If you want to achieve MLM success, network marketing tips are indispensable to your advancement in this industry. In this Live Networker blog post, I want to teach you how to actually have fun while recruiting MLM prospects for your organization.
Usually, most network marketers looking for MLM success don’t have a lot of fun with what they do. They actually despise the fact that they have to talk to MLM prospects to recruit them.
Thus, I’m going to use this blog post to teach you how to have fun while on your road to MLM success. I’m convinced that this is the part where most MLM training fails – it makes network marketing look like a thankless job, and I disagree so I made this blog post.

Hopefully these network marketing tips make your path to MLM success more fulfilling.
Network Marketing Tips to Make Recruiting Fun
Before we talk about these network marketing tips, let’s discuss why we want to make this fun. Most people whose MLM success endeavours are mundane probably think, “Well, this is a job after all.”
No. Network marketing is a volunteer sport.
1. Focus On Connecting
You need to have fun with what you do if you want MLM success. So if you enjoy talking to MLM prospects, you’ll want to do it more.
You’ll put your heart and soul into it, and because of that, you’ll have more MLM success. Now, let’s move onto our network marketing tips for MLM success.
I want you to focus on connecting with the MLM prospect you are talking to, be it on LinkedIn or anywhere else.
- Focus on trying to create a sale.
- Be obsessed with getting them to join your comapny.
- Overthink about how to make the most money.
If you make these mistakes, you’ll fail. Here’s why:
MLM success depends on your relationships with your MLM prospects. Hence, it’s not based on selling people over and over. We hear it all the time in network marketing that ‘we share, we do not sell.’

We do need to sell product, but network marketing is all about sharing stories that inspire people to join our company. It’s not just about retailing a product to your MLM prospects.
2.Make Friends
If you focus on forging friendships and listening to your MLM prospects and their issues, it’ll be easy to tell them about your company and tell your story. But if you form good relationships with your MLM prospects, MLM success will also come to you as a byproduct.
It’s one of my favourite network marketing tips, because it’s a pretty good skill to have even in your normal life – success comes from being willing to forge friendships.
3. Erase Money
If you go after MLM prospects with only money in mind, you’ll fail – no MLM success for you. The reason is simple: we all hate to be sold, but all of us love to buy.
This is why, to me, MLM training is often lacking – it doesn’t teach you how to get MLM success by having fun while talking to your MLM prospects. One of my network marketing tips is not to focus solely on money, and try to enjoy the process of talking to MLM prospects as well.

4. Be Interested In People
We discussed this earlier, but MLM success comes from talking to MLM prospects about our products and services so they purchase them. To do this consistently, we have to talk to cold-market people, because our warm market is going to run out.
In order to do this, we have to step out of our comfort zone and talk to strangers.
Most MLM prospects who will increase your business are strangers. If you don’t enjoy calling them, they won’t want to talk to you either.
So here’s another one of my network marketing tips… To get MLM success, forget the money for a while and just learn to love connecting to MLM prospects and listening to them.
This will attract them to you; they’ll most likely want to join your team and you’ll get the MLM success you want.
Why Most MLM Training Misses the Boat
Most MLM training fails at a certain point – because it’s too focused on scripts, information and doing everything in a certain way. It does not even considering fun as a part of MLM success.
In fact, most MLM training usually focuses on hammering it into your head that no matter what you do, you have to do it in a particular order. The problem with that is that network marketing is a volunteer sport, and if we’re not having fun, we’ll withdraw from this whole industry.

My network marketing tips focus on making sure you don’t see MLM as a soul-crushing job, but as something that can be fun and fulfilling.
The War Room is entirely different from most MLM training. In the War Room, I teach you how to have fun recruiting MLM prospects.
We make a game out of it, with a points system, so we have fun while trying to achieve MLM success.
In fact, there’s a $1000 prize at the end of the War Room. This is why I believe the War Room is by far the best MLM training program for MLM success.
Not only does it give you the network marketing tips you need, but it teaches you to have fun and be invested in what you do.
The War Room Welcomes You
Click the button below and you’ll be redirected to the War Room page, where you can check out what the best MLM training program is really about. It’s simple: a two-day event that teaches you how to have fun while recruiting MLM success.
Additionally, I will give you network marketing tips to instruct you on how to achieve MLM success in your chosen company.
Don’t let time go to waste – click the button below to check out our War Room page.
Thank you for reading this blog on network marketing tips on how to have fun while trying to achieve network marketing success.
Talk soon,