How to use Facebook for network marketing is a terrific question but in this blog I’ll share with you why Facebook for network marketing isn’t the best choice.
Facebook Will Work But LinkedIn For Network Marketing Makes It So Much Easier
There are 15 reasons why LinkedIn for network marketing is by far the best choice for you to crush your network marketing business! I’ve put all 15 reasons on audio for you as well.
15 Reasons Why How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Isn’t The Best Question
After this blog post, you’ll easily understand why LinkedIn for network marketing will be a far superior choice to be able to crush your business. See below how we can help you do that.
The LinkedIn Leads Program Will Rise Above How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #1 “Occupational Targeting”
It is so cool using LinkedIn for network marketing to target specific occupations. We use a tool called LinkedIn advanced search that you can find below.
Why is this subject important to your network marketing success?
Using LinkedIn Advanced Search Will Help You Target Specific Occupations
Your perfect prospect or the person you absolutely love to work with is different than mine. The person that fires you up & that you fantasize about blowing up your network marketing team is different.
Occupations dictate a prospects income level, their personality & their success level. This allows you to make sure you’re targeting the EXACT prospect that’s perfect for you. If you’d like to understand how to use LinkedIn advanced search, click below!
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #2 “Less Limits”
When your goal is to create a network that feeds your business & family for centuries to come, Facebook for network marketing has too many limitations for you to win big.
This is yet another reason to use LinkedIn for network marketing to make sure you have the highest of chances to succeed at a very high level. LinkedIn gives you the ability to create a Rolodex of 30k people versus 5k!
The Limits In Facebook For Network Marketing Are Crippling
I love LinkedIn for network marketing because of many reasons but this is one that is huge. You can create a network that is 6X the size. To me, that gives you 6X the likely hood that you will win big.
If you want to discover more about how to use LinkedIn for network marketing, my full blog post is below.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #3 “More Direct”
For me, Facebook for network marketing is about who is the best entertainer or the best on video. This makes Facebook hard to be duplicated by everyone in the organization.
On the contrary, LinkedIn for network marketing is about being direct & making a phone call. Professionals enjoy phone calls & would happily rather talk then message 10 times back & forth.
LinkedIn For Network Marketing Allows You To Be Direct & Create Success
LinkedIn for network marketing becomes simple. Professionals are direct & enjoy direct communication back. Facebook for network marketing seems to be a lot of communication just to get to the point.
To me, Facebook for network marketing wastes a lot of my time. On LinkedIn I can just pick up the phone & have a conversation. At the very least, I can send a direct message to them sharing what I may desire to ask of them.
If you don’t know of any messages that you want to send or would like to see my LinkedIn MLM Scripts, CLICK THE LINK BELOW.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #4 “Profile Actually Helps You”
When you’re on Facebook, have you ever opened up a prospects about section to read their summary?
Or when using Facebook for network marketing have you read through another persons experience? If you’re like the majority of folks in the world, you think I’m crazy right now.
A Great LinkedIn Profile Will Always Help You Create Higher Level Results
When your prospects come to LinkedIn, well over 75% of people are going to read your LinkedIn profile. They will look deeply into your banner & read your summary.
What this means you have the ability to adjust your prospects impression before they talk to you. When done properly, your prospect comes to the call already pre-sold on you.
Having your LinkedIn profile done properly is very important but what is more important is using LinkedIn for network marketing so you can make a difference with your profile & not depend on luck.
Your LinkedIn profile can be a help or a hinderance to your success. CLICK BELOW to make sure you have your LinkedIn profile up to standards.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #5 “Business Minded”
When we look at Facebook for network marketing, the general population doesn’t use Facebook for business purposes. Facebook is used for entertainment, political opinions & connecting with our friends.
When the regular person heads on over to Facebook to create success in network marketing, they are lost. You are talking to the average person who is looking to connect or complain about their opinion.
We then wonder why success using Facebook for network marketing seems so difficult.
When Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing You’ll Notice Prospect Are Business Minded
When you understand that people are using LinkedIn for only 2 reasons, you find out very quickly how business minded your prospect will be on LinkedIn. People only use LinkedIn to market, refer their business or look for opportunities.
This means you’ll stop having a lot of the objections that you currently have your business. Prospecting business minded people will solve almost all of the problems.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #6 “100K In Annual Earnings”
One of the top objections that we hear in network marketing is that I don’t have enough money. As sad as it is, this objection stops more people that any other objection.
What is you never heard that objection again? (Stop using Facebook for network marketing)
Obliterate The No Money Objection By Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
LinkedIn for network marketing is amazing because the average income a LinkedIn user has is over 100k annually. You’ll never again have the worries of some crazy money objection.
Remember, you’re talking about a platform that is all about business. LinkedIn for network marketing becomes fun because of the quality of people & the lack of unqualified people that you have to deal with.
By the way, network marketing objections still arise. Take a look at the link below as I share the top 24 objections in network marketing & scripts on how to get over them.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #7 “More Open To Business”
Yes, it’s true that LinkedIn users are more open to take a look at your business than if you are using Facebook for network marketing. Reason being, you know that all people are on LinkedIn for some kind of business.
Facebook for network marketing isn’t that way. Your prospect is on Facebook watching videos or catching up with friends. It may come across kinda awkward to pitch them & this gets a lot of people in trouble.
People On The LinkedIn Platform Will Almost Always Be More Open
When folks are open to business it allows you to have fun. LinkedIn for network marketing makes the game you are playing more fun. You’re able to actually show off your beautiful presentation.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #8 “Professional Versus Entertaining”
When we look at Facebook for network marketing, we see live videos, attracting attention in good & bad ways & creativeness. Facebook is great for the person who is a creative genius.
If you’re the average person, like me, it may not work quite as well. You have to consistently come up with the perfect post, a great live video that people will pay attention to & then how do I get prospects numbers…
Facebook For Network Marketing Is Entertainment Where LinkedIn Is Professional
And then we have LinkedIn for network marketing. With LinkedIn, as long as you are physically able to send a text & have a phone conversation, you are good. The hardest worker will win.
