Over time I will be breaking the Cash Cow up into pieces to describe ever piece. For now, here is the full version. I highly suggest you take a very deep look at what Holton Buggs is teaching to create iBuumerang success.
If you knew you could create even 1% of what he created, would you? That’s over 1 million dollars. Seriously, it’s ridiculous to think we have the opportunity to do this big.
After you understand how the networking profession works by listening & watching this video, tell me. Then we can go have fun. This is like a short degree in network marketing. I won’t hold you back any more. Enjoy the Cash Cow with Holton Buggs.
Let’s turn your iBuumerang business it up a notch.
Edwin Haynes – How To Create iBuumerang Success
Edwin Haynes has become an iBuumerang millionaire in a matter of a few months. It’s been incredible what he’s been able to accomplish as the GMA (Global Master Ambassador) of iBuumerang so early in the company history.
All his years in the industry of network marketing beside Mr. Holton Buggs has truly paid off for him to create iBuumerang success. It’s very apparent that Edwin Haynes has become the perfect student & continues to be one today. This is the first step of your basic training within iBuumerang.
All of this training came from a training Holton Buggs did called The Cash Cow year back. It’s been redone to fit you with iBuumerang travel perfectly. I want you to become the best student ever just like Edwin Haynes. Before he met Holton Buggs (CEO) he wasn’t good at networking marketing at all.
Now, he’s a multi-millionaire. You can have that same fate. I challenge you to become the more teachable, coachable & trainable just like Edwin Haynes did. Remember, Holton Buggs created 110 million in commissions over a 10 year span. What if you did just 5% of that in the next 5 years?
Create A Why That Drives You By Edwin Haynes
What is your why?
Why are you doing the things you’re doing right now?
Are the things you are doing right now producing the results in your life that you desire?
Your why isn’t about setting goals. As Edwin Haynes talks about in this video below, you must have a strong why to make your iBuumerang business work.
If Your Why Is Strong Enough…
The How Doesn’t Matter…
Edwin Haynes From iBuumerang
Your why must be so strong. You are going to run into challenges that try to stifle your in your tracks. Some of your friends are going to come around you to tell you why you shouldn’t do it. Some will even call you crazy.
Your why should drive you to do something great. It should be a roadmap that takes you from where you are today to where you want to go in iBuumerang.
Your Why Allows You To Dodge The Potholes In The Curvy Road Of Life.
Edwin Haynes From iBuumerang
Back Your Why By Emotions For iBuumerang Success
Most people, including you, won’t do what they need to do in iBuumerang just for money. It’s just a fact. You don’t have a boss over your head or someone driving your behavior. This means, it’s easy for you to quit iBuumerang travel if you choose.
- What reasons did you join iBuumerang travel
- Find a target you would like to hit
- Emotionally speaking, why are you going to build this business
- Who is someone you really truly care about
- Would you do what’s necessary for them only
The fact is, you won’t build iBuumerang for you. Typically, this will never happen. You must find something tangled up inside your that you’re passionate about.
For Edwin Haynes, he wasn’t going to allow his parents & friends see him fail. He never wanted his kids to live in poverty like he did. This is what drove him to do the things he needed to do to build iBuumerang.
When you find out your true why, it will do more for you that anythings else on the planet. Your 1st assignment. If you’re on my team, hit me up on Facebook Messenger. If you’re not on my team, please get back to your sponsor with you passionate, emotionally driven WHY.
When you know this answer, there is nothing that will stop you. Please take the time that you need to take & find your REAL reasons why you’re building this iBuumerang business.
Now it’s time for your next step in your iBuumerang travel business launch! This will allow you to start making money. If you haven’t learned & spent the time to discover your why, please finish that before going on.
Some of you have been in iBuumerang for quite some time & never determined your real reason why you’re building this business. Please take the time to build your reasons why. If you don’t, your chances of highly succeeding is not very good.
Amateurs Join A Business.
Professionals Launch A Business.
Edwin Haynes On Launching Your iBuumerang Business
You want to be a professional. You want to launch your business. You want to be organized. You want to be a professional. The question is, how do you launch a business correctly in your iBuumerang business?
The first thing you must do is make your list. Yes, I know. Everyone from your phone. Everyone from your Facebook. Every contact you have, write them down on a notebook paper.
Your Fortune Is Already In Your Pocket or Purse. (Your Phone)
Edwin Haynes On Building Your List
Edwin Haynes always tells us that organization pays off big time. I truly believe that is the truth beyond truth. You must be organized in order to go to work professionally in iBuumerang travel.
Have you put your list on paper?
Have you sent your success leader a message letting them know you’re done?
Tell them, I’ve made my list! I’m ready to get started making money. It’s very important that you don’t make a phone call or send a message until you talk with your success leader. They will tell you what to say, how to say it to have the most success in your iBuumerang journey!
The iBuumerang 4 Checker System With Edwin Haynes
- Coachable, Trainable & Teachable
- Self-Starter
- Influence
- Financial Ability To Get Started
Don’t Get The Sheep…
Get The Shepard!
Edwin Haynes On Categorizing Your List
After you’ve built your list you want to categorize your list. You want to pick out the people you’d love to do business with in iBuumerang. You want the people with influence over their crowd. They have a few people who will listen to them.
You want to star or highlight these people on your list. These are your priority. They are the business people you will start inviting to your presentation. Remember, don’t call or message until you know exactly what & how to say it.
- Make A List
- Categorize The List (Name/Phone/Occupation)
- Decide Method Of Exposure (iDecide/1-on-1/Full Presentation)
- Get Mentally Prepared
- Take Massive Action
Once you have made your list & categorized it, you’re on your way. It’s time to take massive action. Remember, dump your cellphone from A – Z on paper. Then Facebook the same way.
What You Lack In Skills, You Make Up In Numbers
Jim Rohn
It’s time to launch your business big. Please get back to your success upline now if you’ve made your list. your success upline in iBuumerang will show you the way to success.
Next is exposing. Please don’t move on until you’re done & you’ve communicated with your success upline. Remember, Edwin Haynes is a millionaire with iBuumerang because he chose to be coachable, teachable & trainable.
How To Turn Your Phone Into A Cash Machine From Emmanuel Bernstein
Emmanuel Bernstein from iBuumerang is one of the most amazing trainers in the industry of network marketing. Especially on teaching people how to invite to see a presentation or get to a meeting. Holton Buggs put Emmanuel Bernstein on a large stage to teach the core piece of inviting to the entire iBuumerang nation.
Make sure you respect & understand the 25 years of network marketing experience that has made Emmanuel Bernstein a millionaire is worthy to be listened to if you desire iBuumerang success.
He is powerful. He is terrific. He is incredible. Thank you for making it to step 2 of the iBuumerang getting started training. If you’ve made it to this step and have no idea what your why is or you haven’t built your list, I urge you to go back to step 1 before continuing forward.
Turn Your Phone Into A Cash Machine With Emmanuel Bernstein
Emmanuel is a man of slick sayings & quotes and we will start out here. You want to MASTER inviting for your iBuumerang business. Inviting is where all of your money starts. It’s also where you will lose all your money if you’re not careful.
I don’t want you to learn it & just watch all the videos, I want you to Learn It, Do It & Then Teach It. Yes, you have some time to master inviting but you want to be good enough to teach it exactly as Emmanuel Bernstein does.
The only way you can be that good is to do it. You can’t become a rockstar teacher if you’ve never actually done it. The big MONEY is in teaching. iBuumerang success is about doing what you’re taught and then teaching exactly how to do it throughout your team.
