LinkedIn people search can be your ticket to success in your mlm business? Are you looking for quality network marketing leads?
It can be a wearisome process but I’ll teach you today exactly where to find them. The ultimate tool for recruiting perfect network marketing leads is the LinkedIn people search tool.
And best of all, I’m going to use pictures/videos! Isn’t that the fastest way to consume information? Time is of the essence!
I’m sure you know that LinkedIn People Search is one of the best ways to gather network marketing leads. So in this blog post, I will tell you how to use the LinkedIn people search in order to secure good quality network marketing leads.
I will teach you exactly how to create a clever marketing strategy. And I will help you grow your business with the right people — hassle free! Are you excited yet?
Learning how to recruit the ideal network marketing leads will help you save time. You won’t be caught up in appointments with people you don’t actually want to hire.
You won’t have to repeatedly glance at the clock because you’re so worried time is slipping by. Instead, you will have to sift through only a slim list of people who actually possess all the qualities you desire.
And you’ll have ample time on your hands to do so.
Your life and business will be a lot more collected and organized this way. You will be efficient, surrounded by a great team and absolutely stress-free. It’s a win-win! Let’s begin.
Before LinkedIn People Search Begins
It’s crucial to understand the importance of a great team. A great team is reliable, efficient and gets along with you.
It is the core structure of prosperity in your business. Long before we start the process of the LinkedIn people search, we need to learn how to create the network marketing strategies.
It’s very typical for marketers to target everyone. They will go for everyone from stay-at-home moms to amateurs debutantes in the business landscape.
The problem with this is that this way, you end up with a long list of unwanted people that are not connected to you at all.
In the end, you don’t want to recruit any of these people. It’s important to try to recruit network marketing leads that have plenty of qualities in common. Instead, you should be able to compile a list of connections from the LinkedIn people search that actually serves you.
These connections should possess all the right qualities for your business, and should be people you’d actually want to work with on a day to day basis. Don’t compromise the integrity of your business for a loosely compiled list of network marketing leads.
It’s been done before, and I can tell you that it’s not a good idea. You should only hire people who are ideal for you. Prioritize having a great team.
Strategy Questions You Should Ask Yourself
The first thing to do, therefore, is to develop a strategy to find the perfect person for your business. You have to strategize before you actually go into the LinkedIn people search.
There is a simple way to go about this. There are only four very simple questions you need to answer.
These questions will help you create an effective strategy, and you will end up with the perfect network marketing lead. Do you want to know what those questions are? Here you go:
What countries are opening up inside of your company?
Would you like to interact with people face to face, over the phone or with apps like Zoom?
Who is your specific target market?
Once you have answered these questions, you can now proceed to the LinkedIn people search. But please — please — do not go to LinkedIn people search before you have spent an ample amount of time figuring out what exactly it is that you’re looking for.
You should be fully aware of what kind of people it is that you’re looking for, and also what kind of leads you want to avoid In short, do not haphazardly form connections with people on LinkedIn. I cannot stress this enough. Strategizefirst.
Log On to LinkedIn to Do a People Search
Select Location
Start Connecting
By now, most of you understand how to conduct the LinkedIn people search in an efficient way. But you still have one nagging question: what exactly are you supposed to say?
How do you respond to connections who give a positive reply to your interactions? What do you do once you’ve taken the initiative?
Does it seem all dark and gloomy? Don’t worry, I’ll help you through this too. Some time ago, I wrote a blog post called LinkedIn MLM Scripts.
Are you looking to recruit people who bring value to your business? Are you hoping to employ network marketing training to bring in good MLM leads? This blog post will explain how successful businesses manage to execute network marketing training to improve their business. And here’s what else this blog intends to let you know: you can do it too.
There is a rich abundance of MLM training courses in the network marketing landscape. But they all typically have the same content to offer: a list of how-tos that equip you with the information that you require in order to successfully network with good MLM leads. Believe it or not, this can be problematic.
There is a vast sea of choices for network marketing courses, such as Ray and Jessica Higdon, Eric Worre, My Lead System Pro and EMP. This can leave you overwhelmed and confused.
