Don’t you absolutely HATE network marketing objections stopping your path to mlm success in your company? I completely get it 100%! That’s is the sole reason why I wanted to go above & beyond to share with you how to handle objections in network marketing with written & video coverage of each objection.
Some of you might want to wish you had more network marketing objections stopping you. That at least means that you have enough mlm leads that you’re having to deal with problems like how to handle objections in network marketing.
Inside this blog about objection handling in network marketing, I’ll approach every single network marketing objection that I’ve ever come across in my 16 year crazy career so you can have more mlm success. In fact, my objective is to do a video on each network marketing objection so I would watch and listen very closely.
Let’s get started crushing those network marketing objections that are stopping you in your tracks. Before we get started, if you don’t have enough leads to have network marketing objection problems, please click the link below. We certainly will take care of those problems for you!
The Mindset Behind Handling Objections For MLM Success
Understand that most people are flat lying to you when they give you a network marketing objection. They don’t tell you the truth because they’re afraid to tell you no. The objection that arises when you ask them to get started isn’t the real reason that they’re not getting started. This might make you a little bit mad or frustrated.
As you guys already know, LinkedIn mlm prospecting is my absolute favorite way to find professional leads to build your business. It’s magic & I find it much easier to create mlm success. But if you don’t know how to be a master on the phone, it’s useless.
Remember, most of the world is managing their own feelings. It’s not because of something you did but you certainly could do a better job of handling network marketing objections as well.
Most people are very weak inside and would rather come up with some strange excuse why they can’t get started like, “Is this a pyramid scheme”, rather than say, “it’s not for me”. You’ve got to be able to gage the energy even if you found them while LinkedIn mlm prospecting.
Network marketing objection handling is about you having enough gumption and posture to stand up to your prospects to actually find out what the real objection is. The real network marketing objection never comes out if you don’t have rapport or you allow the prospect make the first move.
How To Handle Objections In Network Marketing
The first step in handling network marketing objections like a pro to create mlm success is immediately deciding if your prospect is even worthy of your time. Would you like stay on a ship with them for an entire week? Are they connected or the type of person you’d like to work with?
If not, let those network marketing objections that they’ve given you eat them up & kindly let them go. When I’m using LinkedIn mlm prospecting to take my business to the next level, I pay very close attention to who I’m spending time with.
If You Spend All Your Time With Duds, You’ll Never Find The Studs.
Terry Jay Gremaux – The Network Marketing Objections Blog
If their tone of voice suggests any negativity, heavy political or religious, I just let them go. It’s too hard to enroll & sponsor, to enroll the wrong people. Sometimes, network marketing objections are a great way to simply let people go that aren’t worthy of your time.
A few qualities I DON’T want to see in a prospect are:
- Negativity
- Heavy on politics
- Over bounds on religion
- Heavy on talking bad about others
- Seeing the glass half empty
- Lack of energy
- Lack of confidence
- Bad feeling
- Talks about losing or things being hard
Follow Your Intuition In LinkedIn MLM Prospecting
Of course, this should be in all forms of recruiting but I’m going to talk specifically about LinkedIn mlm prospecting because it’s what I’m all about. If you like me, my brand & what we do here, LinkedIn for network marketing will work very well for you.
I always listen to my gut when I’m using my LinkedIn for network marketing strategies. It’s your best tool that you have in the shed. It’s like your go-to. It’s never, ever wrong. If you truly want to create massive mlm success inside of your company, ALWAYS trust your gut!
I’ve prospected thousands of people using LinkedIn & signed up 100’s as reps and multiple hundred as customers and…
Still to date, I have not enrolled someone or had a good experience when my gut told me to let them go. Your head will get in the way with network marketing objections and want you to enroll some people. Always follow the feeling in your gut, it’s never been wrong for me!
The Process Of Objection Handling In Network Marketing
- Clarify the objection
- Ask the question
- Always ask to get started again
- Or BAMFAM “Book A Meeting From A Meeting”
A network marketing objection is simply a question or concern before someone gets started. It’s truly silly that we are scared of them. The easy way to answer how to handle network marketing objections is to understand how to answer questions in the proper manner.
If you do that, network marketing objections will never be a problem again for you & mlm success is imminent.
Mastering All Network Marketing Objections Is Simple
Now, what ya’ll have wanted all along. Answers to each individual network marketing objection in TheLiveNetworker fashion. I love to handle these objections like I’m using my LinkedIn for network marketing strategies. It works terrific & I want you to explode your mlm success!
Network Marketing Objections #1 – I Don’t Have The Time
First of all, this network marketing objection is partly true. If we diagnose why you get this network marketing objection, it comes up because your prospects day is already filled.