Your job now is to become the perfect example of Emmanuel Bernstein. This is powerful. There is no better way to launch your team to the stratosphere with iBuumerang.
What Most Do Wrong When Inviting To iBuumerang
I might as well warn you. Most do the inviting process completely wrong. I truly mean that. The reason the majority in iBuumerang or any other company don’t make money is because they screw up the invite process.
This is because they didn’t learn properly or chose to not be coachable or teachable. You see, nobody starts out great. We all start out at the same spot. That spot is not very good. But we have to understand…
Repetition Is The Mother Of Success.
Emmanuel Bernstein Of iBuumerang
It’s not about you being perfect. It’s about you getting started. You should already have your list made and now Emmanuel Bernstein is going to teach you exactly how to become a millionaire in iBuumerang by inviting properly.
All The $$$$ Is Made From Inviting.
All The Money Is Lost From NOT Inviting.
Emmanuel Bernstein Of iBuumerang
Becoming A Professional Inviter With iBuumerang Travel
Remember that you have the golden egg, it’s your online zoom presentation or iDecide. They don’t have access to that information unless you simply give it to them. The problem is, we have no idea what we truly have our hands on.
If we did, every single person you invite to see an iBuumerang presentation, would view it, they would watch it & they would give you a decision. You would never get maybe, I’ll check with the wife or any non-sense.
You need to become the best possible Ambassador at positioning iBuumerang travel to be the biggest, most exciting project that you’ve ever seen. This is so great, you’ll never see it again in your life time.
You want to sell the sizzle, the sexy, the amazing opportunity of iBuumerang that you’ve got on your hands. You don’t sell facts. You don’t sell travel. You don’t sell the boring facts. It’s about the sizzle, not the steak.
How Are You Packaging iBuumerang?
How Much Value Are You Placing On Your Business?
How Much Value Are You Placing On Yourself?
Emmanuel Bernstein Of iBuumerang
One of the most amazing mindset tricks you can make is to think you’re enrolling 20 for every single person you bring on board. Every contact isn’t a contact. Every contact represents their entire contact database. You want to get into your new enrolled rolodex.
Every person I enroll equals 20 people in my business. This is why inviting professionally as Emmanuel Bernstein teaches us. The law of large numbers or averages always works. It never doesn’t work out. If you’re willing to go through the numbers in iBuumerang, you’ll win big.
Successful People Live Outside Of Their Comfort Zone.
Successful People Play Were The Actions Are At.
Successful People Do What Unsuccessful People Aren’t Willing To Do.
Emmanuel Bernstein Of iBuumerang
What If Holton Buggs Did Something Crazy Like This
We already have discovered that inviting to iBuumerang is your absolute #1 skill you must master. You have to understand how important it is so I want to drill it home.
If our CEO, Holton Buggs told you this…
- For every person (name & number) you write down, I’ll pay you $100.
- For every person you call & invite, I’ll pay you $1,000.
How many people would you invite to your iBuumerang presentation?
How many people would you write down on paper?
Of course, as many as humanly possible. You would go above and beyond to make sure you had as many names as possibility allowed. It’s guaranteed you’d make money. This is the energy and drive you must have to crush it in network marketing.
Act like every name is $100 on that list of yours. Truthfully in network marketing, this is an understatement. You’ll make more if you enroll them & duplicate that through your organization. If you were starting a million dollar business, what would you do? How fast would you build? How many would to invite?
Emmanuel Bernstein: Create The Posture Of A Top Money Earner
You know that image of that little kitty looking into the mirror and seeing a lion. Yes, you’re a lion. You are incredible & amazing. You have the golden ticket everyone is looking for. You’ve just got to act like it. You’ve got to understand what you have in your hands.
You are a professional decision collector. Your only goal is to collect decisions. After you make your list, you simply ask them a yes or no question. The script is coming later on in this post. You are out there to professionally collect decisions from every single person on your list.
If you haven’t written your list yet, you need to stop right now and do that. It’s too dang important for you. Someone on your list is waiting for you to position iBuumerang in very professional manner. This is what you want to do.
Here are 10 ways to help you create posture in your life. I highly suggest you taking them seriously. Emmanuel Bernstein wouldn’t have sent them to us if they weren’t important!
- Set the time to professional collect decisions each day. (work your iBuumerang business)
- Create the environment to succeed. Be in a place where you won’t be distracted. (bathroom, basement, office, basement, etc.)
- Get the family together and tell them this time is yours. Barter with them if they give you this time uninterrupted & then follow through.
- Get your blood level up. Do jumping jacks, walk around, pump the music. Get yourself in a state of being high into the sky.
- Set your environment up to remind you of your dreams.
- Do your positive affirmations before you get on the phone.
- Remember your dreams. Remember your why. Why are you doing this business?
- Post picture of your hero’s. Diamonds that have crushed it in this business that you want to be like. Look at them daily.
- Listen to motivation. It’s a great way to get the day started!
- Always stand up when making calls. This gives you energy. It makes you feel their energy. Make sure you stand up when making calls. It makes a huge difference.
- The money making zone is where your iBuumerang business will explode.
3 Steps To The Perfect Invite From Emmanuel Bernstein
Yes, the good news is, there is only 3 steps to the perfect invite! I love that fact. You only have to master 3 steps for iBuumerang success!
Don’t Be Casual Or You’ll Be A Casualty.
Emmanuel Bernstein Of iBuumerang
- Be in a HURRY.
- Don’t Be Casual
- 75 – 90 Seconds MAX
- Failure like slow – Success loves speed
- Work from a script
- Collect a decision
- Big list is necessary to create posture
- Roll play a few times in the mirror
- Success is predictable when you master inviting
- Create or show VALUE.
- It’s never been done before
- Only 1 Holton Buggs
- Revolutionize the world
- Customers are 100% free forever
- Nobody has ever had this platform
- This is Uber & Amazon times 1000
- Usually you never see this opportunity until it’s 10 years old
- Elevate your opportunity
- Sell the sizzle, not the steak
- Take It Away
- I can’t promise you anything
- Anything but a YES — No worries, I’ll give your spot to someone else
- You have the golden egg
Hey FirstName,
How Are you?
Great! Listen, I don’t have a lot of time, I am about to walk into a meeting (get on a conference call) but I have a question for you…
Knowing what you know about Uber & Amazon today, if you had the opportunity to invest when they were just getting started, do you think it would have been a smart idea to invest?
Well Yes, of course.
I’ve got my hands on something greater. Something bigger than Facebook, Amazon & Uber combined! We are working with some incredible 7 & 8 figure entrepreneurs.
Listen, we have an incredible 15 minute presentation (iDecide) that will give you all the details about what we are doing. Are you open to spend 15 minutes to look at this presentation tonight that could put another 6 figures in your bank account before the end of the year?
Yes, I can do that.
Great, I can’t promise you anything but I have about 10 other people I’ve got to call to invite to this presentation tonight & I have a limited supply tonight.
I’m working with some very successful people. 1 of them has create 45 millionaires in the last 10 years. It’s crazy!
Can you watch it for sure, for sure?
Awesome, I will send it over right now. What time are you planning on watching it?
XX:XX time.
Fantastic, I will call you at XX:XX time.
I’ll talk to you at XX:XX
If something comes up, I’ve got to know. I can slide you out and slide someone else in your spot. Talk later!
Emmanuel Bernstein – The Phrase That Pays
That it! That’s the script to create iBuumerang success. It’s really that simple guys & gals. You need to memorize the gist of this script. Maybe not the exact words, but the way it’s spoken. Remember, as Emmanuel Bernstein teaches…
- Be In A Hurry.
- Show/Create Value.