Professionals are on LinkedIn. It’s not a platform for the entertainer. It’s the platform for the business person. For you, my friend, LinkedIn for network marketing is just easier.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #9 “Stronger, Multi-Layered Targeting”
When using Facebook for network marketing, your targeting is rather limited. The only way you can truly target your perfect prospect is to see them in groups or if they happen to comment on your post.
This makes is very difficult to target someone in particular & give yourself the ability to only talk to those that you love to talk with. I do believe believe this situation is responsible for more burn-out victims in network marketing than ant other reason.
With Stronger, Multi-Layered Targeting, LinkedIn For Network Marketing Is Better
With LinkedIn for network marketing, you have the ability to target location, occupation, who they are connected to, past job history & so much more.
For instance, if you asked me to target people in Pakistan (I’ve recruited from there) that are in the sales industry, I could put those people on your calendar all day long. This makes LinkedIn squash Facebook when trying to find the perfect person to talk with for you.
If you want to really understand how to use the multi-layered search functions of LinkedIn advanced search, please click below.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #10 “Readily Available Contact Info”
For most of us network marketers (including myself), would just love to have interested people to have a great conversation with using the telephone.
In order to have a great conversation, we need their telephone or an email address to allow us to exchange phone numbers. I call this our contact info.
It’s hard to find contact information readily available using Facebook for network marketing. It’s rarely, if ever found.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Gets Difficult Without Connection
When you’re using Linkedin for network marketing, the entire game changes. You have the ability to easily connect with your prospects because they want to be connected with.
From all the reasons above regarding LinkedIn, it’s plain to see that LinkedIn prospects are business minded. If you are a business minded person, your contact information will be very easy to be attained. You want people to call you!
Just another factor that makes Facebook for network marketing difficult unless you have a huge personality!
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #11 “More Qualified Leads”
With Facebook for network marketing, you never know what you’re going to get. Everything from the person working a cashier job to the wealthiest will be on Facebook potentially engaging with your post.
You don’t have the ability to actually filter them or target specific categories of people. It’s actually impossible on Facebook. You just have to continue to recycle friends to kinda find the right people.
LinkedIn For Network Marketing Prospects Will Always Be More Qualified For You
Even then, it’s going to be a crap shoot. On the other hand, with LinkedIn for network marketing, you can target the exact person you are looking for. They have approximately 100k in annual earnings & are business minded.
You also know now that you have contact information readily accessible to you. It’s very easily to speak directly to them & they actually enjoy having a phone conversation. It’s up to you but LinkedIn for network marketing is a pound for pound winning fighter for you.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #12 “Willing To Have A Phone Conversation”
I love LinkedIn for network marketing & this is my favorite reason out of all 15. Not only are LinkedIn prospects willing to have a phone conversation, they would rather get on the phone than spend wasted time messaging.
To me, there isn’t a better fit for us as network marketers. We need good quality prospects who are willing to have a conversation with you about your company.
Facebook For Network Marketing Is Difficult Because Getting A Phone Number Is Hard
With Facebook for network marketing, it’s difficult to find a way to get a prospects information without being weird or never spoken to again.
I’ve had so many instances where a Facebook prospect ghosted me only because I asked for a phone number. To me, this is absolutely crazy! If you want to become masterful on the phone, click the lik below.
I give you what I call my machine. This is the process that if you do it, yo’ll have success on every recruiting experience in network marketing.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #13 “Professional Profile”
Facebook for network marketing is amazing for entertainment, live videos & communication. One of the biggest tales of success for a person inside of network marketing is their success track record.
If a person has been successful in other areas of their life or in their past careers, they will probably be highly successful in your company as well.
The problem is with Facebook for network marketing, you can fake how good you’re doing by posting cool pictures. Nobody really knows the real story.
LinkedIn For Network Marketing Is Filled With Professional Profiles
This is another reason that makes LinkedIn for network marketing second to none. You have a professional profile to look at with a professional image that will tell you a lot about who they really are.
You can look at their work history & see how successful they have been in their life. This is a big cheat for you to see how good they really are.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #14 “Rank On Google”
Facebook posts are great but they just don’t last very long. They will not show up on google so they are only good for the moment or a few days after publishing them on Facebook.
When you look at all the heavy commotion on Facebook with live videos, they will almost NEVER show up in google. This means you’ll do all of that work for the time being but never get long term benefit from it.
You Can Easily Rank On Google With LinkedIn For Network Marketing
LinkedIn for network marketing is completely different. If you put together your LinkedIn profile correctly, you’ll find out that your name is going to rank on google & it will be your LinkedIn profile.
Then you head on over to write articles on LinkedIn’s article submission called Pulse. Pulse gives you the ability to write articles on LinkedIn’s site using LinkedIn’s website power. This will for sure get you ranked on Google so you can have your content live for ages!
If you’d like to find out more on LinkedIn’s Pulse Article Network, please click the link below.
How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing Reason #15 “Create A Rolodex Of Contacts”
This is a place where Facebook for network marketing massively fails in my opinion. Yes, you have all of these “friends” on Facebook but realistically no way to directly call them.
I know what you may be thinking. I call Facebook call them. It’s the same thing, right?
Yes, of course yo can. They will think you are awkward & weird if you do that. Trust me or yo can try it yourself.
LinkedIn For Network Marketing Creates A Rolodex Of Contacts For You
But with LinkedIn for network marketing, you have the ability to create a rolodex. You remember those things with phone numbers in them that sat on your desk.
Remember, you have contact information that is readily available therefore you have the ability to create a healthy list of new people daily that you can add to your phone.
If you would like to discover how to NEVER run out of contacts, click the link below.
If you’re ready to make LinkedIn for network marketing your main formula for recruiting, you have 2 choices. You can go at it by yourself or you can have our help.
The LinkedIn Leads Program Will Rise Above How To Use Facebook For Network Marketing
If you’d like us to help you generate those professional leads so you don’t have to learn something new & figure out where in your daily routine it will fit, click the link below.