Even if they are sitting on the couch eating bon-bons, their day is still filled. Your ability to get over this objection depends on your ability to show them they do have time.
John, so you’re saying if you could see that you had and extra hour in the day to work your business, you’d be all in? (Assume the close)
Typically, they will say yes to that question.
What hours do you work? What does your schedule look like?
My entire goal is to share with him where he can gather 5 – 10 per week to work his business with my help. As soon as I do that, I’ve overcame that objection.
I then say… John, are you ready to get started so we can help you get your time back to spend with your family?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – I Don’t Have The Time
Network Marketing Objections #2 – I Don’t Have The Money
I don’t have enough money to get started. Most of the time, this objection is a bold face lie. They have the money, it’s a priority battle. They are seeing your opportunity as a money spend, NOT as an investment in a business.
Just to clarify Betty, you simply don’t have $99 dollars in your bank account, is that correct?
Ask this follow-up question. You don’t have a credit card with $99 dollars of credit on it, correct?
Typically they will say, no, I do but… (you now know they have mislead you)
So, you really have the money, it’s a matter of prioritization, am I correct?Betty will say YES.
You then need to diagnose what Betty is spending her money on instead of getting started.
I will ask, Betty, when will you have $99 available to get started so you never have this problem again?
She will tell me a date. So, if I call you on June 25th, you’ll have it for sure – correct?
Then you call her on that date to get her started.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections — The Money Question
Network Marketing Objections #3 – I Don’t Know Anybody
This objection is typically just a bluff. It’s so easy to show them they do know people. That’s all I want to do but with a take-away.
You know that they know people but if they fight you too dang hard, just let them go.
John, how many contacts do you have in your phone?
How many friends do you have on Facebook?He’ll give you numbers like 50 & 800 friends on Facebook. (averages)
You have people to talk to, what’s the real reason you don’t want to get started?
Then ask to get started. John, are you ready to get started making money today?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – I Don’t Know Anybody
Network Marketing Objections #4 – I Don’t Want To Bug Your Friends & Family
I don’t want to bug my friends and family. This network marketing objection comes from a specific situation their friends have had. They believe network marketing is about bugging friends and family and drawing circles on the whiteboard.
See, this happens. If you want to be a network marketing professional, this objection is about knowing the importance of generating more leads. If you consistently do this, you’ll have a solution for this question.
I highly recommend the prospect to start out with their warm market because that is how they will make the most money fast. but if they don’t want to, I simply direct them to information that would allow them to talk to strangers & win in network marketing.
For me, I always recommend LinkedIn for network marketing because it’s so simple & they are guaranteed to recruit rockstar people into their organization. Here is a link that will help you learn more about LinkedIn for network marketing.
I would highly encourage you to not only read it but share it with your team. Now you have a way to learn how to get leads from LinkedIn when you have nobody to talk to.
Tell me about your experience in network marketing or why you think you need to bug your friends and family.
Don’t defend or interrupt them. Simply let them tell you about their experience.They will tell you exactly what you need to do & say to enroll them.
Then say, are you ready to get started making money without ever bugging your friends and family?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – I Don’t Want To Bug Family & Friends
Network Marketing Objections #5 – I Have To Think About It
You can’t debunk this objection. You’ve got to figure out what they need to think about before you can go any further. This isn’t an objection but most of us fall into this very big trap.
This network marketing objection will trip you up if you are not careful. It’s actually not an objection. By definition, an objection will give you what you need to know to answer a question. I have to think about it will never give you the proper information.
This objection is by far the culprit of the most money lost of any of them. We have to diligently ask what they are needing to think about. This will help us out tremendously.
John, what exactly do you need to think about so I can get you over the proper information? BTW, if you’re trying to say no, it’s completely okay.
Give them a take-away and typically they will come back to you crawling.
Then John will tell you what you need to know enroll him or send information to him.
Send the appropriate information and ask him, when will you have reviewed the information for sure?Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – I Need To Think About It
So, I can call you on January 24th and you would have reviewed the information for sure, correct?
Network Marketing Objections #6 – I’m Not A Salesman
I’m not a salesman. What an amazing network marketing objection that you can easily debunk. Like most objections, understand that this is coming from their experience. You should just ask a simple little question.
What about your experience today made you think that you needed to be a great salesman?