Most people end up signing up for courses that yield no tangible benefits and are left stuck in a rut. They keep taking courses but failing to grow their network with MLM leads. Have you been there too?
Why is The War Room So Effective?
If so, you need not worry. The War Room Training is entirely different. And this network marketing training blog post will explain how.
First of all, why do MLM courses fail to produce results in your business? It’s because they’re like the Grand Canyon. Imagine, if you will, looking from the South Rim in Arizona to the North Rim of the majestic Grand Canyon. On the South Rim is the theory: the training, the how-to and the purchasing of courses. On the North Rim is practical implementation, action and daring. But in the gap between these two, there is a grave fear.
The War Room Training seeks to rid you of your fears so that you would be able to secure great MLM leads and revamp your business and life. It does not focus only on the how-tos of the process of network marketing training because network marketing training is not a theoretical sport. It is an action-oriented pursuit that requires you to take quantifiable steps to achieve your goals.
This is why the War Room Training course is the best available option for network training marketing.
Ultimate Network Marketing Training by Conquering Your Fears
I will rid you of your fears by helping you step by step to build the bridge that leads to your salvation. When you start network marketing training, you are like a child who is entering a dark room.
As adults, we can do it more easily. But as children, entering into a dark room would be easy if someone walked in with us. The War Room training works the same way. I will take you by the hand so you can put your network marketing training to use and land professional MLM leads.
This is why the War Room Training is so great: because I will be there to guide you every step of the way. I will personally take charge of your mentorship and give you directions concerning the steps that you need to take in order to make your business a success.
9 Ways The War Room Can Help You
Here are nine ways in which I will direct and assist you so that you can find huge improvements in the process of finding MLM leads:
I Will Hold Your Hand and Take Your Fear Away
I will give you direct coaching. The War Room Training does not expect you to implement what you’ve learned into action immediately. I will tell you exactly what you need to do until you’re ready to take matters into your own hands.
I Will Help You Determine Your Target Market
One of the most critical parts of recruiting MLM leads is to have a clear vision of the target audience. I will help you to determine that. Because of this, you will have a more centered and organized approach towards achieving your goal.
I Will Teach You Four Easy Steps to Get Things Done
This course offers four easy training steps that will give you a vision of how to use LinkedIn and other networking platforms to secure MLM leads. These four steps will revolutionize how you approach your network marketing leads. Moreover, it will make your productivity shoot up!
I Will Help You Conquer Your Mind
This mentorship program is constructed to prevent negative mental feedback from slowing you down. It will teach you to prevent your mind from sabotage of progress. This is a unique aspect of the War Room Training vision that you cannot find elsewhere.
I Will Make Recruiting Fun for You
The War Room Training aims to make recruiting fun for you. It pushes and propels you to move forward with the attitude that you like what you are doing.
I Will Help You Break The Ice
This course will train you to push yourself out of your comfort zone. I will show you practical steps that will help improve your business. I will make you get on the phone and teach you how to break the ice. Moreover, I will also help you schedule meetings and get appointments.
I Will Personally Give You Attention
The War Room Training experience is designed to be a one-on-one interactive training program. For this reason, only ten people in the room at the time so each trainee will receive careful attention. You will find this type of personal training nowhere else in the industry.
I Will Teach You A Lot In Very Little Time
This course is quality-centric. Within only two days, you’ll have made as much progress as you would have otherwise done in six months. This is because the course is heavily action-oriented.
I Will Make the Course Fun for You The experience will be gamified. All trainees will get value points for every step of progress. What’s more, there’s a $1000 cash prize for the winner!
600 to 800+ MLM leads on LinkedIn. These are a special group of the target market that will serve as a starter pack for your new and enhanced business.
At least 25 appointments. These will be people who have spoken to you on the phone, are willing to talk to you and have scheduled a meeting.
Zero fears about finally getting results in business. You will be safe in the assurance that you are well equipped to manage network marketing independently.
A thoroughly organized plan to introduce to your team or new distributors. This is another added bonus for your new and improved business.