I do believe we can rapidly help you grow 10X faster. Thanks for reading this blog post on How To Use LinkedIn For Network Marketing.
How to set up an ad on Craigslist for near instant mlm leads, I want to introduce you to this amazing blog post & invite you to take a ride with The Live Networker to learn some of my history of what brought me to Craigslist Ads.
About 9 months ago, I came across Craigslist & learned that it’s the #1 place people in the USA (although Craigslist exists in other parts of the world) that people go looking for a plan B. I thought, what if I could put my message in front of a thousands of people at once on Craigslist.
Because of taking that journey we’ve signed up eye surgeons, real estate agents, life insurance agents and a lot of amazing people. Like I stated above, Craigslist is the #1 place people resort to when they’re looking for a plan B! Never forget that!
Before we get too far into how to place an ad on Craigslist, I need to make sure you take a look at the how to generate unlimited leads (click the image below). Remember, I show you what to do, you see it live. I don’t just tell you what to say & kick you out into the world of crazy. It’s a huge difference with your confidence!
How To Place An Ad On Craigslist For MLM Leads
Sit back and get ready for some mind blowing action in this crazy post. I want you to understand what you’ll get out of it when you get done reading it!
What are Craigslists ads
Who the perfect person that should use them
What do you say to Craigslist leads
How much your leads will cost you
A story of Myrna Buckles & how she created thousands of leads with Craigslist
How to maximize your leads
What systems I use to keep track of my leads
Plus much more. Enjoy this post and if you haven’t yet, SHARE AWAY!
What Is Craigslist
You might be asking, what is Craigslist? Maybe you haven’t really heard about it or have some kind of scam thought roll through your mind. If you like to make money in network marketing, you might want to reconsider.
Craigslist is the largest advertising network in the USA. It’s an advertising network that’s free for the user where you can go advertise jobs, cars for sales, personals & everything else you can imagine.
The interesting thing for you is, it’s the go-to for people that are looking for a plan B in life. (AKA – your perfect network marketing prospect)
What fired me up is, you have the ability to put your message in front of thousands and thousands of people across the country that are looking for a plan B for their life. To me, it sounds like the perfect prospect for your network marketing company.
Why Using Craigslist Ads Is Smart For Your Network Marketing Business
We’ve already determined together that the perfect person you’re looking for is using Craigslist to find something else to do in their life.
Remember, you’re not looking for someone who is looking to replace their income in most cases. You’re looking to an intelligent, energetic person who has a career but they’re just not satisfied with their life.
Those people are hitting up Craigslist every day and if you understand how to put a system together to get your message (Craigslist Ad) in front of them, you can take advantage of this monster opportunity.
If you think about it, broke people (I was one) aren’t who you’re looking for. Great MLM prospects come from people who have their life together. They’re just looking for something else in their life.
Who should use Craigslist Ads For Business
I have The Recruit-A-thon which is very good for social media. But if you have very limited time, if you are already in a career or a job, if you’re running a business, if you’re very busy but you still want to succeed in network marketing…
Well then, Craigslist ads are for you. Once a month, collect your leads from your system, call them with a live dialer & enroll them into your team. By the way, I just put a massive blog post up last week about Citalink and how to use it to increase your productivity 300%. See the post below!
To finalize, if you have very limited time to gather leads & create relationships on social media, you may consider Craigslist & what it can do for your business. Simply put, you put an ad, they answer the ad, you call them, you create a connection & you close them.
To Connect With Jodie – CLICK HER PICTURE
One of my clients, Ron Urban(connect with him here) is a very successful businessman with a busy flooring company. A few months back we met and his challenge is time. He has created over a million in his lifetime as a network marketer, but his life is busy.
He doesn’t have time to build relationships on social media. I remember the conversations quite well. He was looking for a way to build his network marketing business but it’s just so dang hard with little to no time as a business owner.
A lot like Jodie (sells some kick butt coffee that I drink) Baedeker. She, on the other hand, wants to take her business from where she is and 10X her income. With Craigslist and her first 70 leads, 3 of them are Rock Stars. She hasn’t even called all of them yet!
If you’re busy or just want to explode your MLM business – Craigslist is waiting for you!
What do Craigslist Leads Cost
If you follow my exact system with a capture page and a funnel. By the way, I build this entire system for you if you wish.
If you follow my exact system, you will average anywhere from 50 cents to 75 cents per lead. Yes, they’re all going to cost money. That’s what you sacrifice for not costing you hardly any time to create your product which is people in network marketing.
I always place them in the sales section under the “jobs” category. When you think of how to place an ad on Craigslist for network marketing at least, you need to think about the strategy, not just the technical part.
How many leads do you want? From that question, we can determine how many ads you should place. Just take 65 cents and multiply the number of leads you want in a month. That’s how many Craigslist ads you need to be running at any given time.
Are MLM Leads From Craigslist Good Quality
Many people tell me Craigslist leads aren’t good. I just laugh because we’ve enrolled life insurance agents, business professionals & even an eye surgeon using Craigslist ads.
On Craigslist, you’re looking for the professionals looking for a plan B, not the broke guy looking for a job. Make sure you understand where you’re coming from. Understand where you lead is when you call them for the 1st time.
Here is how the stats break down with a typical calling session. About 30 percent will be tire kickers. They will be out of work, skeptical & not the right fit. About 5 – 10 percent will be professionals looking to create success in their lives and make a change. Keep your eye on the ball.
Remember, this blog post about how to place an ad on Craigslist for network marketers isn’t about the 30%. It’s about the 5% of the people who are rockstars!
See Jodies story from above. She’s absolutely CRUSHED it. 70 leads and 3 sample packs out! Almost instantaneously. That’s craziness!
What To Say To Close Craigslist Leads
Instead of trying to type the words you need to say, I cut a really cool audio for you. Listen to it over and over and you’ll be happy you did!
