What is iBuumerang? That is what I’d like to throughly explain today to makes sure you completely understand what we do here at iBuumerang. If this is your first stop, at least become a customer.
As you’ll understand later on in this presentation “What Is iBuumerang” blog post, we get to give away amazing free “codes” or “buumerangs” to amazing people just like you. Before you go any further, become a iBuumerang customer.
This is one of the things that makes us here at iBuumerang radically different than any other network marketing company on the horizon. Pay attention but enjoy your customer experience first!
Welcome To iBuumerang!
Just Go To https://igobuum.com
Enter This Code: 347939

What Is iBuumerang |Why Now Is The Best Time
Now that you’re an iBuumerang customer & understand how amazing this cool concept can be, let’s go into the details of why iBuumerang, what is iBuumerang & why now!
Your prospects are sitting at home wondering what will happen with their lives & their livelihood. It’s absolutely insane! We are in a home business & now we have the opportunity to talk to folks that are insecure about their job taking care of them.
The world is telling them to stay home. This is 1 big reason why iBuumerang is seeing such amazing momentum & why you should absolutely take a very close look at iBuumerang as a solution in your life.
It Doesn’t Matter If You Get Knocked Down. It Only Matters If You’re The Same Person When You Get Back Up.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
With iBuumerang being about 1 year old as of March 11 of 2020, this airplane has taken off. It’s in launch mode at a fierce rate. In fact, if you don’t necessarily believe me, iBuumerang has set records in the short time they’ve been around.
If iBuumerang was in the top 25 of companies in their 1st year, it would be a huge success but Mr. Holton Buggs found his company at #1. Yes, that means the #1 company in the world in 2019. There is no better or faster growing company on the planet.
This is why you should watch the video below to find out exactly, “What Is iBuumerang”, I certainly don’t want you to miss out on the greatest network marketing momentum of it’s kind.
Watch the “What Is iBuumerang” video below to answer the questions you may have in your mind. Then, finish reading our blog post.
The Internet Will Create More Millionaires Than Any Other Source.
Bill Gates – What Is iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang
In a simple answer, throwing customers free buumerangs or good will, where they become free customers & you get financially incentivized to give away free buumerangs.
Become a free customer here so you understand what iBuumerang really is.
Just Go To https://igobuum.com
Enter This Code: 347939
Remember, the income or iBuumerang success that you see from others in presentations is directly tied to their work habits, effort & study. There are no guarantee’s except the same chance applies to everyone involved.

Network marketing has been the same archaic industry since the 1960’s when it was invented as a potential business platform. Essentially, it’s stayed the same.
We, as distributers, have the obligation to get good at selling products if we want to make great commissions. Our commission depends greatly on our ability to sell products within the industry of network marketing & keep in touch with our customers making sure they stay on the product.
Then, we must become great at upselling our customers to the next product that comes out within our company. We have to become great at the switch pitch!
I Know You Already Use Face Cream, Try Ours!
I Know You Already Have Home Goods, Ours Are Better!
Oh, You Wanna Lose Weight… Here You Go!
Terry Jay Gremaux – What Is iBuumerang

For the first time ever, iBuumerang success happens by you not selling a thing. It’s not your job to sell to your customers. It’s not your job to keep your customers. It’s not your job to upsell your customers.
That’s what the PRIB is for. In fact, for the 1st time in history we are highly encouraged to NEVER talk to our customers!
iBuumerang takes the responsibility to sell to your customers & use technology to make sure to incentivize your customers to use the platform & everything inside of the PRIB. (More On this Later In This Post)
Did you catch that?
This means that you bring the customers in for free & iBuumerang does all the heavy lifting for you! NO MORE SELLING!

We Are A Cutting Edge Opportunity.
We Are Redifining How The Network Marketing Industry Works.
We Are About 50 Years Ahead Of Our Time
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
See, typically in network marketing only the strong recruiters win. If you can’t recruit 50 to 100 people into your company, you lose in comparison to your goals.
Typically your customers pay more for the same dang product and you get the profit but your customers suffer.
In iBuumerang, you can win even if you just share our free technology with the world! Seriously, if you can share something for free, you can make iBuumerang work for you!

