your system really well, you will end up making things up that don’t coincide with your system & that will hurt your network marketing team.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #3 – Study the Books You Read
I want you to stop reading books. This doesn’t help your network marketing team at all! I know you think I’m crazy about right now but let me explain.

Millions of people read or listen to books & they don’t advance or change themselves at all. This is because they never create the ability to soak up the information. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you’ve got to understand how to learn.
Get Addicted To Growing. To Do That You Must Study. Stop Simply Reading Books & Start Studying Books.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
You learn by studying. You learn by taking copious notes. You don’t learn just by listening to & from work. You don’t learn by just reading. You’ve got to study. This will help your network marketing team win by helping you actually grow!
This is one of the books that I flat studied that changed my life.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #4 – Always BAMFAM
Do you know what BAMFAM means?

BAMFAM means you’re booking a meeting from a meeting. You’ve got to remember that the only reason to have a meeting in the first place is to book the next meeting. For your network marketing team to grow fast, you must make this a rule in your business.
If you don’t make another appointment, you’ll not give your prospect a deadline. If you don’t give you prospect a deadline, you’ll forever be chasing them.
BAMFAM’ing is what professionals do to crush the business. Are you ready to be a professional? I challenge you to step up for your network marketing team & never again fail to create that meeting. This is how you grow extremely fast in network marketing!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#5 – 3 Way Calls, 3 Way Calls, 3 Way Calls
3rd party validation or 3 way calls are by far the most under utilized tool in the entire network marketing industry. The irony of this statistic is that 3 way calling is also the #1 most effective method to sign up a new person into your business.

Why are 3 way calls so effective if done correctly?
Stop giving excuses. Just do the 3 way call. You’ll make more money.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
It’s very simple. People generally want to hear from someone else of success. Another person that is having a small or large amount of success inside of your business will help you close them dramatically.
As long as 3 way calling is used effectively by telling stories & answering questions, this is your most effective tool. Please use more of them to close more business for yourself.
If you don’t know exactly how to be most effective in a 3 way call, please see the link below.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#6 – Generate Professionals To Talk To
OMG! Is this not the most important tip of them all. If you put great people in the business, this means you’ll get great people out of the business. If you put the wrong people inside of your business, you can’t expect them to produce.

If you are going to grow fast in network marketing, you absolutely MUST understand where to find great people. Great prospects live in a different pond then the potential smaller potential prospects.
Recruiting professionals will make duplication easy.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
In network marketing, we are searching for people who are successful, connected & know what business is, right?
There is one place to absolutely guarantee that you find them, every time. This same place has given me 99 sign-ups & 527 customers in the last 13 months. It’s LinkedIn & you can click below to find out more information on LinkedIn.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#7 – Get Reps Started Fast
This step is imperative to fast growth in your network marketing team. It’s very easy for your new reps to come in & get ready to get ready.

This refers to someone who tries to learn every ounce of everything in your network marketing company before they get started. This is the recipe of disaster. They simply will never start the activities that actually promote growth in your business & this is a huge problem.
Your new reps will follow a percentage of what you do. Make sure you’re setting a firm example in the form of action payments for your new reps to follow.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
You want to make sure you give your reps 1 or 2 specific directions when they get started. When you give them these simple directives with simple & to the point instructions, it’s fairly easy for them to follow.
If you don’t, you’ll see a lot of reps come in & not get started fast. The pace is always set by the leader. Make sure that you are doing everything you can to enroll fast. Your people will follow a percentage of what you do.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#8 – Process A Lot Of People
The trick to network marketing success is to create major momentum. If you’re going to grow fast in network marketing, you’ve got to create major momentum.

We created the machine to help everyone do just that.
Momentum is created by taking a large number of people through a proven system in a short amount of time. The proven system that I’ve used to create a lot of success is right up above.
If you want to grow fast in network marketing, take a large group of people through a proven system as fast as you can. Feel free to distribute the system above to your team. It works wonders!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#9 – Crush Event Promotion
Events change lives, we know that. If you don’t know that, you do now. If you want to radically change your business, get as many people to your next event as possible.

You want to become an event promoting machine. What ever the next event is, you want to be there. You want to get as many people on your team there.
You go to an event to make a big decision. Don’t make a big decision to go to an event.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
What ever you do & what ever you promote will happen more often. Your income will be directly tied to how many people you get to the event, end of story.
Always remember this. Every big earner made a big decision at an event to build it big. Every person who goes to an event will not become a top earner but every top earner goes to every event
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#10 – Make A Commitment For 18 Months
Network marketing success isn’t about what is here today. Success in network marketing is about what you build, much like an investment.