I was going to go into the technical piece of how to post Craigslist ads to get leads in your business but I have already put together a blog post full of pictures showing you exactly how to do that.
I want you to understand that is may be the most important part of this entire blog post. Why? Because if you don’t follow these rules about posting ads on Craigslist you will be blocked.
What does getting blocked really mean? They block your credit card, so you can’t buy ads & you simply can’t us that “account” anymore. It’s not fun. Since following these 3 rules, I’ve never had a problem.
Run your ads for 30 days
Only have 3 ads per account
Don’t mention your company or any network marketing lingo
Simple. Before you get too far, remember you’ll get 75% of your leads in the first few days of starting your Craigslist ads. This is a fact.
You’ll want to hold off and just start a new ad but don’t. Craigslist wants to see consistency. When you place the ad, it’ll automatically run for 30 days. Just let it run. Don’t touch it.
If you want more mlm leads, just start a new account. It’s that simple. You can have as many accounts (email addresses) as you possibly want. Don’t fall into the trap.
Just have 3 different ads or locations on that account running at one time. At the end of that 30 days, just re up the ad. Don’t worry, Craigslist will help you do just that!
Automating Craigslist Ads The Effective Way
Most people don’t understand that just an ad isn’t enough. You’ve got to have a system to have it work efficiently. A good friend of mine & client, Myrna Buckles had never generated a lead EVER. Frankly, she’d struggled mightily in network marketing over her years.
When she got involved with her company, she purchased a funnel from me. I set her up a system (like I could do for you too). She had never really generated a lead and in her first month over 1,000 came in. Yes, you heard me correctly, 1,000 leads.
Her team brought in 90 people as a direct result of the confidence it gave her to have leads to call and people to follow up with. She’s graced the stage and now is headed to the next level in her company.
What does a system like this made up of?
A good ad
Capture page (they click on it from the ad)
Your video (they see it before you talk with them)
An appointment button (yes, make them schedule an appointment with you)
Automated Follow-Up Series (takes your leads back to your video) on automation
An automated calling system (you’ll have lots of leads)
You’ll see how to use it there. It’s a really good post regarding theLive Callerand what it will do for your efficiency.
For those of you that are completely tapped out on time but still want to win. You’re stressed out at work and have very limited time, this may be for you. Take a peek at this video and see if it fits you. I would love to make life easier for you!
If you enjoyed this post about how to place an ad on Craigslist and I hope it helps you in your network marketing journey!
I appreciate you. I hope you have a terrific day and I’ll talk to you soon.
Terry Jay Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
I want to talk to you about one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools that has been the that came along to help us in the in the past couple of years. And that’s the facebook audio messenger.
We all know facebook, right? We all know messenger and we all converse with people using facebook messenger, but one thing has been forgotten and that is why audio is so important.
In this blog post, this hefty hefty blog posts I want to teach you why you:
Should use audio more often
The top 10 reasons why you should respond back in audio versus texts
What exactly you should say to your prospects
How you can make sure that you recruit two to 200% more people using facebook audio and not only recruit them, but keep them retained inside of your company.
I want you to click on the image below and get my Live Recruiting Webinar I do on Facebook & LinkedIn, where you see everything I do. Frankly, it will cut out all the B.S. & cause you to actually start recruiting people today into your mlm company!
One Of My Favorite Network Marketing Recruiting Tools
I want to talk to you about the top 10 reasons why facebook audio or the audio portion of the facebook messenger is so critical to your mlm success.
Now, before we get into that, I got to tell you, in my network marketing recruiting journey, I have sponsored more than 500 plus people, enrolled many into coaching programs and countless courses using Facebook’s audio messenger.
When I talked to you about these these 10 differentiators with facebook messenger in the audio portion, I really want you to understand that it comes from experience, not just reading an article and telling you what to do. The first thing is to recruit more reps into your company. You’ve got to be more personal. That’s number one with audio. It gives you the ability to to be more personal.
When you’re recruiting inside of mlm, you need to be able to show your personality. Your prospect is buying you, not the company you represent.
Personal Example Of Network Marketing Recruiting
The other day I had a lady in my downline reach out to me and said, Terry, I’m not recruiting a lot of people and I’m showing the video a lot. In fact, she’d shown the video 66 times and it came back to she was trying to recruit using just text, so why wouldn’t her prospect just go to your company web page?
Audio gives you the ability to be more personal. It almost gives you the ability to be like your in-person with them, without being in person with them.
Number two, MLM recruiting is about speed and audio allows you to be way quicker. What I love to do is I love to respond to people when I’m on the run.
If I’m potentially at a stoplight or maybe I’m running down the road, I take a brief minute when my brain is sharp and just respond with a message. It’s way quicker and it fits into your life easier.
Your Voice Matters For Recruiting
Number three, voice inflection. Many times with just the written word, we don’t hear what our prospect is really saying to us or we’re unable to convey what we really want to communicate to that person. But with audio & voice inflection & pauses & excitement & drops, you can get across the message that you really want to convey.
See, what you really need to understand about recruiting is only 7% of communication is actually the words you speak or the written word. The other 93% is voice inflection, tone & countless other awesome things.
When you can use audio to influence your prospects to join you in business or to take a journey with you, you obviously take the upper hand, and this is why audio messenger is one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools that exists today.
Number four, they get to understand you as a person.
In network marketing recruiting, we need to have a personality like I’ve said several times. Audio allows your prospect to understand you as a person. They get to understand how energetic you are & to understand what you’re like, what you sound like right before they join you in business.
Your prospect gets to understand how much you care! How big it this? They’re able to feel your caring generosity because energy flows through your voice. Energy flows from your body into their body. They can feel how much you care. Be careful. They can also feel how much you don’t care.
Through this audio strategy, you’re able to story tell to them to enable them to see why they should join your company, why they should buy your product, why you are the best fit for them because of how much you care, because of the person you are because of who you are.
This takes network marketing and recruiting to the next level. This takes you above and beyond everybody else in your mlm organization because you’re able to show who you are, that you’re real, that you’re vulnerable, how much you care about them, and that’s going to flow across the number for the energy that exudes out of your body.