Welcome to the modern era of network marketing. We have technology to help ambassadors & customers win big. You only make money when your customers save money.
That’s right, your customers will never leave you! After all, why would they? It’s free and your customers are just saving money. When asked, what is iBuumerang, it’s a loaded question!
This is why I would like you to click below to get the full scoop on iBuumerang & truly understand… WHAT IS iBUUMERANG!
What Is iBuumerang | Visionairy Leadership

Johnny Wimbrey explains in the presentation at the top of this “What Is iBuumerang” blog post why he choose to leave 180k/month in income to play ball with iBuumerang.
When Is the Last Time You’ve Been Able To Team Up With Someone That Is The #1 On The Planet?
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
It’s all boils down to the above quote. Mr. Holton Buggs has been in the dirt of network marketing. He didn’t make over $500/month for his first 7 years in this industry.
Holton Buggs knows what it’s like to fall flat on your face time after time & get back up to start running again. He knows how to dig in the dirt & I believe that makes Holton Buggs the best CEO on the planet.
He was able to develop a system that created 45 millionaires and over 110 million dollars in his pocket in a 10 year stretch. There is literally no one that can even come close to those numbers.
He know what we need as ambassadors. He knows the systems to put in place because he built it. He’s built 45 millionaires. iBuumerang isn’t guesswork. It’s a proven concept that has been refined to perfection.
How can you lose with a guy that’s created 45 millionaires?
The tools you need, he builds them. This iBuumerang company was founded to be the company that Holton Buggs would love to be a distributer of. It’s just crazy what is happening here.
Holton Buggs Launched iBuumerang Because His Vision Outgrew His Previous Company.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
This explains Holton Buggs. His goal is to find a handful of people that he can lead to break his previous record. Who does that? He wants to be the factor that causes others to break his records. Maybe that is you!

We have spoken about Holton Buggs & his incredible leadership. T. Gray is the VP of Operations & was another 7 figure earner inside the industry of network marketing.
Mark Kithcart is also an amazing marketing mind that was a 6 figure earner in network marketing with Holton Buggs in his previous company. It’s incredible to me that most of these guys are people that Holton Buggs has personally mentored. To me, that’s simply amazing!
David Manning is the CEO of Xstream Travel. He is the mind & the brains around how our travel booking engine. Without him, the success we are having at iBuumerang would not be.
Let’s not forget our Chief Giving Officer. Remember, iBuumerang is all about giving & Peter Hirsch is one of the most remarkable giving people you’ll ever meet. He heads up our foundation of feeding kids around the world & also has an incredible team in the field.
Our GMA – Edwin Haynes served as a wing man to Holton Buggs for the last 20 years. If Holton Buggs taught it, Edwin Haynes knows it. This guy is an incredible man to have in the field to have your back.
And last, but certainly not least, Lori Spears. She knows more about travel than more people will hope to see in their lifetime. She is our travel expert. The woman is absolutely incredible in terms of travel knowledge.

The PRIB of course. You’ve probably seen a word or 2 about the PRIB above in this text. It stands for Perpetual Residual Income Builder.
Here is what I must say. When you actually wrap your brain around the PRIB, you won’t sleep for days, no joke! I know it’s crazy, but this crazy technology is our product. If you get it just a little bit, you’re life will drastically change!
To understand the PRIB a tad, become a customer, if you haven’t.
What Is iBuumerang | The PRIB

Perpetual because the PRIB never sleeps & iBuumerang keeps stuffing the PRIB full of other products & services for your FREE customers to consume.
Residual because you earn income in a residual basis. This means that every single time a customer consumes a product or service, you get paid.
Income because no matter the product or service, commission is attached to it when your customer or a customer on your team consumes it. Remember, customers pay nothing to be involved.
Builder because iBuumerang will constantly build your income by introducing new products to the PRIB. This is the craziest Amazon-like concept you’ve ever heard of!

The PRIB actually does all the work for you. It follows up with your customers. It sells only what your customers actually want because it’s tracking what the look at & buy 24/7.
You notice how you never get mad at Amazon? This is because they only put things in front of you that you like. This is what the PRIB will do to your customers.
This gives you world class people power. In traditional home businesses, your ability to sell your product or service will make or break you!
Not at iBuumerang!

With the PRIB doing all the work for you from talking to your customers, upselling them on what they actually want to purchase to following up with them, you only have to put free customers in the pipeline. The PRIB will do all the other work.
When your team gets started, the PRIB helps them get a convention ticket, trains them, upgrades them, gives them orientation & kindly welcomes them to the iBuumerang family.
Thank You PRIB! Can you imagine with the PRIB can do for you?

iGo Travel is how your customer gets entered into the PRIB. From the moment your customer enters the PRIB, they are being analyzed. The PRIB goes to work collecting data to make sure the only offers your customer sees are offers your customer wants.
Are you seeing why “What Is iBuumerang” is much more than a 1 paragraph answer?