- Take It Away.
The Take Away From Emmanuel Bernstein
You absolutely MUST understand the takeaway! Remember, you’ve got the gold. You’ve got the goods. You have what they want. If you ever get anything other than a “YES”…
You simply take it away. No worries, I’ll give the ability to be mentored by a guy that created 45 millionaires to someone else, it’s no big deal.
May they say, tell me more. Sorry, I can’t do that. I’m rushing out to a meeting and my business partner, FIRSTNAME, will be doing the presenting. He will tell you all the deets. If they keep pressing, take it away.
1st person recruiting will implode your business.
3rd person recruiting will EXPLODE your business.
Emmanuel Bernstein Of iBuumerang
Remember, your job is to collect a decision. The decision is whether they would like to take a look at what you’re doing or not. That’s it. Don’t over think it. It’s a simple decision. Become an excellent inviter & you’ll make millions at iBuumerang travel!
A few last notes… Peak interest & pass it on to someone else. This is how you master the recruiting game & create iBuumerang success. It’s not about you. It’s about peaking interest and passing it to someone else.
Daniel Camero With iBuumerang: How To Expose The Business To Create iBuumerang Success
Daniel Camero is a high energy crazy amazing leader in iBuumerang. This guy simply has created the most incredible success by following Mr. Holton Buggs & this system that you’re reading about.
Daniel Camero moved to the United States from Venezuela when he was 11 years old. He now resides in Atlanta Georgia. When he was 19, he dad told him to get in the car. He resisted, after all, it’s Friday night and he wanted to go party.
Daniel Camero had watched his mom & dad fail in network marketing is entire childhood. He not only disliked network marketing, he absolutely hated network marketing. Daniel Camero’s dad said get in the car or I’m kicking you out of the house.
Daniel proceeded to get in the car & they drove 16 hours to Dallas, Texas to see Holton Buggs. In that moment, he found the person he wanted to emmulate.
I Had Rockstar Syndrome.
I wanted the lifestyle of a rockstar, I wanted to eat like a rockstar, I wanted to live like a rockstar.
But I was a waiter & I didn’t like to study or work.
Then I met Holton Buggs!
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
Holton Buggs was 39 years old when I met him. He was living my dreams and I attached to him that day. I committed to get up every day to find answers to this crazy question. How can I be the best network marketer possible?
I became a product of Holton Bugg’s environment. If you or anyone you know does the same thing, you’ll quickly understand how to create millions in the industry just like Daniel Camero did. Just follow the process I’m about to layout & watch the video below. It will help you blow up your iBuumerang business!
What You Get Paid For In iBuumerang Travel
Daniel Camero understands clearly what we get paid for. You don’t get paid to watch training, be on zooms, reading books, making a list or anything of that nature. It comes down to 2 things.
- Recruit customers (Send Buumerangs)
- Grow A Team Of Entrepreneurs (TSA’s)
If you’re not recruiting customers or growing a team, you simply have no business. It will not grow. Daniel Camero is a multi-millionaire in the industry of network marketing & in iBuumerang.
He talks about the most important thing you can ever do. This is to expose your business to human beings. This is how you recruit customers & recruit TSA’s. It’s that simple.
The # Of Exposures…
…Will Determine The Growth Of Your Business
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
If you want a huge iBuumerang business, you need to have a large number of exposures running through your organization. If you want a medium sized iBuumerang business, you want to have a medium number of exposures running through your organization. If you want a small iBuumerang business, just do a few exposures.
It’s simple. How big do you want your business to be? How much money do you really want to make?
When you know how big you want your iBuumerang business to be, you just show the plan that many times per day. If you want to grow quickly, show the plan (STP) at least 2 times per day. Don’t depend on your team to do more than you’re willing to do. That just doesn’t work.
Every time you STP someone, you have an opportunity to sell a customer or bring in another partner to help you build your iBuumerang organization. Therefore, it’s impossible to build a sizable business if you’re not STP’ing may humans each week.
From CEO Holton Buggs & 110 Million Dollar Money Earner
If you show the plan 3 times per day Monday through Saturday for an entire year, it’s impossible not to have a million dollar business.
Holton Buggs – CEO Of iBuumerang
Daniel Camero had found the secret sauce. It’s exposing the business of iBuumerang over and over and over. It’s that simple. Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
If you are exposing new people to your business…
…your business is open.
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
Remember, if you want a huge business, have a huge number of STP’s running through your business. If you want a small iBuumerang business, have a small number of STP’s running through your business.
Daniel Camero: Methods Of Exposure With iBuumerang For Success
Daniel talk about PS#. Peak, show & 3 way. This means you will peak interest, show the plan & then get your senior partner on the phone for a 3 way call. You need to know who that is for you. Who will be helping you grow your iBuumerang business?
- iDecide Presentation (My Favorite)
- 1-on-1 Presentations
- Good Parties Or BUUM Parties
- Business Briefings
- Events
- Video Conferencing Through Zoom
- Executive Luncheon
- Pool Parties
You want to have a plan of how many people you will expose each week. You then set a goal for exposures each day, week & month. This allows you to hit income targets & pin levels. Showing the plan is the #1 activity you must master to crush iBuumerang.
When does your week start?
As soon as it’s done.
The Late, great Jim Rohn
As soon as your week ends, it’s time to plan the next week. This is how you will ensure that you get done what needs to be done. You can plan the next week on paper (On Purpose).
This will enable you to never slack on your goals or numbers. As soon as your week is accomplished, as soon as your day is accomplished, plan the next day.
Those of you that have been in awhile. In the last 2 weeks, how many people have you showed the plan to? The answer here will determine your destiny in iBuumerang. Your organization will copy a certain percentage of your work habits. You choose what you want them to do by creating the habits yourself.
The Baseball Diamond By Daniel Camero For iBuumerang Success
The baseball diamond is an illustration to help you understand how to master exposing the business. You want to continue to hit base hits to get your people home or to get started in the business.
80% Of The People That Will Join Your Business Will Not Join The First Time You Expose Them To The Business
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
This means inside of your iBuumerang business, you want to expose people to the business using the iDecide, zoom call or presentation of some kind. Your job is to take them through a series of exposures to make a proper decision.
From an exposure to 3rd party validation to a decision, either yes or no. That’s is your job. Holton Buggs has created an incredible system here and all we have to do is follow for iBuumerang success!
The Art Of BAMFAM With Daniel Camero
You have to learn how to BAMFAM. This means, book a meeting from a meeting. This may be the very most important part of the exposure process. If you don’t understand this, you will fail.
This means, if your prospect doesn’t join you simply book another meeting with them. You never get off that phone without booking another call. You want to setup the next exposures. This is a core piece of your plan to have success in iBuumerang.
You don’t want to go fast nowhere. Sometime, you can have a huge network & do it wrong. What you get when that happens is a lot of work without any result. You certainly don’t want that.
Within the invite process, this is how you make sure you collect a decision. Remember, that’s your only goal. Here is how Daniel Camero invites prospects to a meeting or presentation.
Hey FirstName,
Hows it going? I don’t have a lot of time right now. I’ve got some big things going on. You got a minute?
Listen, I came across some crazy successful entrepreneurs. They’e launching something huge in the technology business.
I can’t promise you anything but they asked me if I knew any go-getters. Before calling anyone else, I wanted to call you 1st.
Would you like to know more about it?
Awesome, we have an incredible 15 minute presentation that will tell you all the details of this technology business. If I send you the link, can you watch it right away?
Great! I only have 2 more I can give out today. Please tell me yes, you’ll watch it for sure or no, you won’t.
Yes, I’ll watch it.