The Live Networker Strategies and know-how about how to enjoy the experience of network market training on LinkedIn. These strategies work for any network marketing company and make it super fun to network with professional MLM leads.
I hope you will find value in the things I mentioned and I warmly welcome you to the War Room family. If you enjoyed this blog post, join the War Room training program and become the rockstar network marketer that you’ve always wanted to be.
Terry J Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
Today, everyone has a digital life & LinkedIn Profile Tips will help you attract the right mlm leads to you. The Internet has given us so many platforms to showcase our many talents and has made our lives way easier than it was before.
You know that, of course, and you’ve probably realized that different social media networks have different purposes. Like Facebook is all about family and what is going on in your life, the big updates.
When you go to Twitter it’s about conversations or some sort of controversy, basically some sort of engagements.
Which is the only reason you’ll find people on LinkedIn trying to boost their sales, create referrals and make connections that have the possibility of turning into referrals or potential future success.
So, in this blog post I’ll tell you more about how you can use it to your ultimate advantage. These 11 tips will help you look more professional, get more referrals, help you boost your business and get more cash inflow.
1. Choosing A Specific Target Market
The first of many LinkedIn profile tips is very crucial. It’s choosing a specific target market. You must make sure you have the right audience in mind because you can’t appeal to everyone and can’t make your profile speak to literally every person out there.
That is a futile attempt and I suggest you stop trying to do that at all. How you make an impact is by narrowing down your audience. Make sure your profile is not being wasted because every view is from a potential customer.
It’s important to reach the right people and stand out to them.
On LinkedIn, you have to turn away from those you don’t want. To help you find your target market, here are the 3 most effective LinkedIn Profile Tips that I have come up with:
Think about who do you love working with? Do you like working with people who don’t beat around the bush and get to the point? They’re gonna crush whatever they do. Or, do you like working with people who are emotionally driven, or moms, or sales people? Who isn’t that you love to work with? Always focus on the people and personality types you would love working with.
The second one is the “asset test” as I like to call it. The test is simple: think about who would you like to go on a vacation with? Those are the people you would want in your business too. In network marketing it’s all about building people rather than simply building business. Because once you make connections and build people up, building the business itself becomes so much easier. If you enjoy the company of people around you, people you work with, you are likely to build a good business in network marketing. So when choosing your target audience, always ask who would you love traveling with?
Another important thing is to see who would make a great customer if they chose to do it. For example, I have a friend Myrna Buckles who’s in the hair business. She is a hair loss expert and in a company called Monat Global. Her target audience is hair dressers and salon owners. So, when she recruits, she is focusing on her target audience and their clients and customers too. This way, she recruits a lot of people who are interested in the products because she’s going for the right people.
2. Banner Image | LinkedIn Profile Tips
Once you’ve decided on your target audience, you need to create a good banner image. Your banner image is not merely some graphics, or just a picture of you or simply something put there for the sake of it.
It is the first thing a person visiting your profile sees before they talk to you, which is why it is important to catch their attention right there and then.
A good banner image will set you apart from the rest. It needs to look professional and put together.
You could make it yourself or get someone else to make it for you, just click here and I’ll help you out. But it must look professional and clean.
3. Profile Picture
The third of my LinkedIn profile tips relates to your profile picture. First things first, it should always be professional. For guys it’s not absolutely necessary to upload a picture in a suit but it does give you an advantage of looking sharp and clean.
It shows you mean business and because LinkedIn means professionalism, looking your best is important. It makes you look more credible and gives your prospect a chance to be impressed by you before they talk to you.
To look professional, you don’t need to invest in something costly, the picture should be where you look great and confident. It could be taken by a friend for that matter, but it must show that you’re a professional who’s not here to play.
Think of it as an interview, you must look good and presentable.
This allows you to be easily searched. For example, I’ll pop up when someone searches for nutrition and recruiting.
This is because my areas of expertise are these two. But don’t just copy me, be more creative. Do some research.