Prospects Are Lazy | Help Them & Help Your MLM Recruiting
Number seven, people are so lazy. This allows the communication to, um, to this allows the communication with you and your prospect to be easier.
Let’s face it, we don’t like to read a lot of texts we hated as people, but we’ll listen. Why do you think audio books are so popular? Why do you think videos are so popular? We’ll watch a video long before we will ever, ever take the time to read a thousand word blog posts, right?
Text is easily misunderstood. We talked about this earlier in this post, but it’s true. You know, when you’re recruiting in the network marketing profession, you want to make sure that you’re not being misunderstood.
We have enough enemies & haters out there as it is. Voice inflection and how much you care is not misunderstood. Everybody feels that. The old adage, people don’t care what you do. They care how they feel after you leave them, right?
They care how you made them feel. It’s so much easier to sell product, to recruit into your business, to do all of that.
Why? Because of everything we’ve talked about today in this network marketing recruiting tools blog post. You’re able to use voice inflection. They’re able to know that you care. They’re able to feel your energy and feel connected to you.
They’re able to have that connection to you, but they don’t have to go out of their way to set an appointment, to have a video chat with you or to sit down for coffee.
Then you’re making it easier for the end user, for the prospect to actually listen to your message. That is so key for you. That is so such a big deal for you to be able to sell your product easier. Can you see why audio is one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools?
The Technical Behind Sending An Audio Message
Some of you might be saying, how do I start a facebook audio message? Well, you can do it two ways and I have some screenshots here to show you about one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools.
From Your Computer Or Labtop
On Your Phone
The only difference is when you use it from your desktop, you just click & you can record for how ever long you want. When you’re on your phone, you press and hold. You’re only able to record for 1 minute at a time.
Now, the next thing that you may be thinking as well, Terry, that’s all good, fine and dandy, but what do I say?
What do I say in this facebook audio message to recruit network marketing type people? By knowing the MLM industry, I know what’s going through your head. You’re a little bit embarrassed. You don’t know exactly what to say. You think your prospect will laugh at you.
You need to be real, you need to be a real person. I’m gonna say the same thing as I would if you were standing right here in front of me. I’m going to number one, understand what’s going to help me build rapport with you.
If you need help closing, this blog post will really help you!
Are you into dogs or are you into your kids, are your kids going to college. I need to know a little bit about you and I’m going to start the message off like that.
Then I’m going to go right into asking you the question I need to ask you or responding the way I need to respond.
But first off, I’m going to build rapport back with you and this might take 10 to 20 seconds. It’s kind of like if I’m in front of you and I know that you have a daughter in junior high and maybe you, she’s been having some trouble in school.
The first thing I’m going to say as I’m gonna say, Hey, how is Sarah doing in school?
That’s going to build rapport with you because you believe I care about you and your life. You’re going to do the same thing, this audio message. You should do the same thing in any kind of message when you’re recruiting people for your company.
How To Get More Network Marketing Prospects To Send Audio Messages To?
That’s the perfect question. And that’s where The Recruit-A-Thon comes in handy and The Recruit-A-Thon is an event I’ve put together. It’s all recorded now, but I put together a training where I recruited live for three days straight and there’s actually four extra webinars that you get to take advantage of it.
You’re going to see everything I do from mindset to creating the lead to getting the phone number to calling them to overcoming the objections that we get during that call to closing them into our business.
The problem with that is if we’re going to become a nurse, we don’t learn in the classroom. I mean we learned some stuff in the classroom, but we really learned the application on the operating table, right? If we’re going to be a jet pilot, I hope we don’t just learn inside of a classroom.
And this is what The Recruit-A-Thon is all about. It’s about you learning in the field of network marketing battle.
I hope you’ve absolutely enjoyed this post about one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools, and I will see you on another post shortly.
Have a great day. Love you as always.
Terry Jay Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
Welcome aboard TheLive Networker and today we’ll be talking about How To Generate Leads For Network Marketing For FREE. Being an industry veteran, I know all the ins and outs of this industry and I am here to give you free network marketing training every week. I’m pretty dang sure that you’d love to start generating network marketing leads and meet quality people to talk to that are looking to create more income in their life and yours.
I hope so because that’s exactly what we’re going to focus on today. I’m going to teach you my strategy of finding high-quality network marketing leads. I am going to show you what to look for in a great prospect and where to find them. Towards the end, I’m also going to show you a solution where you never again have to worry about how to generate leads for network marketing.
Before I get started, I want to welcome you to a cool webinar training I put together where I recruit network marketing leads live in action on LinkedIn & Facebook. Don’t miss the opportunity to get free network marketing training, just click the image below to grab ahold of this powerful “how to get unlimited leads” training.
The Strategy | How To Generate Leads For Network Marketing For FREE
In my last blog post, I talked about a revolutionary way to generate leads from LinkedIn. I really dug deep into how to create professional people who wanted to join your business. I’m not going to go deep into that subject because I’ve already covered it there. You can check it out at the link below:
It’s a really simplistic approach to finding quality people (also known as network marketing leads) to enroll into your business. We’re not going to go deep into any subject today. I simply want to share with you multiple ways to find leads for free & the strategy I use when recruiting for network marketing.
First and foremost, your ‘network marketing leads’ are people. People have problems that have to be solved. That’s the only reason they will want to join you. Not because you’re an awesome dude or have a revolutionary network marketing product. Even if you have a ground floor opportunity.
None of that hog-wash matters. All that matters is they feel good around you, they feel heard and they believe their problems will be solved because of joining your mlm team and taking your network marketing product.
This means that you must figure out really who they are so they tell you their life problems. I don’t know about you but I’m surely not going to tell my problems to someone I don’t know or trust. You need to build massive rapport and get your prospects to like you before you worry about recruiting reps on a massive scale.
