LinkedIn Leads Set-Up – Pre Call

1 Day Ahead:

Verify Set-Up & Access
Review the Client’s materials for completeness & accuracy:

  1. Lead Tracker (Google Sheet),
  2. Machine (Trello) Board,
  3. Calendly Link
  4. LinkedIn Banner & Bio in place

Confirm VA & AM assignment

  1. Review the “share” of the Lead Tracker (Google Sheet), Machine (Trello) Board & Hubstaff project (including “Launch” task) to the VA listed on the VA Master Tracker (VA tab).
  2. Review the “share” of the Lead Tracker (Google Sheet), Machine (Trello) Board & Hubstaff project to the AM listed on the VA Master Tracker (AM tab)
  3. Add VA to Google Calendar event.
  4. Send VA a WhatsApp message, informing him/her of the launch day/time & confirm availability. “Hi [[VA Name]] I have an appointment to Launch LL with [[Client Name]] on [[Date]] at [[Time]] EST. Are you Available?”

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