Think about what do you want people to search for that would make you pop up to them? When you’re making your profile, you should have your keyword everywhere.
This increases your chances of being found and that too by the right audience.
5. Name
It is also important for you to put your name how you want to be called and searched for. You should then put your keywords next to your name, like mine is Terry J Gremaux – Nutrition and Recruiting. You may find this weird but it allows you to pop up on the search engine easily and the more you recruit and connect with people, the more people will use those keywords and your name to search for you, rather than you searching and reaching out to them.
Just below my name is written “I am a God first man that is passionate about helping amazing people live healthy, energetic lives.” This tells my audience that I love working with Christians who are health conscious.
This is who I am, and that’s how my summary goes as well. So, add your keyword phrase and make sure it’s something precise and punchy so that it gravitates your right audience towards you.
6. Description (Elevator Pitch)
Your description is your elevator pitch. This is where you tell the visitor about yourself, but in very few words.
It’s the trailer before the film. Just below my name is written “I am a God first man that is passionate about helping amazing people live healthy, energetic lives.”
This tells my audience that I love working with Christians who are health conscious. This is who I am, and that’s how my summary goes as well. So, add your keyword phrase and make sure it’s something precise and punchy so that it gravitates your right audience towards you.
7. Summary
The next of 11 most important LinkedIn profile tips is your summary. It’s extremely critical because it’s like your cover letter.
When professionals are doing their research of who to hire, they’ve gained these skills either as a part of their education or as one of lifelong experiences.
So, in these skills they look for who to hire and who are they “wasting their time” on. They do this by reading your summary and I can guarantee at least 80% of professionals will read your summary before they get in touch with you, or reply to your message or even look at your connections.
Your summary has to be good, it needs to sell you and be compelling. It needs to interesting.
For example, mine is very targeted and precise. It talks about how I love God and how God is a priority.
So, you need to pick at least two things that sell you. Something that makes people reach out to you and say something like they’ve been looking for someone like you.
8. Choosing A Call To Action
Next one is call-to-action. It’s good to have a capture page where people can click something and it performs the action that you need them to do.
You can pick one. And it should ideally lead to somewhere where they can get value.
If you don’t have a landing page where people can receive a free gift for putting in their information, you need to tell them how to reach you, whether by text, by Facebook or however you prefer. For example, some people’s call-to-action is they require appointments to be made.
This is basically important for when you’ve written a good summary, people would naturally want to talk to you and get in touch. So in order to give them an opportunity to do that, you need to set up your call-to-action effectively.
I would suggest to write an article a month minimum that speaks to your targeted market directly because it’ll attract the right audience as well as attract other Pulse readers too.
This makes the whole process of owning a blog so much easier because you already have one with LinkedIn and you don’t need to create and manage a separate one. Even if you don’t see yourself ever owning a blog, it’s a cool thing that LinkedIn already provides it because through that not only can you write and read valuable pieces, but your chances of being discovered become even greater.
If your profile is set up how we’ve discussed and you’re active on Pulse, you’re much more likely to be discovered and approached. It’s free and there for you to use it and make the most of it.
10. Experience
It is highly important for you to fill out your experiences completely. LinkedIn is a professional site and everyone on it is a professional, so it is vital for you to fill your experiences completely.
Because leaving it blank or incomplete raises suspicions and can make them wonder if you’re hiding something.
In order to avoid any blurred vision and confusion, make sure you fill it in because one way or the other you’re likely to be discovered by someone simply on the basis of your experience. It would let you connect to people from that world.
For example, you worked in Dell and mentioned that in your experience, so when people search for Dell, you’ll also show up on the search engine.
if you’ve worked with multiple companies, mention them too. This is how you’ll get discovered.
People on it are also professionals and with calculated moves. It’s not like Facebook where family is on display or any other social media site. It’s all about business.
Think like a business owner, what choices would he make, what would appeal to them. Don’t have idle conversations or go back and forth as if you’re chatting on Facebook.
Leverage these tips and step up your LinkedIn game. It will do wonders for your network marketing career! And if you liked the article, share it on Facebook and Twitter so your friends can get this value too.