Remember, the way you bring people into your business is typically how hey will think they must bring people into the business. If you do things in your network marketing company in a non-salesy way, they won’t ask such questions.
I highly suggest using 3 way calls as much as you possibly can. This allows the prospect to see that network marketing is a team sport. Also, don’t be the presentation. If you present your network marketing business instead of using a tool.
What I’ve noticed is if you use tools & 3 way calls appropriately, this objection will never come up. In case you would like to see how to be an expert in 3 way calling, click the link below!
Network Marketing Objections #7 – Is MLM A Scam?
This network marketing objection is laughable but the prospect just don’t know any better. Your prospect is going off of what they’ve heard in the past from friends and obviously has no solid facts.
What your job is, is to create posture & confidence. Don’t fight with a fighter, ever. A debate won’t win your anything in this network marketing objection. You simply want to ask a question.
When you ask questions of your prospect, it makes them understand how silly they seem.
What do you mean, scam? (making them answer usually leaves them speechless)
NEVER get defensive and explain why their work place is a scam.
Simply ask them the question and that will determine whether or not you want to cover this objection or let them go.
If you don’t want to work with them say, I don’t think this is a fit for you but I appreciate.Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – Is MLM A Scam?
If you do, simply say, are you ready to get started and legitimately start making money today?
Network Marketing Objections #8 – Is This A Pyramid Scheme
Kinda like the last scam question. I actually love this question. Typically, you’ll never get it from super high-level people. The fact that this gets asked let’s you know where the person sits in their mind.
In order to answer your question, can you please tell me what a pyramid scheme is? (playing dumb and making them answer the question puts you in power)
They may say, well one of those Amway things?
I’ll typically say, what is your experience in network marketing? Have you or a family member been involved in the past?
I want to hear their story and that will tell me…Whether I want to work with them.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – Is This A Pyramid Scheme?
Why they are telling me this.
What I need to do or say to enroll them.
Network Marketing Objections #9 – What Is It?
This typically is an objection BEFORE they see the video or say yes to an exposure. They are really saying, tell me why it’s worth my time to watch your video.
The real reason why most people get this objection is they didn’t set the stage. We failed to allow someone to know that we were busy. If we are actually busy, our prospect would never ask us silly questions like this.
This network marketing objections is really like saying, can you please tell me enough to tell you no. It’s really that simple. Your prospect needs to watch the video or your presentation.
I want you to listen to a multi-millionaire train on inviting. It will help you out significantly so you NEVER get this objection ever again!
Would you be open to a side project?
What is it?You need to put it in a sexy line for them, that they can understand. Let’s assume they are a real estate agent.
I’ll say, it’s a way for you to generate wealth on a residual basis that won’t take up a ton of your time. Would that be worth 45 minutes of your time?
PLEASE don’t say… Would you be interested in a side project that doesn’t interfere? (it’s a lie. Their time is currently being taken up by something already.)
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – What Is It?
Network Marketing Objections #10 – I Have To Ask My Spouse
I have to ask my spouse. Let them. Never try to take this away from them. You want their spouse to be on board with them but you want their spouse to see it like they did.
I will never ever try to hard close someone on this network marketing objection. This is so wrong to do & there are trainers that are teaching this garbage. Instead, we want to set up another meeting also called BAMFAM & get both of them on the phone at the same time.
The fact is, you need to get both husband & wife in the same room so you can talk to them both. The husband isn’t going to explain properly to the wife himself. This is why it’s imperative to BAMFAM the to the next call together if you want to have mlm success.
Let me talk with my spouse.
No worries, I think that’s a fantastic idea. I tell you what, instead of you trying to explain it, let’s jump on the phone in the next 48 hours together.
Would Saturday or Sunday be better for you?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – Let Me Talk To My Spouse
Network Marketing Objections #11 – How Much Money Do You Make
This network marketing objection is fun to me. We always have to ask ourselves, what is the prospect really asking? If you just answer this question, you will fall into a bear trap that is impossible to get out of.
The true question that your prospect is attempting to ask here is, how much money can I make in this company. They only ask you because you are on the phone talking to them. They are looking for validation.
Whether you make a lot of money or not, I highly suggest not answering this question if you like mlm success. You simply should simply re-ask the question back to the prospect & conduct a 3-way call. 3rd party credibility is so dang important.
Well, how much money are you making so far?
I appreciate your question. Are you really asking how much money can be made in this XYZ company?
I thought so. I have a guy that I know a little bit. He’s an up & coming leader inside our company & poised to be making 7 figures soon. I don’t know if I can get him on the phone but if do you think you would benefit from a short conversation with him?