Daniel Camero Of ibuumerang
Your goal is to collect a decision and take them to 2nd base. We prefer to take them to a 3-way call next but we certainly don’t have to. You can also take them to a zoom call, business briefing, team training or some other video that you think would be a great fit.
It’s even a great fit if you are going to another 3-way call. You just want to take them to another exposure that is different than the 1st. It’s really that simple.
How To Master Edification With Daniel Camero Before The 3-Way Call
Of course 3-way calls are a huge deal. They are a monster. They mean everything. But if you don’t properly set them up prior to getting someone on the phone, you will fail the validation.
This is how Daniel Camero does it properly in iBuumerang.
Listen, I have the pleasure of working with FIRSTNAME/LASTNAME. He’s a sapphire leader. One of the biggest leaders in all of iBuumerang out of Dallas. He’s building a multi-million dollar business & he’s projected to be one of the top ambassadors worldwide in iBuumerang.
He’s very busy but told me if there was someone that was really serious about building a big business he would take 5 minutes out of his very busy day so he could answer your questions & share his experience with you.
IfI get 5 minutes of his time would you take advantage of that?
Daniel Camero Of ibuumerang
The expert can now come in & validate what the prospect has already seen. The prospects belief increases & they are able to make a decision to join. If the edification doesn’t happen, none of this matters.
The expert will typically take the credit card and if they don’t, your expert will BAMFAM them to a 3rd exposure. You BAMFAM your prospect until they say no or join iBuumerang!
The Fortune Is In The Follow Up To Have iBuumerang Success
Remember to take advantage of all types of exposures from trainings to presentations! When you mast the exposure process & fall in love with STP’s, you will become a millionaire!
Become addicted to exposing the business daily. Get to where it physically makes you sick to not expose your iBuumerang business. I highly suggest you to reach out to your sponsor and tell them you plan. How many will you show the plan to daily, weekly & monthly?
Report back to your sponsor so they know you completed this step! Start with you & you will be living the life of your dreams.
Sam Bean is another incredible leader with iBuumerang and his background gives him the unique ability to train with the best. Coming out of the military & serving in Desert Storm, he understands leadership, team work, mental toughness & being trainable.
Of course, in that line of work, being coachable means that you’ve stayed alive. It’s a huge deal if you want to create iBuumerang success!
Never ever not finish a mission or a job until completion.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
Sam Bean learned very clearly how to follow through and make sure that nothing was left undone. His training clearly indicates why he is a Diamond at iBuumerang. It’s really simple to understand.
How To Follow Up & Follow Through With Sam Bean At iBuumerang
Let’s address the reasons to follow up within your iBuumerang business. The reason we need to address these concerns is simple. If we don’t understand why we should follow up, why would we ever do it?
The first is to address all areas of concern. iBuumerang is a big world that most have never seen. This opens up so much possibility to them but it also creates a lot of questions. The first reason you should follow up is simple. To address your prospects concerns before getting started.
The second is to enroll them. Of course, this is the simple one. To put money in the bank & create iBuumerang success. It isn’t all about the money but this is a huge reason to follow up with them.
The fortune is in the follow up.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
The 3rd and final reason to follow up is to BAMFAM. We call it booking a meeting from a meeting. See, most people won’t be ready to get started after the 1st look at the presentation or the information of iBuumerang travel. You’ll have to start the exposure process.
You need to understand that booking the next meeting to see the next exposure is like playing baseball. It’s like a bunch of base hits. Isn’t that the team that usually wins the world series?
Most don’t join iBuumerang until after the 5th exposure. 44% quit after their 1st no.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
Examples of the next exposure might be…
- iDecide
- Zoom Presentation
- 3-Way Call
- Flight School
- Team Training
- Motivation Calls
- Live Meetings
- Events
See, it doesn’t matter what the next exposure is. What does matter is your schedule the next exposure. You can’t be wrong if you just continue to put your prospects with iBuumerang in front of all the awesome information & training we have our hands on.
The 1-No-Dream. Don’t let what you see get in the way of what you saw.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
What Does A No Mean In iBuumerang
- Doubt
- Lacking Clarity
- Disbelief
- Fear – The Root Of Everything Negative
- Not Right Now
We have to understand that fear comes from the lack of understanding. It’s totally okay for someone to take their time. Give them their space. Just you knowing this is where fear comes from will give you a huge leg up in prospecting for iBuumerang.
This is also why scheduling is so critical for you. If you are a professional, you schedule your appointments & schedule on your prospects calendar. Always give them 2 options for iBuumerang success.
Awesome FirstName,
I know you’ll probably love the presentation I’m sending your way. What would be better tomorrow to follow up with you, morning or afternoon?
Great. I have 8amEST or 11amEST, which is better?
Super. Talk with you then!
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
If you don’t schedule an exact time, you’ve completely lost the battle. When you call them back you’ll always be bugging them. You will not hit them in the right spot. They will feel bothered. Start scheduling today.
Be a professional & use a calendar. This shows that you’re disciplined, professional & prepared.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
5 Keys To Following Up With Sam Bean
- Tell Stories
- Leverage
- 3-Way Phone Calls
- Give Materials You Need Back
- How Long Do You Follow Up
Stories are one of the biggest ways to close people into the business. Pay attention to the stories of people close to you in your team. Within iBuumerang, you can pay attention to flight school or tell your uplines story.
You can easily tell stories of customer gatherers from corporate or personal members of your team that have had early success. This is why it’s so important for you to pay close attention to the people winning close to you.
Leverage is the next key component from Sam Bean. You need to always be building & always have your team growing. If you have your team growing you can come back & tell people how many people have joined.
Within our binary compensation plan at iBuumerang, it’s here for leverage. You can always say something like this.
Hey FirstName,
No pressure but…
I just want you to know that since we talked last we’ve had 7 people join the business. We also have 4 people ready to join within the next few days.
You’ve missed out on the last 7. You will now be on their team instead of them being on your team. I have no clue what they could have done but now you have the ability to have the next 4 on your team.
Would you like to get started & take advantage?
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
3-way phone calls are number 3. They are possibly the number 1 factor of you not making more money.
If you’re not doing 3-way phone calls, it’s costing you lots of money!
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
Make sure you know your senior partners phone number. If you’re on my team, it’s on the bottom of this blog. Send me a text!
The next way to follow up correctly is to give out materials you need to get back. This makes 100% sure that you’ll see your iBuumerang prospect again. You can give out brochures, the vision album, flight plan calendars, etc.
Sam bean tells you to buy enough materials for you & 5 other prospects to maximize iBuumerang success. Or maybe even 10. This way you can let them into your system as a part of your prospecting efforts.
Follow Up Until They enroll.
Follow Up Until They give Referrals.
Follow Up Until They Tell You To Stop.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
Turning Referrals Into Partners With Sam Bean
When you get referrals from someone who isn’t ready to join quite yet. What you want to do is enroll their referrals. Their referrals should be prime prospects because they trust the person that sent them to you.
The moment they are ready to enroll into iBuumerang, you go back to the person who referred you and offer them to enroll the partner & then you’ll get 2 new partners in your business. If they say no, just enroll the partner and keep going.
Good News Always Comes Back Around.
Same Bean Of iBuumerang
Just remember, if you always maser the basics, you’ll always have a big check. Go master following up in your iBuumerang business!
Luis Ventura With ibuumerang: How To Launch Your iBuumerang Business BIG
Luis Ventura is a diamond within the iBuumerang organization which means he is creating a minimum of 200,000 in sales volume each month. He has create a million dollar organization with Holton Buggs in a previous company as well.