I hope you loved this blog about LinkedIn Profile Tips! I love you guys. See you in the next blog.
Terry J Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
Welcome to today’s blog post where I dissect what is Monat Global and teach you how to market Monat products, and especially Monat hair products, professionally. In this special entree, you will learn inside out how to market Monat products like a guru and become a Monat Multi-Level Marketing maestro. You will learn exactly what to say to your Monat prospects in order to get them to sign up.
Towards the end, I am also going to give you a five-step process to easily expand your Monat business from just about anywhere.
What is Monat Global?
To learn what is Monat is the first step to becoming an expert in marketing it. Monat Global is a hair-care brand that specializes in a wide range of hair care products.
Its hair products range from products for scalp rejuvenation, treatment for split ends to other incredible products for gentle, toxin-free hair care. The company does not use any toxic ingredients, such as parabens, sulphates, etc. in their products. All this makes Monat products all around awesome and healthy. In fact, Monat Multi-Level Marketing is the top choice for network marketers because of its top-of-the-line premium productsand incredibly successful busienss model.
Monat Global was established in October 2014, and has since then expanded its market to USA and Canada. Throughout this time, it has won several awards to date, including 2016 American Business Award, Direct Sellers Association of Canada Award, etc.
Monat products utilize latest scientific technologies and proprietary high-quality ingredients which sets the company apart and gives them a dominant market size.
Now that we have covered what is Monat Global and what Monat products are all about, you must be wondering why should you be listening to me? Am I some kind of Monat Global expert? Well, yes.
Why Should You Listen to Me?
Why should you listen to me when I teach you what is Monat Global and how to market Monat Multi-Level Marketing business professionally? Well, it’s a fair question and here’s your answer:
I’m a best-selling author and have been in the industry for 13 years now.
I’m an accomplished coach, and I’ve recruited countless people from social media.
In my last campaign, within an 18-month stretch, I recruited 128 people at a price point of $299.
Why am I telling you this? Well, to let you know that my years of experience and mastery in this field gives me the expertise to give you the best advice. I am on a mission to help people understand how to generate leads and sales using social media and help them succeed in the network marketing industry.
At present, I’m working privately with some Monat Global reps, and I have decided to share with you the five-step process to effectively market Monat products professionally.
Who is perfect for Monat hair products?
Now that we understand what is Monat Global and why is it significant, let’s talk about the people who are most likely to use its products. When we look to promote a company, we have to first find out its target market. For promoting Monat hair products, we want to have an idea of the target customers that will be perfect for the products that it is bringing to the market. To be successful at Monat Multi-Level Marketing, you have to be sure to hit the right target market.
So Monat hair products are all about healthy hair and hair care. But since we’re in network marketing and our business depends upon our sales and the sales of the people we recruit, we want to look for people who have the ability, clientele and relationships already in their lives to be able to sell a lot of hair products.
Now, who exactly are people who would satisfy this criteria to come into Monat Multi-Level Marketing?
When you think of that question in terms of Monat Global, three types of people come in mind:
Salon owners
Hair dressers or barbers
These people have a large clientele through their professional work and have a lot of influence on people as well. All they’ve got to do is to point people, mostly from their own huge client base, in the right direction to use a certain product. And voila! They can greatly help you to market Monat hair products professionally.
This way, they’re going to be able to create a lot of income for themselves and also get a chance to work for their clients’ well-being, since Monat products are incredibly healthy and toxin-free.
For you, they’re going to be the fastest way to generate a handsome income as you wouldn’t have to recruit hundreds of people in your company to do that. All you have to do is that you target the specialists in the profession; people with influence and expertise whose word counts and you can ensure steady sales of your Monat hair products.
Where do we find the target customers?
So we’ve established that our target market is basically the salon owners, hair dressers or barbers, beauticians and basically anyone in the beauty industry. Now the question is where do we go about finding them?
We will go to LinkedIn. The reason we choose LinkedIn is that it allows search options for a targeted group of people. On LinkedIn, you can search for a specific occupation, and you can readily connect with these people.