Here is my system:
Find network marketing leads for free (we’ll go over that later in this post)
Build Rapport (get them to like me & make them feel good)
Introduce my product or business opportunity
Follow-up forever (I’ll introduce my follow-up system at the end of the post)
One last note before we talk about how to generate leads for network marketing. Your thought process needs to be of helping people. Thinking of every way possible to help others have a better life.
NOT money. It has to do with money you will almost always lose long-term. You will start to make decisions based on making money and not based on the right thing. It’s like when you walk into a yard guarded by a dog. When you’re scared of the dog, he senses it and bites you.
When looking for leads in network marketing, make sure you focus on making your prospects feel great and pay attention to their needs. This will surely cause you to recruit more people and it is quite frankly the best way to get leads for network marketing!
Ways To Find Leads For FREE In Network Marketing
I have to separate this into 2 categories for you. MLM leads are simply just people. People come a wide arrange of places and sizes. At the end of they day, it’s either online or offline.
When were on the computer or our phones finding people (social media) that’s online. When we are just out and about, that means we’re offline.
Online social media places to find great prospects include:
I want to focus on the overwhelming problem we face today as network marketers. What to do about the massive amounts of leads we find on social media.
Look to make a friend
Always look to disqualify
Stop going after everyone
Your Target Market As A Social Network Marketer
On social media, you can do after or message everyone. But if you don’t pick 1 and decide to focus on attracting and serving 1 potential audience, you will attract nobody.
It’s like that old Aaron Tippin’ song, if you stand up for something. So many of you are trying to find leads for free yet you have no idea who you’re going to go after. This causes a HUGE problem. A monster problem.
How will you post?
What content will you give them to serve?
What are they struggling with?
Who do you really want to work with?
These are just a few of the huge problems that lie in your way if you don’t choose a target market. This doesn’t mean you won’t recruit other people. It simply means, you have a target you’d like to hit.
What you’ll know is who your perfect prospect is, what they like and the typical problems they’re going through. This will allow you to solve their problems with your company. Like I stated above, just follow my training on Facebook & LinkedIn.
The Final Piece Of The MLM Leads Puzzle
Follow up is the game. We all know that you must follow up. You must continue to follow up because most people won’t join you for 4 – 12 exposures. I use a tool called…
It allows you to log each number inside of it, call people 3 times as fast & send yourself a text message when it’s time to call. This way if you have to reach out to someone in a month, you’ll never forget.
I’ll do a blog post coming up on just The Citalink Live Caller, but it’s a god send. Whatever you use, continue to follow up with people long after the 1st exposure. In fact, I simply NEVER stop following up with people. NEVER. If they were once a good person, why would I ever give up on them?
Life happens, just be there when they’re ready to join you. Make sure you’re in their ear when it’s time for them to make a move. This is what network marketing is about. Caring for people!
Summing Up Network Marketing Leads Generation
Thanks for coming on a journey in the how to generate leads for network marketing blog post. To come full circle, network marketing lead generation starts our by picking your target. What is your target market? (I guess there will be a blog post to come). Subscribe my blog to keep getting free network marketing training.
Then remember to treat people as people. They have emotions. People have problems and you have to solve them. But if you never are able to gain rapport, you’re sunk completely.
And then, you follow up. Now, some of you are completely confused or you just want to see it in real life. Well, that’s why The Live Networker is here. I do aRecruit-A-Thonwhere you get to see me in completely live action for 15 plus hours.
The interesting thing you see is how to generate leads (in live action), us getting phone numbers AND actually calling them & following up.
As I exit on this post, understand its the real deal. If you ever had trouble getting there, understand that it’s the best way to get leads for network marketing. Check out the testimonials here. Looking forward to you getting the value of how to generate leads for network marketing soon!
Terry Jay Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
The answer to this question of how to use LinkedIn for network marketing to recruit professionals should be music to your ears.
This blog post will share with you step-by-step including how to determine your target market, building the perfect LinkedIn profile, using LinkedIn advanced search to find your perfect target market & how to use the perfect LinkedIn mlm scripts to master recruiting professionals.
In this crazy social media world of likes, live video & crazy emoji’s it seems nobody pays attention to the benefits of LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is by far my favorite tool in network marketing. This blog teaches you everything to do with how to use LinkedIn for network marketing.
This means you can have a huge leg up if you choose to use LinkedIn advanced search and create a kick-butt LinkedIn profile to attract your perfect person to you.
In this post, I’ll reveal “in step-by-step fashion” on how to use LinkedIn for network marketing, creating your perfect LinkedIn profile, determining your perfect target market, using LinkedIn advanced search to find your targeted prospects, what LinkedIn mlm scripts I’m currently using with great success, how to create great content on your LinkedIn profile & what to say once you get your prospect on the phone!
Truly, I didn’t want you to ever have to read another blog post about LinkedIn for network marketing. My goal is to have 100% of everything you will ever need to know about LinkedIn for network marketing to be inside this post. I believe I achieved my goal. Enjoy!
When you get done, I would really appreciate your feedback with a comment at the bottom. Thank you so much!
This Blog Post Shares With You How To Use LinkedIn For Network Marketing From A – Z
Why Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing Recruiting Is Best
The Reason LinkedIn For Network Marketing Is So Important Is, Your Check Will Be Based On 2 to 4 people.
If we stand back and dissect network marketing in general, all big earners earn 95+% of their income on 2 – 4 people that are connected, influential & understand business.
The majority of network marketers are recruiting the average or lower than average person. This post on how to use LinkedIn for network marketing originated because I wanted you guys to understand how to recruit rockstar prospects & earn a big check.
Network marketing inside of most companies is taught to recruit the lowest common denominator and that will never create a big check for you. LinkedIn for network marketing done properly will allow you to become a 1%-er. That is why we are here talking about LinkedIn for network marketing.
For many of you, Facebook might just get irritating. Facebook live video, advertisements & other craziness that you have to have a personality to be good at. With all of the nonsense rules and getting blocked from time to time from sending messages kinda shuts your business off.