When people like this speak, it’s always a great idea to sit back and listen closely. I think no different here. Luis Ventura is a rockstar and he will teach us about launching your iBuumerang business big.
You notice I said us. This means I include me in this as well. I don’t care how great we become, if we stop becoming a student, our iBuumerang business will fall flat on it’s face.
The 6 Steps To Launch Your iBuumerang Business Big With Luis Ventura
Amateurs Start Their Business.
Professionals Launch Their Business.
The Great Holton Buggs
We have to remember that our resource is people. If you were going to start a grocery store, your product is bread, milk, cheese, etc. In iBuumerang, your product or resource is people.
In the same analogy, your grocery store product is only 1 call away. You dial up the manufacturer & purchase the food to put on the shelf. In iBuumerang, Luis Ventura explains that your commodity of people are only 1 call away.
The question is, are you a professional or an amateur?
Identify Your Why With Luis Ventura
One of the things we must do to become great is figure out why we are doing iBuumerang. It can’t be just for money because they won’t drive you very long. Most of the time, we will do way more for someone else than you will for yourself.
To create iBuumerang success, you must take this step very seriously!
Ask yourself these questions. Don’t take this lightly please. Luis Ventura begs us to take this seriously.
- What do you want to accomplish?
- Why do you want to do it?
- Where do you want to go?
- How much debt do you want to eliminate?
Once we answer these questions, please send them to your upline, sponsor or coach. They will gain great insight into you as a person if you stay involved with them to help you create iBuumerang success. Then, I will put the place you want to go next to your name so I can remind you of it every time we talk.
If you miss sending the answer to these 4 questions to your upline or coach in iBuumerang travel, what will happen is they will not be able to remind you of where you want to go when you “make it”. This will cause you to miss out on the biggest motivator you’ll ever have.
One big assignment Luis Ventura talked about is to list out 100 things you want to do before you die. This simple measure will make you dream again. It will make you think about why you are building your iBuumerang business.
Seriously, sit down and make a list of what you want to do before you die. The biggest issue you’ll run into is, you’ll focus on the things you can afford right now. Dream bigger! Remember, if you can see it, you can have it.
If you were going to start over again Holton Buggs, what would you do differently?
Dream Bigger, Faster.
Holton Buggs
You need to give your dream a date. If you don’t, it’s only a wish until you do. When do you decide you will accomplish your dream. Make sure you put your iBuumerang goals on paper so you can make sure you accomplish them.
A dream is only a wish until it has a date.
Luis Ventura – Diamond Ambassador With iBuumerang
Make Your List For iBuumerang Success With Luis Ventura
You’ve heard it from Holton Buggs. You’ve heard it from Edwin Haynes & now Luis Ventura tells you that your money is in your list as well. I don’t think everyone would tell us to do this step if it wasn’t really important!
It’s like when Simba is told not to go past the fringes in The Lion King. Scar tantalizes him & teases him about what is on the other side of the fringe. He then takes another cub over to the shady grounds & almost dies.
For a few years, I failed to take this step & I paid for it. Don’t make the same mistake. Make a list of 50 opportunity seekers & 50 people who will love to travel for success in iBuumerang.
I’ll go a step further. Make your list as big as it can possibly be. Don’t stop at 100 people. Dump your entire phone on paper. After all, the bigger your list is, the more money you’ll make. Don’t stop at 100. That is just your starting place for your iBuumerang business!
Who do you know that is capped out at their job? Who doesn’t have enough money at the end of the month? Who do you know that just had a baby?
Who do you know that would like to travel better for less for the rest of their life?
Would you love to stay at 4 & 5 star hotels & resorts for 2 & 3 star prices?
iBuumerang is a different kind of company. Usually in network marketing, you get a yes or a no. In iBuumerang, you get a yes or a yes. Who isn’t going to take advantage of something for free?
This is what makes us completely different. It’s a win if they join as a TSA. It’s a win if they join as a customer. This makes iBuumerang a win, win, win for you!
Become A Jetsetter With iBuumerang
This is for those of you that want to go FAST! Achieving Jetsetter with iBuumerang is like telling the world that you are serious about launching your business.
What does it take to go Jetsetter with iBuumerang?
- Activate 10 customers
- Send 10 iDecide presentations
Now you’re off into the jet stream. This means you’ve taken your iBuumerang business very seriously & you’re off to creating . Report to your sponsor or coach when you achieve this so they can blow you up. You’re now on the fast track to success!
Setup 4 GOOD or BUUM Parties With Luis Ventura
Good stands for get out of debt. How many of your friends want to come to a part to get out of debt?
Everything we do here at iBuumerang travel is done on purpose. It’s a system for a reason. We either choose to follow it or not. That’s completely up to us.
Luis Ventura talks about how incredible it is to do GOOD parties because of him being able to see the people. He highly encourages them. He tells a story inside of the video about breaking a diamond in 90 days.
This means that they got someone started & created so much energy in 90 days that one person did over 200k in volume. That is absolutely insane. Make sure you watch the video to hear the entire story that Luis Ventura tells. It’s very inspiring!
Just ask your people this question, Who would like to have another meeting just like this at your place? Luis Ventura has them raise their hands & that’s who he chooses who to work with.
Freedom Must Be Practiced Before You Experience It
Holton buggs From Luis Ventura
Inside of your GOOD party, you can do a few different things.
- Show an iDecide
- Invite your sponsor or leader to present
- Present yourself
It’s that simple. Your number 1 goal in doing a GOOD party is to identify the next leader that is looking to do a GOOD party.
If you want to make a lot of money, process a lot of people in a short amount of time. A large list processed in a short amount of time creates massive income.
Luis Ventura With iBuumerang
Make An 18 Month Commitment With Luis Ventura
Are you serious enough about your goal to give yourself 18 months?
Luis Ventura With iBuumerang
You gotta put in the work & give yourself time to grow. Please reach out to your leader to let them know that you’ve committed for 18 months & desire to create iBuumerang success. If you don’t do this, your success is like playing rush & roulette. Don’t do that.
Register For The NEXT Event With Luis Ventura To Maximize iBuumerang Success
Events chance lives. I won’t tell the entire story because I want you to make sure you watch the video & hear the story. Luis Ventura brought a group of 1,000 people to an event.
He was already doing about 500k a month in volume. 6 months later they were doing well over 2 million a month in revenue. I don’t know how your calculator works but mine says it’s 4 times the money.
That’s crazy. See, your job is to get people in & then get them to the next event. If you do that, the environment at the event can change the dynamics of who you are.
iBuumerang is incredible because it gives people the ability to buy a ticket for just 49.95 when they get started. Now, they only have that one chance to do it so make sure you let them know when they get started. This is very important.
Luis Ventura is amazing. He also reminded us that every event is better than the one before. Let’s crush iBuumerang! Next on tap is to learn about the 20/20 plan from Edwin Haynes & why it’s so important.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The 20/20 Plan
The compensation plan for iBuumerang really starts out with the foundation of long-term success much like if you were building a sky-scraper. In this blog post, I will share the iBuumerang compensation plan foundation for success through Edwin Haynes, the (GMA) global master ambassador’s words.
If you want to have iBuumerang success in your business, please pay very close attention to this blog post. iBuuumerang success in any progression means getting paid. This post will share with you the foundational philosophies that are proven to help you grow your business.
It’s called the 20/20 plan. This compensation plan for iBuumerang ensures that you are able to unlock the greatest potential income within the iBuumerang compensation plan. I will share with you the process to create a foundation to build a sky-scraper of income instead of a small house of income.