In this case, you can search for professionals from the beauty industry – aestheticians, hair dressers, salon owners, etc. Now, if you’re worried about how to connect to these professionals to market Monat hair products, don’t worry. You know what is Monat and now I’m giving you all the Monat products scripts that you need to enroll these prospective clients into your business. This combo is perfect for success in Monat Multi-Level Marketing business.
If you want a full training of me teaching you live how to market using the scripts, visit the link below:
This will be a great way for you to learn as you watch me practically implementing all these practices, and you will learn how to target clients using LinkedIn.
What to say │Four-part Monat hair products script
So here’s how you go about building your script for marketing Monat products in a simple 4-part script.
You construct the first message in the following way: “[First name], thanks for connecting. Are you using LinkedIn for business or personal use?
Looking forward to connecting with you.
[Personal signature],
[Your name.]”
You ask about their salon business.
The purpose is to ask a question that leads us to talk about Monat, helping us to begin a conversation about Monat.
These lines get people talking, and since LinkedIn is a business network, you are going to steer the conversation towards Monat by first talking about their business.
Then, you can follow up with more questions: you can ask them how long they’ve been in business, and whether or not they are creating the income they deserve.
Then, you’re going to ask: “Would you be open to a product that would benefit your clients and put more income in your pocket?”
This is to know if they are open to the offer you’re about to give to them. The product you are going to give them is going to be greatly beneficial for them and their clients. But first, you need to see if they are open to your offer.
Finally, you ask them for their number: “What is a good phone number for us to communicate?”
If the answer is ‘yes’, then ask for a phone number.
If they don’t give you their phone number, don’t worry.
Take them to Facebook. Say that you’d love to connect with them on Facebook. Then, you can give them your Facebook URL to get connected through your Facebook profile.
How to expose prospects to Monat hair products
Now that we know what is Monat and we’ve successfully found our new prospective client, the question is where do we go from here?
It’s simple.
We expose them to the opportunity we have for them and our products.
For this, the first thing was to get their contact information, which we already did. Now, you can send the product information directly on LinkedIn, but I don’t recommend that.
What I actually recommend is that you either take them to Facebook for it, and/or get their phone number. That way, you can actually follow-up with them and be able to gain a higher level of trust and establish better communication with them.
This video will show them what is Monat Global and why should they be using Monat products. It does a great job of describing what is Monat and also telling them about the Monat Multi-Level Marketing opportunity.
However, you don’t have to simply send them the video. There are two things that you have to do prior to that.
Here’s what I do.
I write to them:
“Very cool.
How soon can you watch a 7-minute video?”
I do this because I’m trying to get them to commit to watching the video.
Once they reply, telling me the time they’re free and when they can watch the video, I reply:
So if I send you the video right now, and I call you back tomorrow, you would have for sure watched it. Correct?”
They’re going to say ‘yes’. Why? Because they just told you that they were going to watch the video about Monat Multi-Level Marketing opportunity.
The comment about you following up is going to make them watch the video that day or the day after as they have made a commitment to you.
You call them back.
At that point, you are going to call them back to follow-up on them. Now, here is how it’s going to be. You have a little chit-chat for a couple of minutes just to build a rapport, and then you’re going to ask the question:
“Hey [their name], What did you like best about what you saw?”
If it’s a product, you are going to focus on the product. If it’s an opportunity, you are going to focus on that.
Then, what I do is that I either take their order by saying “Are you ready to get started? Sounds like you’re ready to get started.” Or, I’m going to do a 3-way call with my upline leader, if you have a good one.
That is how I expose them to the business.
Follow-up with your Monat hair products prospects
This is where the money is made.
Only 1% of your prospects are going to sign up after the first two calls. That’s just how it works.
Only a very small percentage of people, about 1-2% that you talk to, are going to sign up right away. This means that if you talk to a 100 people, you’re going to get 1 or 2 people to sign up right away.
The rest of the 98% are going to come for in the follow-up.
Truly, this is a relationship game and you need to build a relationship over time with your prospects.