Why LinkedIn For Network marketing Is So Powerful Comes Down To Where Professionals Are Found.
Additionally, Facebook has never been the first, or even second for that matter, choice of top producers. Top network marketing producers have 1 thing in common. They are influential & connected. More often than not, professionals on LinkedIn are just that.
This is why LinkedIn for network marketing is so critical for your financial health. You’re looking for connected folks & your warm market is dry.
When I think about how to use LinkedIn to network, the first thing that comes to mind is the ability to message literally anyone around the world, including the top producers and find your perfect prospect no matter where they live! We use LinkedIn advanced search which I show later in this blog post.
Professionals Are Looking To Refer Business
Professionals on LinkedIn are looking to refer business, make a networking connection for the future or looking for opportunities themselves. That’s the sole reason why they are currently on LinkedIn.
They aren’t sitting on LinkedIn checking out gramma’s cookie recipe. It’s so interesting. On Facebook, I might have to talk about cat sweaters or the recent political problem to massage my way to a conversation. On Linkedin, professionals are on LinkedIn to connect with other professionals. That being said, LinkedIn has the most suitable MLM prospects out there!
Another reason I absolutely LOVE using LinkedIn for recruiting is the average user makes over $100,000. This simply means they have money. In network marketing, we struggle with the money objection.
One Of The Biggest Objections We Get Is About Money. With LinkedIn For Network Marketing, You’ll Never Worry About That Again!
I typically never have to worry whether or not professionals have the money to get started. They’ve already got it.
They are professionals for a reason. They understand investment, business & that it takes money to make money.
What a relief! You no longer have to worry about somebody having the cash to get started or any of the other silly objections you may get with regular prospects. Professionals are just different.
You don’t have have to dance around those silly subjects anymore. Professionals typically will tell you straight up whether they like your opportunity or not. They understand the follow up game & respect you if you follow up well.
How Do I Market My Network Marketing Business Using LinkedIn
I get this question a lot from network marketers and want to simplify the answer for you. With LinkedIn for network marketing & marketing your business online, here is my blueprint in steps.
Okay, we have figured out that LinkedIn for network marketing is where we will find top quality prospect for our business. This will allow us to have an absolute never-ending flow of amazing people to join our business that are connected & influential.
Here is the real question. What is next? Where do I start with my Linkedin profile? What LinkedIn mlm scripts are best to use? How do I create awesome LinkedIn content?
Don’t you worry, as I finish this how to use LinkedIn for network marketing blog post, I’ll surely answer all of those questions.
What Target Market Is Best For Recruiting on LinkedIn?
The target market you choose for your LinkedIn profile is so incredibly important. If you choose wrong, it could cost you years of failure. I don’t want that for you and you don’t either.
In this next section, I will share with you some ideas to consider when choosing your target market to focus on for your LinkedIn profile. This will ultimately create success for you with this LinkedIn for network marketing strategy.
Your current career. It’s really easy to develop amazing rapport with folks that share your same career path.
Personality type. Do you love working with soft people or hard charging people?
Who would you enjoy to cruise with for 14 days straight?
Who are you excited to talk to? What do they do?
What kind of person do you have a lot of things in common?
What is the occupation that would be a person you’d love to talk with?
What location around the world would you like to focus on?
Does this person have a need for your product?
Who are you truly? What is your personality color? Green, Yellow, Red Or Blue?
If you’re sitting at next convention with your team of 50 people, what do they look like, what do they do, who are they?
When You Start Your LinkedIn For Network Marketing Journey, Choosing Your Target Market Is Imperative!
TARGET MARKET! Yes, you must now determine your target market to optimize your LinkedIn profile & find the exact person you are wanting to work with in your network marketing company.
Just like other top network marketers when they developed their professional LinkedIn profile. We all work better with different kinds of people. The neat thing is, we can chose to recruit who ever we want to!
Who do you really want to have on your team? Who is that person? What do they do for work? Do you have anything in common with them?
If you fail to chose a target market to focus on for your LinkedIn profile, you’ll not be able to attract anyone to you. We sometimes think that we are limiting ourselves when we pick a niche.
When, in fact, picking a niche to focus in on for your LinkedIn profile actually attracts more people to you. How can you post properly or provide successful value to your target market if you have no idea who that might be?
Everything awesome on LinkedIn starts with choosing a target market. Don’t kid yourself and rush this section because it doesn’t interest you. It’s the absolute most important part before you start recruiting on LinkedIn & building a massively awesome LinkedIn profile to attract prospects to you.
Before You Start Using LinkedIn Advanced Search
Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing, You Must Always Understand That Search-ability Starts With Occupation & Location.
Let me help you before you start using LinkedIn Advanced Search and make a mistake or waste your precious time.
I want to first have you think about the perfect person you’d like to work with. What is their occupation or what career are they involved in?
With LinkedIn advanced search we can find anyone in any location. The trick is figuring out what occupation the person that you’d like to enroll into your network marketing business, is currently doing or has done in the past. then we use LinkedIn advanced search to find them.
Do you like working with women, emotional people, service providers, military people, type-A sharks, medical professionals, caring individuals, salon owners?
Simply put, the answer to the question of how to use LinkedIn for network marketing:
Choose your target market
Use LinkedIn advanced search to find them
Take my LinkedIn MLM Scripts
Call them
Enroll them
For me, I love working with emotional women & emotional people. I’m an emotional guy and simply don’t work well with type-A personality people. This was a remark from the past but it’s a great reminder for you to know that you can find anyone on LinkedIn with LinkedIn advanced search.
I still don’t love type A folks who make you feel bad, step on your ego & seemingly don’t care. This let’s me know I shouldn’t recruit & reach out to men in ego-dominated fields.
Find Anyone Using LinkedIn Advanced Search
I Love Working With Emotional People. You Pick & Then Use LinkedIn Advanced Search To Find Them.
If you love emotional people (like myself), you might consider teachers, non-profit organization leaders, pastors or church leaders. Think about what careers would lend to a super-caring person. We use LinkedIn advanced search to find these amazing people all around the world.