All of my people I bring into my team, I make sure they have a mindset of 18 months of commitment. Commitment doesn’t mean just being involved in the company.
People often mistake commitment with existence.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
18 months of commitment means that you’re in consistent action for 18+ months. This means you’ve went to all events possible for you. This means you prospect 5 days a week. You completely commit.
If you stop for a month or longer, your commitment starts over. Your momentum gets halted & therefore, your time of commitment must start over as well.
Don’t mistake commitment with existence. It’s like they are trying to prove their own mediocrity right. Don’t be that person.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#11 – Relaunch Every 3 Months
Timing is completely different for all of your prospects in network marketing. It’s not about your timing, it’s about their timing.

This means that you’ll never have all of your prospects have all of their timing perfect all the time. This is why we need to roll back through them and “relaunch” our business each quarter.
It’s not about your timing, it’s all about your prospects timing. Your job is to catch your prospect inside their timing window.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Through all of your prospecting, make sure you are saving those people as contacts in your phone or CRM. These folks will be future team members of yours.
You just need the courage to reach back out to them every quarter to have a conversation. This is key to your development of your team and your recruiting numbers as you drive forward.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#12 -Master Skills With People
After-all, network marketing is built with people, correct?

I understand you think I’m the crazy guy after making that comment but I wanted to make a point. If you’re going to master the game of network marketing & become great, you must master skills with people.
There is an incredible book that I absolutely love that is titled Skill With People. I actually created a blog post out of it too. There happen to be 15 skills with people that you need to master.
At the end of the day, your finances in network marketing will be directly tied to your level of skills with people.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#13 – Remove All Emotion
I spent several years in network marketing addicted to the outcome of what another human would say to me after introducing them into your business. It’s crazy that we feel this way.

The shear thought of the possibility of feeling this way typically makes you squirm or make you not wanting to make the call. This feeling of rejection can even make you completely quit the business.
It’s completely illogical to bring emotion into business. Leave it at the door & just go through the numbers.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Leave the emotion behind to grow fast in network marketing. You’re simply introducing something amazingly helpful into another persons hands. If they tell you no, they are simply telling themselves no or they are just not interested.
You simply want to focus on decision. Just collecting a decision from other people. Both yes or no is awesome. After all, it’s their choice, not yours. Your job is to process as many people as possible.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#14 – Do All Your Work On The Phone
In 2020, there are so many ways to communicate that seem easier. The problem lies in the control you have when you’re on the phone. All other avenues of communication remove the ability for you to control.

I highly suggest that you talk about ZERO business until you have someone directly talking to you on the phone. A prospect buys you long before they buy your company.
Do all of your business communication while talking to another human. Don’t take the easy road to talk on social media because you lose all control.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
They have to feel your energy, your vibration to get truly excited about your company. It’s impossible for them to do this if you don’t allow this to happen by talking of the phone.
Use social media and all other avenues to actually get on the phone with your prospect. This allows you to use your amazing energy, vibration & excitement to make sure they understand how serious you are.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#15 – Work With Those that Deserve
This is the absolute hardest of them all for me. We have a heart to want to carry everyone to the finish line but we can’t. We can’t do it for them & the only way we can decipher would we should spend time with is action payments.

Yes, action payments don’t lie. Who is talking to people? Who is calling you for 3 way calls? Who is enrolling customers?
Talk is cheap but action payments never lie. Choose to work with those who pay in action payments.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
See, talk is really cheap. Everybody talks big. If you work with those who have a huge potential, you’ll always be broke. Potential doesn’t do a damn thing.
Spend your time with those people who have made big action payments. Continue prospecting until you find them.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#16 – Learn To Invite Professionally
Inviting is the number 1 skill you must master to become amazing in network marketing. If you don’t learn to invite, you don’t have a chance to succeed in network marketing.

Over & above inviting, it needs to be professional. Instead of me trying to teach you in words, I put an entire blog post together just for you to discover how to invite professionally.
I suggest watching the videos over & over until you can’t get it wrong.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
#17 – Memorize & Study Your Pitch
This one boggles my mind a tad. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you need to become a professional. The difference between amateurs & professionals is professionals get paid & amateurs don’t.

The reason why professionals make money in network marketing is because they practice until they can’t get it wrong.
Professionals practice in private until they can’t get it wrong. Amateurs practice until they get it right 1 time.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
How well do you know your pitch? What do you say to the perfect prospect on the phone?
Do you have that down yet? If not, practice until you do & don’t let that be an excuse. It’s what you practice in private that makes you great.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog on how to grow fast in network marketing. I’ll see you on the next one!
With Generosity,
Terry Jay Gremaux
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PPS… Would you like to increase your enrollment percentage 250%? How about your referral percentage by 300%? This (CLICK HERE) is how we did it!