Let’s look at Amazon for a moment. Remember, they started with books. Why did Jeff Bezos do that?
To study his customer. He knew exactly where people were in their life by what they were reading. This enabled him to offer them exactly what they wanted to buy. This have created the largest company on the planet.
Amazon doesn’t create any products. Amazon is just a gateway to the world because you can have access to any product on the face of the planet. Yes, Amazon was genius!
That’s exactly what we, iBuumerang have done with travel. We have created the funniest thing on the planet to study our customers to give them exactly what they are seeking.
What time of year do they travel, what restaurants do they buy from, how many are in their group, what hotels do they book or do they love cruises…
You get the picture. This way, the PRIB can put the perfect offer in front of your perfect customer. When a new product is introduced, the PRIB will know exactly how to position it in front of your customer.
Put simply, the PRIB does all the work for you!
What Is iBuumerang | Incredible Savings With iGo

iBuumerang started out in the travel industry because of it’s size. 8 trillion dollars and increasing every single day. Who doesn’t love to travel! This is why the PRIB started out with travel.
See, other sites business plan is to make money on travel. This is why we can get such killer deals. That isn’t what iBuumerang is all about. We want to give you such amazing deals, like those above.
Just Go To https://igobuum.com
Enter This Code: 347939
So you fall in love with the savings of being a customer and the amazing treatment you’ll get with all the products here at iBuumerang. This way you’ll be a customer on all the services we ever offer you.
This is the reason why our prices are so cheap. We make very limited money as a company because our business plan isn’t to make money on travel. Our plan is to make you fall in love as a customer & keep buying over and over.
Sound like Amazon yet?

As you can see from above, our core services at iBuumerang are everything from hotels to homes to cruises & everything in between. On the right side, you see the additional activities rewards & savings.
This is where the PRIB goes to work for you. As you can see, Theme Park tickets, golf outings & wine clubs are all park of the extras. The PRIB will match your customer up with what they are guaranteed to love. This is why this opportunity with iBuumerang is mind blowing!

Let’s look at this example really quick.
You have signed up a customer. They saved $212 on their travel adventure. I just want to note, how cool is that?
You make 50% of the savings. In this case your travel savings bonus is $106.
Now, out of the other 50% savings, 35% of it is converted to commissionable volume to be dispersed throughout your team. This means you’ll make over-rides on all your teams customers!

Let’s go look at the income potential as a customer acquirer. This assumes you never bring someone on to your team. In this example, you’ve enrolled 10 customers by giving away something for absolutely free!
On average, a customer saves $600 per year by traveling with iGo. Simple math tells us with 10 customers, that is a savings of $6,000.
This means you’ll receive a $3,000 travel savings bonus annually from these customers that you gave something for free to!
How many 10’s of customers can you acquire by giving away good will?

Let’s say you want to go a little bit deeper. You’d like to build a team. Nothing crazy. Instead of focusing on your efforts alone, you’d like to build a team of people grabbing free customers!
We are assuming that you only have a team of 50 & each of them gets 10 customers. In this example, that is 500 customers total. Each customer saves $600 per year, just like in the previous example.
The customer volume is $575. This means your average monthly income would be $1,726 per month once your organization matures. My question is, could you get a few that get a few to build a team of 50?
Then iBuumerang is perfect for you!
What Is iBuumerang | The RideShare Industry

One of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry is ride share. This is why iBuumerang decided to tap into the ride share industry to own a piece of real estate that has been dominated by 2 other companies since inception.
You’ve never been financially incentivized to use ride share until now with VibeRides! See, when you told your friends & family about Uber & Lyft, you probably earned a small credit. Now you can create a massive income stream every time a ride happens inside of your iBuumerang organization!
VibeRides are coming to your city sometime soon. You can either wait until it arrives to take over or you can be prepared when it gets to your city. A consumer waits until it arrives but an entrepreneur decides that now is the time & get going. You’ve just got to decide which side of the plate you are on.
With VibeRides, you have the ability to choose your vibe. You choose the temperature & music playing when you choose your car on the app. Female drivers, this rocks! You have a ability to only have female drivers come pick you up & you can make sure you never pick up a guy. Safety First!
Are you an entrepreneur or a consumer?