Duplication Is Where It Gets Fun.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
What’s Important: The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang
Remember, it’s super easy to have iBuumerang success when you have the Michael Jordan of the network marketing industry. Nobody on the planet has done what this man has accomplished. It’s absolutely incredible what’s happened.
Teach The Teachers To Teach The Teachers.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
The 20/20 plan is the foundation of the compensation plan for iBuumerang. It’s what will unlock long-term income for you. You can’t build a massive income without the proper struction.
It’s much like building a sky scraper in New York City! If you want to build a building that is 20 stories high, you’ll have to build a foundation in the group a story or 2. It’s just how it works.
How big do you want your iBuumerang income to be?
That’s why the 20/20 part of the compensation plan for ibuumerang is so important. You want to build the foundation. You don’t want to chase the income. This will get you in trouble. The proper structure will unlock iBuumerang success by giving you unlimited income.
You Don’t Chase Income, You Chase The Proper Structure.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang Structure
I want you to have iBuumerang success! This is why I’ve created this duplicatable resource for us to use forever. You can watch the videos & memorize this plan over and over again!
The 20/20 iBuumerang Compensation Plan
When you step back, it’s simple to see how this compensation plan for iBuumerang works. We have a binary or a 2 team system. You have a left team & you have a right team.
Th 20/20 iBuumerang compensation plan foundation says that you’ll enroll 20 ambassadors on the left & 20 ambassadors on the right within a 6 month time frame.
Never Wanted To Do What The Average Did.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Remember, chase the structure of the 20/20 plan to max out the compensation plan for iBuumerang. I don’t want you chasing the money & how much short term income you could have. Chase the 20/20 structure and you’re guaranteed to create a massive flow of income.
To set your iBuumerang business up for long-term success, you’ll need to follow the 20/20 iBuumerang compensation plan rather strictly. I don’t care if you do it in 6 months or 2 years. Strive to do it under 6 months & your bank account will like you a lot for that!
This Isn’t A Get Rich Quick Thing But I Sure Did Get Tired Of Trying To Get Rich Slow.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Diamond is where you’re headed. If you want to go Diamond & create walk away life-time residual income, you must master the structure of the compensation plan for iBuumerang.
The 20/20 iBuumerang compensation plan will create a basis of massive duplication for you and your team. This plan has been proven over & over — over decades of time!
Put The Numbers & The Law Of Averages To Work For You
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: Your 1st 60 Days
To have massive iBuumerang success, here is your goal within the 1st 60 days of being involved in iBuumerang. You want to personally sponsor 6 on your left team & 6 on your right team. Don’t worry about your volume.
Remember, you’re looking to create long-term iBuumerang success. You need to chase structure, not the money. This means that you shouldn’t worry which side has more volume. Only worry about how chasing the structure.
To unlock the unlimited income inside the compensation plan for iBuumerang, ultimately you’ll have 20 on your left team & 20 on your right team.
Why Be An Innovator When Duplication Works?
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
If you achieve this in 60 days or less, you’ll more than likely hit the rank of Sapphire. Sapphire will create approximately $2 – $5k per month in income. This is the first step to maximizing the iBuumerang compensation plan!
On final note, never let your minimums be your maximums. Have your goal be to recruit 15 in your 1st 45 days instead of 12 in your first 60 days. This ensures that you’ll crush it even if you don’t hit your goal. iBuumerang success depends on your mind to help you conquer even the smallest tasks.
The Faster You Do It, The More Momentum You’ll Have.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
When you enroll 12 into your iBuumerang business, here is what will happen.
- 3 – 4 will quit. Yep, let them do what they are good at.
- 3 – 4 will incubate. They will be on training & enroll once in awhile. They are just not ready yet.
- 3 – 4 will build. These are the people you’re looking for!
iBuumerang success happens by focusing on the 3 to 4 that decide to build with you. Don’t short cut the system. You’ll never know who the 3 to 4 will be and that is why you build the structure & not to the money.
You Don’t Need To Be The Fastest, You Just Need To Be Persistent & Consistent Enough To Stay In The Game.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The 2nd 60 Days
20% Of Your People Will Always Do 80% Of The Work.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Now, it’s time to go do it again. Of course, work with your iBuumerang plugged in upline & work on duplicating your efforts with the 12 people your just enrolled in the 1st 60 day period.
You now want to personally enroll another 6 on your left side & 6 on your right side. Don’t worry about the income yet. Only worry about structure. Trust me, I’ve enrolled 90 & the numbers work.
The compensation plan for iBuumerang depends on you placing the proper structure to pay you out at the maximum level. Chase structure & not income. It’s gonna be tempting. It’s gonna be hard placing people on a side that has most of the volume.
The numbers don’t change. At the end of this 60 day period, you’ll be having amazing iBuumerang success. Although, I can’t promise you anything, what we’ve saw is you’ll be making $6k – $12k in monthly income.
I’ve told you that building the structure is worth it! Don’t forget this. You’ll be walking stage at Ruby or Emerald. This means you’ll be creating about $8k in revenue on average. At this point in the game, you’ve created massive iBuumerang success & you’re headed to Diamond!
You now have 6 to 8 people actually working the business. It’s now time to journey on to Diamond where iBuumerang success gets really fun!
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The Final 60 Days
You’ve created some incredible iBuumerang success by now & you’re getting showered by attention & love. But now it’s time to make 1 final surge & push to diamond. If you don’t really know why diamond is important or what it is, check out the presentation.
Don’t Prejudge! Just Do Your Job To Professionally Invite & Expose. Let The Chips Fall Where They May.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Make one final push & personally recruit 8 on your left & 8 on your right. This will finalize your 20 on your left & 20 on your right. If you do this within 6 months & put your people inside the system correctly, you’ve now reached the level of Diamond.
Now you’re making about 15k+ per month on a minimum level. A lot of Diamond leaders are making a whole lot more than that. You’ve reached the pinnacle of iBuumerang success!
All it takes for a life of freedom is 6 months of consistent, persistent & dedicated effort. Counsel with your upline & make sure you’re being coachable. Ultimate iBuumerang success will be yours!
Final Thoughts On The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang
If you follow the compensation plan for iBuumerang 20/20 plan, you’ve now set up your foundation to create more Diamonds in your organization as well. It’s now time to continue.
Done correctly, you have 12 people that are truly building with you. 12 people on their journey to Diamond. 12 people now building their 20/20 plan. It’s time for you to enjoy the iBuumerang success you’ve created!
Last Note: Make sure you’re using the professional invite & exposure process. They matter. It matters do things properly. Make sure you master the process to create iBuumerang success.
See you at the top of iBuumerang success mountain!
How To Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan To Create iBuumerang Success
How do you maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan so you make the most amount of money while building your iBuumerang business?
Welcome to the unlocking of the income potential with Holton Buggs through my fingers here at TheLiveNetworker. Before we get started, as I write this, we are Ruby Ambassadors here at iBuumerang.

This blog post will teach you how to unlock the iBuumerang compensation plan to maximize iBuumerang success. If you haven’t seen the full scoop on iBuumerang, click below please!
The Insider Secrets Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
In 2019, iBuumerang became the fastest growing company in all of network marketing. That’s right, Holton Buggs vision came to fruition. Of course, we are just getting started but…
He still wasn’t happy. Holton Buggs wants you to be a Diamond. He wants to set you free. He wants you to spring board to the next level in life, to create iBuumerang success to achieve anything you’d like in life.
Holton Buggs starts off this broadcast by talking about playing an arcade game when he was a kid. When you have the “cheat” codes to make you run faster & grow bigger, it’s much easier to win the game of iBuumerang success.