When you position correctly, they always say yes! Then, of course, you execute a 3-way call correctly & sign them up!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – How Much Money Do You Make
Network Marketing Objections #12 – How Long Have You Been Doing It
This network marketing objection takes on a different turn. Your prospect is simply trying validate that your network marketing opportunity is going to work for them.
This really isn’t an objection in network marketing. It’s more like a validation that your prospect can do it. You should never actually answer this question to the T.
A lot of times with network marketing objections, we should never answer the exact question. Instead, we should answer what the prospect is trying to ask but the words are not aligning for them. In this case, the prospect is asking if they can really do it.
Prospect : How long have you been doing it?
I’ve been here for 12 months but I think you’re really trying to ask how successful YOU can actually be, is that correct?
Prospect : Yeah
Here is something cool. I know a guy that has been in this company from the start. He’s an up & coming leader inside this company & incredibly successful.
If I’m able to snag 5 minutes of his time (he’s really busy) would you look forward to hearing from him so you can determine if this is a great fit for you?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – How Long Have You Been Doing It
The prospect is really looking to see if they can be successful. This is a perfect opportunity for you to bring in a 3 way call. Anytime you have the ability to set up a 3 way call, you want to jump on that opportunity.
Network Marketing Objections #13 – I Need To Try The Products 1st
I love this objection in network marketing because it’s a buying question. It’s not a network marketing objection to stump you. The translation in prospect language is, I really like it but I’d like to try the product first.
Prospect: I’d really like to try the products first
That sounds like a fantastic 1st step. Let’s get you on the product & I’ll reach back out to you in 2 to 3 weeks to see if the business is a great fit for you.
A lot of amazing success stories on the business side start with an incredible product story!
Now, which product would you like to start with?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections – Need To Try The Products
The trick with this network marketing objection is simple. Don’t let them off the phone before you ask them to buy & take their credit card over the phone. If you fail to do this, you’ll fail to get an order most of the time.
Make sure you transition your prospect into a customer before you get off the phone with them. They are at a high emotionally & you don’t want their negative mind to go to work. You can only change their life if you get them on your products.
Network Marketing Objections #14 – I Tried It & It Didn’t Work
This network marketing objection usually comes from someone who has been under bad leadership or is an excuse maker. Yo need to figure out which one they are.
A lot of times people are asked to do things that do not produce results. They run circles putting into action activities that will not recruit others or sell any product, therefore they believe that the business doesn’t work.
Here are some questions I’ll ask to clarify the prospect’s network marketing objection.
Can you tell me exactly what you were doing?
Why do you think “it” doesn’t work?
Have you ever have proven leadership to work with?
Are you asking this question to be in or out?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Network Marketing Objections Scripts
This last question is the most important of them all. Some of your prospect’s will be asking questions & giving excuses to get out or disqualify themselves. Others will give you objections as questions to get in.
Your job as a good sponsor is to help them make an informed decision by asking the proper questions.
Network Marketing Objections #15 – I Already Have A Good Job
Network Marketing Objections #16 – Only People At The Top Make Money
Network Marketing Objections #17 – I Can Get the Products Cheaper
Network Marketing Objections #18 – I’m Not The Networking Type
Network Marketing Objections #19 – My Friend Lost Money In One Of Those Things
Network Marketing Objections #20 – There Is Too Much Competition
Network Marketing Objections #21 – I’m Not good with Technology
Network Marketing Objections #22 – I Don’t Want To Call My Warm Market
Network Marketing Objections #23 – I Don’t Like People
Network Marketing Objections #24 – Where Do you Get Your Clients
This sums up the 24 network marketing objections that you may get when recruiting in network marketing. I think it’s a very sure sign that you’re on the right track to mlm success.
Remember that objections in network marketing will happen no matter what or how good you are. Don’t shy away from them, just understand how to make sure you answer correctly.
At the end of the day, you discover & master the art of handling objections in network marketing, mlm success is yours. The really cool thing is, you get to pick how amazing you’d like your success to be!
6 Tips On How To Handle Rejection In Network Marketing
The last think I’d like to talk to you about today is network marketing rejection. The very thing that will cause most people to quit before they get started. I certainly don’t want you to quit before you find mlm success either.
10 Reasons Why Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Eliminates Network Marketing Objections
Wouldn’t it be GREAT if you could eliminate most all network marketing objections just by running your business using LinkedIn for network marketing?

