This blog post will show you, the introverted, closing techniques in network marketing. Now, before we go too far, one thing that you guys probably don’t know about me, The Live Networker is I’m incredibly introverted.
What I mean by that is I would rather sit in my office with my wife & kids nearby. Don’t get me wrong, I like going out into public from from to time but I’d rather be home with the people I love. I’m inward directed spiritual guy, certainly not the life of the party doing the crazy stunts.
Before I go into todays network marketing blog post, I want to invite you to watch me recruit live in action. See everything I do on Facebook & LinkedIn to gain unlimited prospects and close the deal in network marketing!
How do you close people in network marketing when you’re an introvert?
We’re taught to go to the mall, talk to your friends and family and talk to everybody you know, and everybody that approaches you to see if they are open to your network marketing company.
Tell them about your company, tell them about your business, but you’re introverted. You can’t stand the idea of walking up to complete strangers and asking them questions.
How do you close the deal when you’re introverted?
Your goal is to simply make a friend. If the prospect does not know, like or trust you, it doesn’t matter how good you are and because you’re introverted, you’re not going to be as super slick salesmen.
But introverted people typically care way more about other people then super sales people. Introverted people are more loyal than the super sales guy.
The super introverted person cares more about their actions. Focus on making a friendship, focus on relationship, focused on solving a problem. If you just focus on making a friend, closing techniques in network marketing will come easy for you.
Find A Problem To Close More Reps
After making a friend is you need to figure out what their problem is, the reason why people buy things, the reason why we make any kind of purchase in life is because we have a problem that we want to solve.
Even if we buy a candy bar at the store it’s because we want sugar or we want that sweet taste in our mouth, we don’t buy to buy.
You need to figure out what the problem is that that person or that that that person’s might be might be going through.
The problem most people have is, they are not good at making a friend and getting others to trust them. If you don’t get other mlm prospects to trust you, then you’ve already failed. They will never tell you what’s wrong.
Then, You come up with a solution to solve that problem using your company. It’s this simple, OK?
Example Of Closing Techniques In Network Marketing
It goes something like this, right?
You might meet John online. You start talking to John on Facebook and you make a friendship.
You find out John really wants more time with his kids.
You’ll say, John, if I could show you a way that you could have more time with your kids, would you want to take a look at what I do?
He’s obviously going to say yes. You feel good, you feel good internally because you’re solving a problem. He obviously feels good because he’s solving a problem as well and everybody is happy.
The Perfect Follow-Up Script For Closing New Reps
For me, follow up is simple. I use the same formula each and every time. This is possibly one of my very best closing techniques in network marketing.
Are you ready to “Insert Opposite Of Pain”?
Great, let’s get started. What is the best address to send your checks to?
Another example: Are you ready to have more time playing and enjoying your kids instead of working you butt off?
You get it. Each example is completely different. It’s custom to the situation or person. It’s my custom way of closing each rep perfectly. Nobody will know any different but your closing rate will sky-rocket.
TheLiveNetworker Overall Closing Process
So as we close, I just want to go over my overall process closing process & how I think about prospecting in general.
Prospects are this big huge cloud of people, right?
There’s lots of them. All the people you ever meet online or offline are in this could. The good, the bad and the awesome rockstar prospects are here.
Obviously you guys know I love doing prospecting online, so I’m going to talk to anybody and everybody, right?
The people that qualify for my time, meaning I’ve asked them if they are open and they say yes are about thirty percent of the big cloud of people.
Then the ones that I talked to and I designate that those people are great people, that I want to spend time with it. I would want him to go on vacation with that. These are the people that I call “rockstars”. I will never quit following up with them.
In fact, this has to be one of my best closing techniques in network marketing because it guarantee’s me massive numbers of people to follow up with and I know they’re great people!
All prospects from the big cloud.
30% say yes to looking at my presentation.
5% of the big cloud are rockstars that I will follow up with for life.
My only job is to find rockstars and follow up with them. Way to many of you are worrying and wondering about the people in the big cloud and what they tell you.
They don’t even matter. Most won’t even look at your presentation. Only care about those who are your very own rockstars and build relationships with them.
The next question about closing reps is simple.
What Do I Look For In My “Rockstar Prospects”?
They Have Energy.
They Bring You Up.
They’re Athletic.
They Are Busy.
They Are Happy.
They Find A Way To Do Special Things For People.
They’re Nice.
They Have Friends.
They’re Not Depressed.
(I think you get it)
Devon energy, they’re athletic, they’re busy, they make their appointments right? Or at least call you to let you know that they can’t make it there on time, right? They’re, they have friends.
If you’re like me and need to see things live and in action. If you’re introverted and it’s time you actually learn how to do this online thing once and for-all.
The Recruit-A-Thon is for you! It’s where I recruit live in action for 20 plus hours straight. I find it difficult and concerning that so many trainers out there teach you how to recruit without recruiting.
You get confused and frustrated. Come on a recruiting journey with me and let’s get you recruiting 1 – 3 new reps each week. I’m excited to go on this journey with you!
If you liked this blog post on closing techniques in network marketing, please share it to your friends.
Terry Jay Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
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