This blog post & presentation of the iBuumerang compensation plan is like having the cheat codes to the arcade game called life. If you follow what’s in this presentation, you’ll make a lot of money & create major change in your life.
You’ll find that Holton Buggs secrets are simple but require effort. I would hope it would require effort to put this incredible iBuumerang compensation plan to work for you. If it didn’t require effort then everyone would do it, right?
iBuumerang Compensation Plan | How Do You Make It Work To Create Success
This blog post will not be just numbers & how much money you can make within the iBuumerang compensation plan. This will teach you how to make the numbers of the iBuumerang compensation plan actually work for you.
Rookies will always argue that their compensation plan with their such & such company is better. The problem is this. Youll never creat iBuumerang success if you’re worried about how much you’re getting from every dollar.

A compensation plan is just numbers. It doesn’t really mean anything. What is truly important to you is how to make the numbers actually work for you. This is what we will talk about today.
A compensation plan is made up with 4 parts. The compensation plan (the numbers), the system, growth & environment. The numbers are the reciprocating way the field get paid for their results. A great compensation plan must have all 4 parts.
The system is what make the numbers work. You can have the greatest numbers in the world but if you don’t have a system to make the numbers work, it’s pointless. This is why you should NEVER compare compensation plans.
The growth is what the executive team is so great at. Their job is to create & stimulate growth with promotions & recognition on a weekly & monthly basis. If you don’t have extra-ordinary ways to make a compensation plan work, you’ll be sunk.
The environment of the iBuumerang compensation plan is most important. It allows people to feel good & stay long-term to create iBuumerang success. It allows your people to stay around the fire long enough because it feels good. This is the #1 most important piece of any compensation plan in network marketing.
With the iBuumerang compensation plan, we added a piece that is unmatched in the industry. It’s called LUE. It stands for loyalty, unity & edification.
LUE is the greatest part of the iBuumerang compensation plan. It’s not just a shield to protect your other brothers & sisters. This group of Diamonds & above enjoy a brother & a sisterhood that if something were to happen making it impossible for you to work your business. Each Diamond must work at least 2 weeks in your organization if you were to be sick or pass away forever.
Think about that for a minute. You have a group of high achieving amazing people & you now that no matter what happens to you, your family will be taken care of. I don’t know of another compensation plan on planet earth that does this.

LUE isn’t about our policies & procedures. It’s truly what makes the iBuumerang compensation plan work because it makes us impenetrable. The loyalty & unity that LUE brings to the table makes the Diamonds in iBuumerang work so hard for you. This is why I believe iBuumerang is the best company on the planet.
The Purpose Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? What is the purpose of the iBuumerang compensation plan other than to create iBuumerang success for you?
Just like any compensation plan in any company, the plan is designed to determine the style of the behavior we want performed in the field. The iBuumerang compensation plan directs behavior of the reps. Corporate puts bonuses & money on what iBuumerang wants performed more often.
In iBuumerang for the 1st time EVER, we no longer sell products. We give away technology that saves people huge money. This is a huge transition or change in the industry. This is why iBuumerang was the top momentum network marketing company in all of 2019. Do you want to create iBuumerang success too?
Remember the elephants & the fish that Mr. Holton Buggs create iBuumerang for. Those people that aren’t amazing, awesome recruiters. The iBuumerang compensation plan was created just for you!
How To Make The iBuumerang Compensation Plan Work
Let’s get to the fun stuff. How in the heck do you make that iBuumerang compensation plan work to have success in iBuumerang?
Remember, nobody gets paid a dime when they recruit others into iBuumerang. This is important to note. To recruit or enroll another person into iBuumerang is $49.95. We call this level Standby.

Every single person that enrolls pays this $49.95 fee. No commission is paid out at this level. We only make money in iBuumerang when a membership pack is purchased. Here at iBuumerang, we call them coach, business & first class.
iBuumerang ambassadors make money when a customer consumes a transaction inside the PRIB. Remember, this same platform is sold in resorts & timeshares for 30k with an annual renewal fee! Seriously, 30k & you can pick it up for 1k & 99.95 per month. I would say that’s some amazing value!
Every package we have from the free customer all the way to our top first class option are customer packages. You get paid when a paid membership gets sold by you or someone in your organization. On the customer side, you get paid when a free customer consumes a transaction like booking travel.

The Fast Start Xccelerator Bonus was designed to give the fish & elephants a bigger piece of the pie. Of course we have a binary compensation plan here at iBuumerang but this allows you to unlock 7 levels of the iBuumerang compensation plan.
I won’t go through the numbers, you can see the numbers on the chart. I want to focus on how to make the number that you see in the chart actually work. Typically in a binary compensation plan, you have to have both sides even in order to make a lot of money.
In this example, it’s not like that. If you enroll 1 person that builds an organization, even if you have nobody on your other side of your dual team, you are going to get paid over & over again 7 levels deep. This is incredibly powerful!
The Best Way To Unlock The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
If you want to make a lot of money & unlock the greatness inside of the iBuumerang compensation plan, you’ve got to understand momentum. In the case of iBuumerang, we are talking about the speed of packages sold & the quality at which they are sold. This takes you into growth.
Momentum = More Numbers X Speed Of Packages Sold
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Let’s take 2 examples. Bob recruits 12 personal & builds a team of 100 within 1 year. Mary, on the other hand, recruits 12 & builds a team of 100 in 90 days. Who has the most momentum?

Mary will run circles around Bob! She has built momentum in her group by putting more numbers in a smaller time frame. This creates a significantly bigger momentum curve. This is what you want to focus on to create massive momentum inside of the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Making The Numbers Work Inside The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
The percentages are not important. What is important is you actually know how to make the numbers work. The numbers & percentages are static. If you don’t understand how to make the numbers work, you’ll go broke!
Get excited about knowing precisely what to do in order to create momentum & large income in your group. Don’t memorize the percentages to make you think that you know the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Your structure that you build inside of your iBuumerang business is the 100% most important thing you understand. Please listen & read very closely to the upcoming text.
Let’s talk about your PET. When I refer to PET, I’m talking about your Personal Enrollment Tree. We have to remember that your team will do exactly what you do, not what you say. In order to have integrity to teach people what to do, you must do it as well.
You want to build your PET as wide as possible. Follow the 20/20 plan that Edwin Haynes taught by clicking the link below.
You want to personally sponsor at least 12 wide in your first 60 days. This way you can honestly tell your newly enrolled personals to go do the same. You can’t tell people to do something that you’ve NEVER done.
Well, you can tell them, but your words have ZERO weight & you won’t be listened to. More over, your team will not listen to you as you’ve lied to them or told them to do something that you haven’t done. You will come across with insincerity & lack of confidence will shine through like light on a sunny day.

Good people will be able to sniff a phony out in minutes & at that moment, you’ll blow your opportunity to have respectable integrity & build trust. Once this trust has been lost, you’ll probably never gain it back. This means your leadership is impossible to go on from level to level.
What ever you want your people to do, you go do it first. In fact, don’t just do it, go above & beyond to do it bigger than the minimum. Then your team will have the opportunity to follow suite.
Always Be Truthful. Be Sure That The Truth Is Good Enough.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Create Edify-able Structure Within The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Now, we understand why we need to do it first in order to unlock the greatness of this magical iBuumerang compensation plan. I want to share with you WHY you need to build a very wide PET (Personal Enrollment Tree) if you want to build a huge business.
Understand that your goal is to pack so much volume in the first 4 levels of pay structure as possible. That is your goal. This will set yourself up to maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan.

