How To Generate Leads On LinkedIn With Ease
In the business world, you rarely get as good as you give.
Until now. Linked With Generosity is here to change that.
Using the power of LinkedIn to generate leads, we’ve developed a system where you’ll generate more referrals and more leads from LinkedIn than you could even have imagined.
The Linked With G[IN]erosity course was made by compiling over 80 modules we’d used to generate leads on LinkedIn over the years. We decided to simply give everything away instead of charging you.
Now, the time has come to pass that knowledge on to you. Let’s come together to experience a life linked with generosity through the power of LinkedIn!

“How do you remember that?” Kal stated over a Facebook message. I simply replied back by saying, “Because I care”.
He was shocked that I had remembered a phrase that he said weeks prior. Kal is just a guy that I met on LinkedIn doing exactly what I teach, doing business Linked With Generosity.
17 Referrals & 2 Group Webinars Later
Yes, you read that correctly. Kal has put 17 people in front of me to potentially buy our products & set me up for 2 group webinars.
I didn’t ask him to do that. No joke. This last time he sent me a Facebook message. He had spoken to his top leader in his company. He took it upon himself to setup a webinar so I could present to them.
How does this happen? How can you MAKE people DESIRE to help you?
What if it were by design? You could live by a simple formula in business that would feel good and others would LOVE being in your world.
This is the story of being LinkedIn With Generosity & how to generate leads on LinkedIn the right way. I will specifically articulate what is so important & how you can have the same exact result as us.
Generating Leads On LinkedIn Starts Here
To tell this story, I thought it was very important to share that Kal is a real dude that I met on LinkedIn doing exactly what I teach in Linked With Generosity. This isn’t some bullshit story to get you all hyped up. Just click on his picture above & send him a Facebook message to verify.
Now that we got the messy stuff out of the way, let’s move on to the start of the call. I recall getting that appointment booked on my calendar. I was nervous and a tad scared. Yes, I’ve taken a few THOUSAND calls but I was a touch shaky.
Kal is a very impressive dude. You can check out his LinkedIn profile (that we built) here and see what I mean. I remember wanting to cancel our appointment thinking he wouldn’t want anything to do with me & then…

But I didn’t. I knew how to shut those stupid voices off in my head & just be me. Oh yeah, I teach you how to do that too.
And it happened. I didn’t know that this would turn into one of the greatest friendships when I took the call but it did.
I took a moment of silence slightly before the call to focus my attention on him. As nervous inside as I was, I knew my methods of generosity work. We all love to feel important.
All I needed to do is get Kal in flow and allow him to do all of the work & that is what I did. From the opening word, all I thought about was serving Kal & making his life different because he met me.
He took the time out of his day to jump on the phone with me, it was my obligation now to make it worth it for him. Deep down knowing that if I made him feel amazing, he would want to flood my world with goodness.
“Would you want to learn more about how you can generate leads from Linkedin?” I asked finishing the conversation & booking the next call.
He said absolutely! I knew what the answer would be. Imagine feeling so special that another person would like to hear you speak and be interested in your story for a good 45 minutes. You feel obligated to say “Yes”. Linked With Generosity, by design, will create more people saying Yes to you.
Before we got to the next call, I received a message. A deeply grateful message. Ya know those moments in life where you realize that others truly have your best interest at heart & it’s special. The energy in Kal’s voice shot confidence into my soul.
He had received a gift package in the mail. Generosity is an action folks, not just words. If you truly want to start generating leads on LinkedIn you must bring Generosity into every situation you possibly can. This radically shifted the trust in our relationship.

True Generosity NEVER Goes Out Of Style
From that moment forward, I never that me and Kal had something special. Sounds like I’m writing about my lover right now. In a weird sense, he is. We love doing business together and we now trade referrals back and forth daily.
If you want to win in business, I hope you fall in love with making people feel special. If you do, you’re in for a big surprise.
They will never care about you until they FEEL how much you care. When you stop worrying about your agenda and focus in on people, your world will change. You, the person who is reading this page, can’t fight the way another person makes you feel.
It causes you to be drawn to them, to want to make their life better. This is a natural trigger within us all called reciprocity that makes business easy for you. This is what Linked With Generosity is all about.
Kal is just 1 big story. These stories arise from my clients & my personal prospects on a daily basis. The question is, do you want to discover the ridiculously easy way to do business? Would you love others to shower you with referrals?
After we generated over 50,000 leads on LinkedIn, I decided to give away my secrets, special scripts & all the goodies that create stories like Kal every day.
What would it be worth for you to have just 1 Kal story in your life? Someone who puts 17 referrals into your life in a 3 week period. Would your life be a touch different?
Linked With Generosity was built for you. 80 modules sharing with you precisely every step of generating leads on LinkedIn & how to convert them into sales.
Below, you’ll see the description of each section. The price is nothing to you but what will you lose if you don’t take action? You will have to answer that question for yourself because I can’t.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to get started NOW! I’ll see you on the inside & I’m excited to hear your story of greatness!