Remember, iGo travel is the entry into the PRIB. VibeRides happens to be our 2nd vertical of services. Every vertical is a different industry completely. VibeRides with financially incentivize you to share us with your friends!
Just the ride share industry is a 24.4 billion dollar industry world wide & now you can tap into it yourself!
What is coming next? We don’t know but what I do know is now is the time to get started & start gathering customers like crazy!

With ride share being in massive momentum, there has never been a better time. The prediction is this industry will increase by 5 times in the next 3 to 5 years. All of your iGo customers will be incentivized by the PRIB to take a VibeRide when available.

This is absolutely crazy. There are 3 ways to earn inside of VibeRides.
Of course, you can drive. You will get the bulk of the fare that you’ll see in the next image. You can earn when others drive & you can earn with customers drive.
Check this out. You could have drivers that you sign up with VibeRides & you earn 3% on every single ride they ever take. That is absolutely insane. Are you starting to see the PRIB going to work for you?
How Much Money Do You Make When You’re Not Driving?
What If I Could Show You How To Earn When You’re Not Driving?
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang

The picture speaks for itself here. We need to understand that most fare’s aren’t going to be $100. This number just gives us a very easy multiplier to understand where the money is going.
Imagine the left side as a driver referrer. Every single drive our driver takes for the rest of his life you get paid for. There will be people that quit driving because they are making more money referring people than driving.
Do you understand how big VibeRides is?
Now, imagine the rider side. I don’t know about you but every single time I travel inside the USA, typically I take ride share to my hotel. Sometimes, I take ride share everywhere I go.
Every single time I use VibeRides for the rest of my life, you would make money. Do you understand how huge that is at scale? If you do, please click below & check the rest of this crazy tech company out!

The Faster You Can Say Yes, The More Opportunity That Exists For You.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
See, after the world says YES & iBuumerang is a household name, the opportunity will be much smaller. iBuumerang will be like Google. Did you google it?
Do you boomerang? You just have to decide if you’re going to take major advantage & get in now or wait until everyone says it’s a good idea. Either way, you’ll be coming on board. It just depends if you’d like to have more or less opportunity!

Just Go To https://igobuum.com
Enter This Code: 347939
Become an iBuumerang customer to see how this works. It’s truly simple. If you can do what I just did above, you can do this business.
We simply give out something for free to amazing people worldwide. They will become a free customer just like you!
Go ahead, go activate! This is what it means to buumerang!
Help Champion The Cause With Us!
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang | How To Earn With iBuumerang

The Xccelerator fast start bonus was put together for you. Really, it was put together to give us in the field a raise. What CEO ever does that in network marketing.
This means that even if 1 person really takes off in your organization, you are still getting paid on their every move.
So incredibly exciting! If you want to see the entire iBuumerang compensation plan, please click the link below.

This is the binary side of the iBuumerang compensation plan. The really cool thing about this is, you only have to bring on 2 people to activate this huge bonus inside of the compensation plan.
I’ve Never Seen Any Compensation Plan This High & The PRIB Rolls Everything Up To You!
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
How To Get Started With iBuumerang

I Have No Emotional Attachment To Which Level You Choose.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
What I can tell you is, there are major advantages for coming in at a higher level. In fact, 1st class allows you to have more travel benefits & to get paid more for doing the same amount of work.
All we do is go above & beyond to interrupt people’s lives with positivity! We teach others how to setup a business from home to take care of your families future.
We have a higher rate of commissions & there is no selling. Seriously, no selling required. We give away free sites as you’ve seen inside of this blog post. The PRIB does everything else for you.
Play At The Level You Want To Be At.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang | Why TeamDare With Terry Jay & Felicia Gremaux
There are so many teams that you could choose when you sign up with iBuumerang. I want to share a few things that make our team called TeamDare special.
We have Monday nights designed to expand your mind & get to know the other members that will have your back. It’s that good.
More than anything else, I’ll be the best fiend you’ve ever had. I’ll do 3 way calls for you to teach you how we’ve had some crazy success in the industry. It’s the little stuff that makes all the difference.
We’ve enrolled 92 ambassadors & counting so we know what we are doing. I’ve broken down every step of Holton Buggs system into bite sized chunks for you to master the game. This is the same system that created over 45 millionaires so we no longer have to guess or hope that what we are doing works.
We have a proven system. If you’re ready, shoot me a text or give me a call. I’d be happy to help you make the proper decision for you. You absolutely deserve success!