Imagine 2 different triangle. 1 is skinny and tall. The other is short & fat. If you only have 6 in your PET, you end up having a skinny & tall organization. If you have 18+ in your PET, you end up having a short & fat organization.
The reason you want a short & fat organization is, you get paid 7 levels deep within the Fast Start Xccelerator Bonus. If you only enroll 6 & duplicate, you’ll have most of your volume coming in on the 7 – 10 level where it will be out of your pay. You’ll miss out on your greatest momentum as you mature your organization.
If you have the same exact volume & the same exact number of ambassadors in 2 organizations, the short & fat organization will create 4 – 5 times the income as the skinny & tall organization.
This is key when starting so you don’t find yourself in a situation where you’ve wasted money & more importantly, time. You want to focus on the structure you need to build to maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Build The iBuumerang Compensation Plan Wide To Create iBuumerang Success
Great question, isn’t it? The major reason why you want to build the iBuumerang compensation plan wide is to set yourself up for massive iBuumerang success.
The Fast Start Xccelerator Bonus only pays 7 levels deep. This means that you only get paid 7 levels deep. If you don’t build wide, you don’t have a chance to get paid on all those levels therefore sacrificing iBuumerang success.
Most of your pay will end up outside of your pay & you’ll sacrifice great time & effort to get minimal results. Let’s talk about how impact drives income.
You want to jam as much business in the 1st 4 levels of the iBuumerang compensation plan as humanly possible. In the first 4 levels of business they all look at you as a leader. They look up to you.
As long as you’re teaching them the real system of HB & how to recruit properly, the message doesn’t get diluted. This means your first 4 – 5 levels can use you as an example & listen to your message.
Before your organization matures into a duplication machine that doesn’t need you, it’s based on your leadership because everyone is watching you & copying a little bit of what you do. You have to understand that your group will do what you do, not what you say.
It will take you 6 – 18 months to reach full maturity inside of your iBuumerang organization. Maturity means you are not needed in order for volume to pour in creating a massive amount of iBuumerang success.

Before maturity, if you leave the organization or don’t show any STP’s for a week, your organization will feel it in production completely. If you build it correctly in the beginning, the first 4 to 5 levels of business will look at you as a leader and follow your example.
The first 4 to 5 levels of business then will build the rest of your business for you because they’ve been taught correctly & they understand how to build iBuumerang correctly. This is why you are such an pivotal piece of the equation.
You Want Massive Amounts Of Volume In 1st 4 Levels.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Within the first 6 to 18 months, your duplication machine takes over. The first 4 levels of teaching & example you have set takes over. The massive number of PET’s creates amazing posture for you.
Now, you can’t stop the growth even if you tried. You’ve got amazing people that are doing exactly as you’ve taught. This is a huge reason why you must teach them the right way to create the iBuumerang success that you want in your business. If you don’t teach the right way, you have a bunch of people doing the wrong things.
If you have a bunch of people doing the wrong things, you’ll never get to the duplication machine part & you’ll be in the building phase forever. This means if you take any times off, your organization & check feels it.
My Average Enrollment Had 14 To 16 PET’s. That Included About 60 That Never Recruited A Sole.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
If your average enrolled on your 2nd level is not good, it’s your leadership. You have to be really honest with yourself & change your tactics if you want to make big money in the iBuumerang compensation plan.

Nothing will change, if you don’t change. The litmus test comes when your 2nd level either enrolls folks or not. It’s that simple. What your 2nd level is doing or not doing on average, is heavily waited on your leadership over time.
Remember, jam as much volume in the first 4 levels as possible. Your first for levels will pave the way to greatness for you.
The 7th Level Will Pay You More Than The 1st 4 Levels Combined If You Build It Correctly.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Sponsor People In Batches With The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
You don’t want to sponsor one-zies, two-zies, dance with me suzies. You want to sponsor in batches. You want to bring folks in like the 20/20 plan suggests. You can read up on it below.
The biggest reason you want to sponsor people in batches within iBuumerang is so your new recruits have others they can associate with. If your new recruit doesn’t have other people that came in at the same class as them to compare with, they will not be as motivate-able.
When you recruit in batches within iBuumerang, you have the ability to apply in-direct pressure. You never want to apply direct pressure to another team member to have them hit a rank. This will cause them to run out of the business.
People that are enrolled outside of your classes or batches feel like they can’t compete. They look around at everyone else on your team & see you’ve been there for a long time. They typically won’t compete with you because of how long you’ve been involved.
When you enroll people in batches & 1 of them breaks a rank, the other people within that class now are super motivated to hit that rank as well. They believe they can do it because the person that joined after them did it. That’s indirect pressure & you want to apply indirect pressure all day long.
You then want to introduce that person that just got binary qualified to the new members of your class. This makes those new members be motivated to do what the super star has done. They feel like they can relate because their age within the business is the same!

Maximizing the iBuumerang compensation plan isn’t just about the numbers, it’s about the physiology that makes the iBuumerang Compensation Plan work. This is another play that makes the players on your iBuumerang team play ball.
1 person in each class will emerge as the leader. They will break executive or sapphire in 30 – 60 days. That is the #1 signal that you must start recruiting a new batch. That class now is complete.
It’s now your responsibility to bring on a new batch of people. You can’t count on that old batch of people to create that wealth for your family. You count on structure & strategy.
I Believe In You, I Don’t Believe You.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
The Numbers Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
If you want to maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan, just master the promotion of “It Takes 2”. If you just focus on helping your new recruits get 2, this compensation plan takes care of the hard work for you.
Remember, your 7th level is where all your money is made. In order to maximize your 7th level, you jam as much volume & people into levels 1 through 4.
This strategy will create a popcorn effect on your highest payout inside of level 7. You won’t even know these people but because you put so much effort on levels 1 – 4, levels 5 through 7 just fly!
The binary pays out based on packages purchased. When someone within your team purchases a coach, business or first class package, you get paid out within your binary structure. This means you have 2 legs, a left & a right.
If you’re lucky enough to be on a team leg that is active, you might see some spillover happen to land on your team. This spillover is volume that you didn’t have to work for. Everyone doesn’t get this & you may not get it forever. A big team leg & lots of spillover will not automatically give you massive iBuumerang success.
Your pay leg is the other side. The side of your binary structure that has the lowest amount of volume is where you’re paid from. Depending on the level that you join at determines the percentage you get paid.
Don’t have the mentality of who are you going to place below me. Be the guy or gal that makes a case to cause people to want to place others below you. Go create your own iBuumerang success!

Have an abundant mentality. Help people beneath you whether you brought them in or not. Don’t let the money dictate where you are helping people. You help people because that is who you are.
Great Things Happen To Great People.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Once you get binary qualified, you are locked in to create binary pay. Becoming binary qualified also stores the volume that is being created under you for later use.
This is crazy. The volume does not flush at the end of the month. One person could put 10’s of thousands of dollars in volume under you & it doesn’t flush. As long as you’re binary qualified, the volume stores to be used later.
You will get paid 10%, 12% or 15% based on your level inside of the company. This is why it’s pretty silly NOT to be at the top of the compensation plan. In fact, it’s completely ridiculous. If you are not currently at first class, get upgraded so you can make more money!
Dynamic Compression: The 8th Wonder Of The World
The iBuumerang Compensation Plan gets better with dynamic compression. This is one of those “see” type of things. I don’t believe I can give it justice with words. Please STUDY the video below to understand how incredible this company is.
I Don’t Know Of Any Other Company That Has Dynamic Compression.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate you checking out the iBuumerang compensation plan. If you want to check out more into iBuumerang or find out truly what it is, click the link below.