Section 1 : The Linked With G[in]erosity Concept
Get familiar with the concept of Linked With G[in]erosity! You’ll become part of our community, connect with us, join our birthday club (yes, we’ll celebrate) and find out what it really means to be linked with generosity.
Section 2 : The Problem
Trust us, we know – there’s nothing worse than a cold market. But more than that, once we teach you to generate quality leads consistently, you’ll learn how to remain in the sweet spot between having enough people to talk to and having way too many leads – too much juggling sets you back, so we’ll teach you how to manage it.
Section 3 : The Mental Game
Learn how to define success and non-success, with insight from a personal story by Terry. Learn how to connect deeply with people and radiate an energy that makes them want to talk to you. You’ll learn what keeps people hooked, and how to avoid losing their interest.
Section 4 : The Crux of Success
Find out how generosity and the act of giving can lead to success. You’ll learn how to open new doors to opportunities that you weren’t even aware existed, simply by learning how generosity is the crux of success.
Section 5 : Perfecting Your LinkedIn Profile
A memorable LinkedIn profile is a surefire way to get people to work with you! You’ll find out how to make that all-important first impression one that will lead to success and get you calls from quality leads.
Section 6 : Creating Opportunity With Perfect Messaging
Find out how the perfect messaging sequence – focusing on consistency, emotion and a mutually beneficial attitude – can create windows of opportunity. From the first message to continued correspondence, you’ll learn how best to carry it out.
Section 7 : Your Secret Weapon To Create Unlimited Referrals
This is where it really gets intense! There’s a way to create a referral from ANYONE, you simply have to know how. By learning this all-important piece of our toolkit, you’ll know how you can create unlimited referrals anytime, anyplace.
Section 8 : The Magic Call
It’s time to make that phone call! This section teaches you what to think about before, during and after the call; how to keep the flow of conversation going; and how to get the words spoken to work in your favor.
Section 9 : Creating Credibility
By the time you’ve made it this far in the course, you’ll know the process. Now you need to know the periphery: what kind of person will work best with you? How can you make a powerful call to action that gets people to call you? You’ll learn these finishing touches and more in this section.
Section 10 : The Conundrum
Job satisfaction is so important in our line of work, because it takes up so much of your headspace. Learn how we trip up in trying to gauge our success, and what really creates happiness in work.
The Extras : Unwritten Rules
The unsaid things that can push you that much closer to success.
Terry Jay Gremaux
Linked With G[IN]erosity Co-Founder
Terry Jay Gremaux created over 50,000 leads on LinkedIn in the past 8 years. Based on generosity, he was able to create a systematic process to create unique, qualified leads.
Now, he has brought his process to serve you. The Linked With Generosity program was birthed to be different. To bring compassion & generosity back to business.
Look no further. The Linked With Generosity will deliver leads on LinkedIn that are excited to speak with you. If you’re ready for a completely different approach bathed in generosity, The Live Networker is a perfect fit for you.
Our success (or lack of success) in business all comes down to the relationship we have with our prospects and clients.
Terry has mastered the art of Generosity, and from our first interaction, he made us feel like we were the most important people on the planet.
And of course, he won our business! We do not doubt that following his advice will help us retain and close more business.
From the minute I picked up the phone and had my first conversation with Terry I could sense he was genuine and authentic. I felt as though he was truly interested in getting to know me and learn more about my business – not just trying to pitch me or sell to me.
After a friendly phone conversation he followed through on everything he said he would do. Then, I was pleasantly surprised to find a nice gift in the mail just a few days later which reminded me of our conversation and brought a smile to my face.
Truly everything he and his team do is based in generosity. I look forward to working with him.
Terry displays an un-denying passion for what he does in his respective field. Great energy and personable.
A true, geniune relationship-builder & goes above and beyond to ensure you are able to get the assistance you need. Highly recommend.
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