If you want your network marketing business to actually make you money, you absolutely need to learn how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in network marketing. By professionals, I mean people who are connected.

When you build your network, you want the kind of people who can just pick up their phone and start generating successful leads for MLM. These people are respected, trusted, and influential.

So in this blog post, I’m going to tell you why is it important to have top network marketers in your corner and exactly how to get them to enroll in your business. I’m going to tell you the steps to take and in the end, even the very scripts you can use to enroll them into your business and generate successful leads for MLM. So, stay with me!

Now let’s focus on why it is important to get top network marketers that generate successful leads for MLM. You might be thinking why would they be willing to join your business?

Aren’t they already successful, or busy, or have lives where they have what they want? Why would they care for your opportunity, right? WRONG.

You can pre-judge all you want, but let me tell you, all professionals have the following traits:

  • They have networks
  • They know and understand business
  • Last but not least, they have an eye for opportunity

And if you still don’t know it, this is the perfect recipe for someone you definitely want to recruit into your business. Top network marketers look for opportunities where they can leverage their networks and create a residual income for themselves (I’ll explain this point later).

That being said, being professionals, generating leads for MLM isn’t an issue for them.

Now, they are going to be harder to recruit, but as I always say, if you fish in a bigger pond, you’ll catch a bigger fish! Best part? They know how to skillfully generate leads for MLM.

When you do recruit them, they are going to rock your world!

You won’t hear them complaining or whining, because they already understand how the business works. They are going to take your opportunity and run with it.

Now that you know why it is so important, you need to learn how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in your network marketing team. And I’m going to teach you exactly how to do that in order to generate loads of leads for MLM successfully.

So the first step to getting the ball rolling is to have the right mindset.

The Mindset You Need To Recruit Top Network Marketers aka Professionals

So here’s the deal: Network marketers are mostly chewed up by professionals. Top network marketers and professionals are type-A personalities more often than not, and if they sense fear, they will all over you and will crush you.

It’s like a dog behind the fence, if it senses fear, it is going to bark at you and try to jump at you. It’s exactly like that with top network marketers.

How To Recruit Professionals In Network Marketing

If they sense weakness, they’ll crush you. Make no mistake about it, if you’re not being confident, you’re going to have a lot of problems.

That being said, generating the right leads for MLM will remain your dream!

So, the first thing you need to be confident going into any conversation with top network marketers. You might want to pick up this course “The Art of Phone Conversations” if you don’t feel confident talking on the phone.

Where to Find Professionals for Your Network Marketing Company

I once took a course by Todd Falcone on how to recruit professionals in network marketing and how they can help you generate leads for MLM professionally. He used an approach where he used to look up people, call signs, give out business cards, call up numbers on brochures, and all sorts of things to get people to look at his opportunity.

But you don’t have to do that anymore.

In fact, you probably didn’t have to do it back then either.

What you should be doing instead is learn how to recruit professionals on LinkedIn. It is by far the best place to recruit professionals that have years of experience in building leads for MLM. Boom!

Professionals on LinkedIn create networks, find jobs, look for opportunities, and find their next deal on LinkedIn. It’s the heart of business in the modern world and you have to leverage it to the max.

I’m going to show you step-by-step on how to recruit professionals in network marketing. As you look at the pictures below, you’re going to see how easy it is:

(Step-by-Step Pictures)

How To Recruit Professionals In Network Marketing
1. Determine your target audience

First of all, determine who you’re going after. This will make your search targeted and a thousand times more effective.

2. Search for your target audience using LinkedIn’s Search Tool

Use LinkedIn’s search tool to find people who match your target audience.

3. Connect with them

Send them connection requests.

4. Send them a message

For this part, I am going to show you the exact scripts you can use. Those scripts will help you hit the bull’s-eye and generate leads for MLM.

But let me assure you, if you do this every single day, you’re going to have a lot of success recruiting professionals into your network marketing business.

What Do The Professionals Care About?

There are a few things that all top network marketers care about. And I have listed them below so be prepared when going into a conversation with them and know how to say things they’ll respond to.

Top network marketers will care about the following things every single time:

  • Their money
  • Their time
  • Your directness. They hate people beating about the bush. When approaching professionals, that’s the most important aspect to get leads for MLM
  • Residual income. This is the income that comes in every month whether they work or not
  • Their money working for them
  • Their family

But understand this: they’re probably not in a position they absolutely love. They may be a CEO for a company or a chiropractor or anything else for that matter, but they’re probably time-broke.

They probably don’t have time to spend with their family or they may be getting a lot of stress in their current job which might be affecting their health. So if you have the ability to share with them a way where they can use their networks to create a residual income for themselves, chances of them joining you are pretty dang high.

All in all, the trick to generating successful leads for MLM lies in understanding your MLM prospects’ problems.

Now mind you, some of them are not going to be into network marketing and that’s okay!

Remember, most of them are making enough money. Some don’t, but most do.

What they’re seeking is time. They are seeking a way to fix their relationship with their family, a way to make enough time for themselves, a way to get that vacation they’ve been dreaming about.

Here come your unique leads for MLM that address these problems. In short, the right response which addresses their issues is the key!

What Professionals are the best to Seek?

How To Recruit Professionals In Network Marketing

Following is a list of professionals and top network marketers I personally like to seek and I think they will be a good fit for you too:

  • Anybody in sales – best people to help you get leads for MLM
  • Chiropractors – for those of us in health and wellness
  • Massage Therapists – also health and wellness
  • Former Network Marketers
  • Corporate Women
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Life Insurance Agents
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Bankers

I could go on and on except for the people who work in law or are lawyers. To cut short, anybody who deals with people in the right light can be recruited into network marketing and they will generate successful leads for MLM.

Scripts for Recruiting Professionals

When learning how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in network marketing, you should know what to say. Before I go into exactly what to say, I want you to understand that you need to be direct.

No beating about the bush.

In fact, most of the time, in my third or the fourth message, I’m actually going to ask them if they’re open. I try to make it as irresistible as possible for them.

I may ask them a question like, “If I can show you a way to get your money working for you without taking your time, would you be open to that?” Or something like, “If I could show you how to spend more time with your family and create residual income on the side, is that something you’re looking for?”

You see, I ask it in a way they cannot say ‘no’ to. You can do that too and generate unlimited leads for MLM. Let me show you the step-by-step scripts:

Step 1:

First of all, I say, “Hey [First Name], thank you for connecting.” And then I ask a simple question, “Are you on LinkedIn for business or pleasure?”

Then, in the end, I add a little signature like, “Thanks. – Terry.”

They come back and typically say they are here for business. So that takes us to step 2.

Step 2:

In step 2, I ask them about their business. Something like. “John, thank you so much, I really appreciate that.

What company do you work for? How long you’ve been there? Looking forward to connecting. Terry.”

Step 3:

They’ll tell me whatever kind of business, and I’ll comment about that, and at that point in time I typically will say something like, “Well, a super professional guy like you, I’m assuming you keep your options open and I’m doing something cool!” and then I’ll ask questions to pique their interest.

It typically goes like this: “If I could show you a way that you could spend more time with your family and create more residual income, is that something you’re looking for?” I ask it in a different way every time.

From that point forward, well, we’re not going to talk about that here.

So if you’re wondering what do I say after that? How do I get them on the phone? What do I say on the phone?

Thank you for reading my blog post on how to recruit professionals and top network marketers in network marketing, and tips on how to generate unlimited leads for MLM. I hope you enjoyed it and got some valuable information out of it.

If you did, share it with your friends too.

Terry J Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280

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