Well, the awesome news is, you can. You can nearly crush every objection before you start just by fishing in a different pond using LinkedIn for network marketing. When you are speaking to professionals, everything changes.
I will roll through several different core reasons why if you simply start using LinkedIn for network marketing, you’ll NEVER have to deal with most of the objections above!
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #1 – Money
When you start using Linkedin for network marketing, this network marketing objection fades away. The average income on LinkedIn is over 100k. You will no longer receive this silly objection.

The Average Income On LinkedIn Is 100k/year.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
This is why I love LinkedIn MLM Prospecting so much. I can talk to professional people that are open to conversation but don’t have to deal with the craziness of stupid objections.
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #2 – Time
Look, people on LinkedIn are busy people but that’s the exact reason I love them. They understand appointments, showing up & managing their time.

If You Want To Get Something Done, Find A Busy Person.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
When you start using Linkedin for network marketing, you’ll find that the majority of folks will show up to your appointment on time. They will find time to fit your opportunity into their schedule because they’ve done that forever.
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #3 – Decisive
Business minded people from LinkedIn are decisive. This isn’t to say they always join or they always make the right decision but at least they decide.

Winners Are Always Decisive… PERIOD!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
This is a huge reason why I love using LinkedIn for network marketing. It gives me the ability to make 100% sure that I’ll be dealing with someone that can make a decision. Yes’s are great, no’s are good but maybe’s are gonna kill you!
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #4 – Connected
Using LinkedIn for network marketing creates the guarantee that you’ll be dealing with people that are already connected. Their phone is full of interested parties that would love to create more income in their life.

Using LinkedIn Makes Duplication Easy!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
Professionals entire world is about connections. I don’t need to teach them this asset. The question about knowing people who would be interested is completely foolish to ask. They never will. This is how you can create duplication super fast.
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #5 – Professional
Yes, professional! You will never again have to worry about scam or pyramid type questions. Remember, these are professionals. They are going to be polite, show up to appointments & do what they say they are going to do.

Professionals Are Different!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
It’s so refreshing using LinkedIn for network marketing because it guarantee’s I’ll be talking to amazing professional people. Professionals do things on a entirely different level than the normal person. Duplication becomes easy with professionals! Try it.
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #6 – Validation
Validation is something that the common person is always looking for. They are not decisive therefore they ask you things such as how much money are you making & how long have you been working this business.

Seeking Validation Is For The Weaker Folks. Professionals Are Not Weak!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
The amazing thing about using LinkedIn for network marketing is you will never again worry about this. Professionals certainly do go to others including their spouse looking for validation. They need no validation. It’s easy for them to make a decision on their own!
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #7 – Opportunity
The ability to see opportunity is what creates success among professional people. The glass is either half full or it’s half empty. Professionals have had the success that they’ve had because of seeing opportunity.

Opportunity Is Usually Overlooked Because It Looks Too Much Like Work.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
When you’re using LinkedIn for network marketing, you’ll understand that professionals at least are open to looking at opportunity. This is how they got to where they are today. They took advantage of opportunity & took a risk.
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #8 – Direct
One my favorite reasons to recruit on LinkedIn is their directness. I don’t have to worry about my prospect not wanting to take a phone call or possibly taking something too seriously. They are on LinkedIn because they are decisive, direct & professional.

Being Decisive & Direct Are 2 Major Players In The Ability To Be Successful.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
Using LinkedIn for network marketing will make it easy for you to do business with your people. Professionals take away most every con you may have about network marketing & calling people. Professionals are decisive & direct. This is a perfect combination!
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination #9 – Process Based
Professionals are processed based & this means gold for you. As long as you have a system that people can follow, you now have people that you can recruit & create duplication so easy!

Create A Proven System & Professionals Will Duplicate Your Effort.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
Using LinkedIn for network marketing gives you the ability to have a process rocked every time. Professionals have been using processes to create monster success for a long time. From their time in school to the real world. If you have a process, make duplication easy by using LinkedIn for network marketing!
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Elimination#10 – Successful
Yes! Professionals have been successful in life. They have graduated college & some of them even have a MBA. This means they understand what winning is all about!

The Easiest Way To Predict Success Is To Examine The Track Record Of Life. Professionals Make This Easy.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
The easiest test to create to see if someone is going to be successful in network marketing is look at their track record. When using LinkedIn for network marketing, we quickly understand that they’ve been successful in life & that’s what has go them to where they are today.
This explain why using LinkedIn for network marketing just puts you in a league of your own. It creates the ability for you to win at a higher level. It eliminates most all network marketing objections before they ever arise.
This is why you would start using LinkedIn for network marketing to make duplication easy in your business as well. Click the button below to find out more to create more success in your life!
With Generosity,
Terry Jay Gremaux
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This helps me become better at everything I do to bring better content to you. I appreciate you!
PPS… Would you like to increase your enrollment percentage 250%? How about your referral percentage by 300%? This (CLICK HERE) is how we did it!