The question is how do you do build a relationship with them overtime?
This is how:
You add them to Facebook and you keep in touch with them.
You want to be there in their important moments because that is where the relationship is built. That is where you create a connection.
You want to connect with them each and every week.
Every week you’re going to say “Hi” in order to ensure that they pop-up in your news feed so that you can create a relationship with them.
What I do is that I have a handy notebook, solely for this purpose. In this little notebook, I keep track of all the prospective clients. I go through them each and every week – to say “Hi”, to see if they’re still open, to call them and to develop a rapport, that relationship.
That, my friends, is how you win not only in selling Monat hair products and making it big in Monat Multi-Level Marketing, but also in life. This is how you can ace marketing Monat hair products and give yourself a great career. No hassle and no daily work grind, just a successful and fulfilling life.
Now, if you want to see me do this live, then you’re in luck.
I’m the live networker and that’s my expertise. That’s exactly what I do!
(By the way, this is proven to work with Monat hair products, Monat products in general, and just about any other MLM product)
So if you want to enroll salon owners and hair dressers into your Monat Multi-Level Marketing business, and you want to sell more Monat hair products, I want you to visit this link:
In this link, you will see my five-step process live at work. You will see me practically input all that I’ve talked about in here into LinkedIn live.
It will give you a clear idea of how to go about it. Trust me, within no time, you will become a pro at doing all of this on your own.
I really hope that you loved this blog post about what is Monat, the Monat Multi-Level Marketing opportunity and the proven way to market Monat hair products professionally.
If you did, please share this with your other Monat Global customers and reps, so they would know the exact steps to ace marketing Monat products as well.
Terry Jay Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
If you want your network marketing business to actually make you money, you absolutely need to learn how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in network marketing. By professionals, I mean people who are connected.
When you build your network, you want the kind of people who can just pick up their phone and start generating successful leads for MLM. These people are respected, trusted, and influential.
So in this blog post, I’m going to tell you why is it important to have top network marketers in your corner and exactly how to get them to enroll in your business. I’m going to tell you the steps to take and in the end, even the very scripts you can use to enroll them into your business and generate successful leads for MLM. So, stay with me!
Now let’s focus on why it is important to get top network marketers that generate successful leads for MLM. You might be thinking why would they be willing to join your business?
Aren’t they already successful, or busy, or have lives where they have what they want? Why would they care for your opportunity, right? WRONG.
You can pre-judge all you want, but let me tell you, all professionals have the following traits:
They have networks
They know and understand business
Last but not least, they have an eye for opportunity
And if you still don’t know it, this is the perfect recipe for someone you definitely want to recruit into your business. Top network marketers look for opportunities where they can leverage their networks and create a residual income for themselves (I’ll explain this point later).
That being said, being professionals, generating leads for MLM isn’t an issue for them.
Now, they are going to be harder to recruit, but as I always say, if you fish in a bigger pond, you’ll catch a bigger fish! Best part? They know how to skillfully generate leads for MLM.
When you do recruit them, they are going to rock your world!
You won’t hear them complaining or whining, because they already understand how the business works. They are going to take your opportunity and run with it.
Now that you know why it is so important, you need to learn how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in your network marketing team. And I’m going to teach you exactly how to do that in order to generate loads of leads for MLM successfully.
So the first step to getting the ball rolling is to have the right mindset.
The Mindset You Need To Recruit Top Network Marketers aka Professionals
So here’s the deal: Network marketers are mostly chewed up by professionals. Top network marketers and professionals are type-A personalities more often than not, and if they sense fear, they will all over you and will crush you.
It’s like a dog behind the fence, if it senses fear, it is going to bark at you and try to jump at you. It’s exactly like that with top network marketers.
If they sense weakness, they’ll crush you. Make no mistake about it, if you’re not being confident, you’re going to have a lot of problems.
So, the first thing you need to be confident going into any conversation with top network marketers. You might want to pick up this course “The Art of Phone Conversations” if you don’t feel confident talking on the phone.
Where to Find Professionals for Your Network Marketing Company
I once took a course by Todd Falcone on how to recruit professionals in network marketing and how they can help you generate leads for MLM professionally. He used an approach where he used to look up people, call signs, give out business cards, call up numbers on brochures, and all sorts of things to get people to look at his opportunity.
But you don’t have to do that anymore.
In fact, you probably didn’t have to do it back then either.
Professionals on LinkedIn create networks, find jobs, look for opportunities, and find their next deal on LinkedIn. It’s the heart of business in the modern world and you have to leverage it to the max.
There are a few things that all top network marketers care about. And I have listed them below so be prepared when going into a conversation with them and know how to say things they’ll respond to.
Top network marketers will care about the following things every single time:
Their money
Their time
Your directness. They hate people beating about the bush. When approaching professionals, that’s the most important aspect to get leads for MLM
Residual income. This is the income that comes in every month whether they work or not
Their money working for them
Their family
But understand this: they’re probably not in a position they absolutely love. They may be a CEO for a company or a chiropractor or anything else for that matter, but they’re probably time-broke.
They probably don’t have time to spend with their family or they may be getting a lot of stress in their current job which might be affecting their health. So if you have the ability to share with them a way where they can use their networks to create a residual income for themselves, chances of them joining you are pretty dang high.
Now mind you, some of them are not going to be into network marketing and that’s okay!
Remember, most of them are making enough money. Some don’t, but most do.
What they’re seeking is time. They are seeking a way to fix their relationship with their family, a way to make enough time for themselves, a way to get that vacation they’ve been dreaming about.
Here come your unique leads for MLM that address these problems. In short, the right response which addresses their issues is the key!
What Professionals are the best to Seek?
Following is a list of professionals and top network marketers I personally like to seek and I think they will be a good fit for you too:
Anybody in sales – best people to help you get leads for MLM
Chiropractors – for those of us in health and wellness
Massage Therapists – also health and wellness
Former Network Marketers
Corporate Women
Real Estate Agents
Life Insurance Agents
Mortgage Brokers
I could go on and on except for the people who work in law or are lawyers. To cut short, anybody who deals with people in the right light can be recruited into network marketing and they will generate successful leads for MLM.
Scripts for Recruiting Professionals
When learning how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in network marketing, you should know what to say. Before I go into exactly what to say, I want you to understand that you need to be direct.
No beating about the bush.
In fact, most of the time, in my third or the fourth message, I’m actually going to ask them if they’re open. I try to make it as irresistible as possible for them.
I may ask them a question like, “If I can show you a way to get your money working for you without taking your time, would you be open to that?” Or something like, “If I could show you how to spend more time with your family and create residual income on the side, is that something you’re looking for?”
You see, I ask it in a way they cannot say ‘no’ to. You can do that too and generate unlimited leads for MLM. Let me show you the step-by-step scripts:
Step 1:
First of all, I say, “Hey [First Name], thank you for connecting.” And then I ask a simple question, “Are you on LinkedIn for business or pleasure?”
Then, in the end, I add a little signature like, “Thanks. – Terry.”
They come back and typically say they are here for business. So that takes us to step 2.
Step 2:
In step 2, I ask them about their business. Something like. “John, thank you so much, I really appreciate that.
What company do you work for? How long you’ve been there? Looking forward to connecting. Terry.”
Step 3:
They’ll tell me whatever kind of business, and I’ll comment about that, and at that point in time I typically will say something like, “Well, a super professional guy like you, I’m assuming you keep your options open and I’m doing something cool!” and then I’ll ask questions to pique their interest.
It typically goes like this: “If I could show you a way that you could spend more time with your family and create more residual income, is that something you’re looking for?” I ask it in a different way every time.
From that point forward, well, we’re not going to talk about that here.
So if you’re wondering what do I say after that? How do I get them on the phone? What do I say on the phone?
Thank you for reading my blog post on how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in network marketing, and tips on how to generate unlimited leads for MLM. I hope you enjoyed it and got some valuable information out of it.
If you did, share it with your friends too.
Terry J Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
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