If you like type-A personality – go get um – type of action, then anyone in sales is perfect for you. These people are very direct and you’ll need to have thick skin. You’ll want to pick a niche “inside sales”. If you build a team of these people, you’ll easily create fast momentum because they get stuff done quickly.
Sales is a huge category, so you need to understand to pick a category smaller like car sales. In fact, you may even go after a certain car make salesperson. If you want type A people but also like medical professionals, then medical sales reps are perfect for you.
If you like analytic folks like accountants, CPAs, mortgage professionals, then certainly go after them. One last final thought about the target market before we build your LinkedIn profile.
In this LinkedIn for network marketing video, I share how to find great professionals in specific cities & countries across the world.
Your Current Career Is A Great Place To Start Recruiting. This Allows You To Have Instant Rapport With Possible MLM Prospects.
Take your traditional career into consideration. If you can recruit people that have been in your same field of work, that makes a lot of sense. Here is why.
This way you’ll have instant rapport when you talk with people in your current career and they will trust you entirely way faster.
On top of that, it’s really easy to rank your LinkedIn profile according to your job description. Nobody else is doing that and it will also give you contacts that you could use to scale in the work place.
On to the next step. Please pick your target market before you go on. It’s important to make a decision. It’s really important. Remember, making a bad decision is always better that not making one at all. We will then use LinkedIn advanced search to find your target market.
Building Your LinkedIn Profile
Your profile on LinkedIn is increasingly important. In fact, it may be the MOST important thing you ever put together. Done correctly, your LinkedIn profile will attract the person you are looking for so you don’t have to go find them near as often.
Treat Your LinkedIn Profile Like A Job Interview. It Will Tell Your MLM Prospect All!
I want you to think of your LinkedIn profile like it as a job interview. When you connect with people inside your industry, they’re going to head to your LinkedIn profile to see if they want to connect with you. If it’s put together ultra successfully & professional, they will love you before you ever have a conversation with them. That is how you know your LinkedIn profile rocks!
In this section, I want to comb through your profile, what you should have in it and why. The first thing you’ve got to understand about recruiting on LinkedIn is…
Your LinkedIn profile needs to be optimized. This means you have the ability to rank your LinkedIn profile so when a person searches for a term or phrase, they find you. Now, we get about 800+ clicks a month from organic traffic.
That’s traffic that I don’t have to pay to get. More importantly, people are searching for you, you just have to get in front of them.
As we go through the profile, keep this in mind and understand this is what makes LinkedIn recruiting really fun!
These are my images from my LinkedIn profile. You MUST have professional images and a professional banner inside LinkedIn or you’ll lose.
Yes, I’m 100% serious about that. You’ll lose.
Professionalism matters so much with recruiting on LinkedIn. Make sure you’re dressed for the occasion in your picture and in this case, that means professional.
It’s like showing up to a job interview. Your MLM prospects are going to judge you based on your dress.
Make sure in your LinkedIn profile you make sure and help people see how awesome you are.
Your banner is easy to create with a company called Fiverr. You can head to and get that done or just have us do it for you.
Reach out to us when you have an opportunity.
This Is A Great Way To Find Connected & Influential Recruits!
This is so critical when you’re looking to recruit MLM distributors on LinkedIn. Do research inside LinkedIn on a keyword inside your target market that you want to be found by. Mine is “network marketing trainer”.
As you can see, it certainly can be a phrase or a single word as well. It doesn’t have to be just one word.
You now want to put that phrase inside your name slot if you can. If it doesn’t look all weird. You can see above how I did it.
Obviously, the term you’ve selected to rank for, you’re going to want to put it inside of the headline or description. This is the 2nd place you need to have this keyword.
Next on your LinkedIn recruiting journey is your summary.
Writing A Great Summary Is Paramount To Have Great Results With LinkedIn For Network Marketing
As weird as it sounds, the summary doesn’t matter too much with SEO. You will want to write it concentrating on them, your readers – the MLM prospects.
You want to let them know what you can do for them, why you’re the best in your field and why you’re ranked among top network marketers. Tell them how to connect with you.
In other words, what should they do if they want to connect with you? Does your LinkedIn profile make a compelling case of why your perfect prospect should stick around?
If they want to take the next step, what should they do? This is what the LinkedIn summary is for.
Let’s now take a glance at your experience.
Craft Your Experience To Have Your “Keyword Phrase” Included In It
You want to fill this section completely. Everything you’ve done in the past, you want to fill this out.
This is the 3rd spot inside your LinkedIn profile that really matters. The title inside your job descriptions is another place that matters significantly. Why?
Because it greatly affects your SEO and rank inside LinkedIn. You’ll want to put your keyword in the title of any jobs that make sense to you.
As I said, this is very important. This may even affect which keyword you choose to go after.
How Do I Grow My Network On LinkedIn
Decide who your target market is on LinkedIn.
Develop a powerful LinkedIn profile to attract your target market.
Reach out to 50 – 100 people inside your target market daily.
Send initial message to start the LinkedIn for network marketing process.
Produce great content to boost your LinkedIn profile & attract invitations to you.
Be consistent day in and day out whether you feel like it or not.
I hope your LinkedIn profile is coming together GREAT! Or at least you have lots of notes on what to do!
I hope your LinkedIn profile is coming along great. If not, just let us know and we will help you!
The 4th and final place where you will gain massive SEO or ranks in the search engine is how many connections you have.
On LinkedIn, you can connect with 30,000 people. If you do this correctly, you’ll be able to have 30,000 connections within your target market.
The person with the most targeted connections and MLM prospects wins on LinkedIn every time. This is one of the biggest reasons why I think LinkedIn is the best place to recruit new reps into your team. It’s simply that good!
Let’s go get some connections. Once again, you need to think about your target market.
You’re going to be searching for your target market…
Searching For The Perfect Target Market Is The Key Of LinkedIn For Network Marketing
So, a picture is worth a 1,000 words, right? You’ll see at the very top you’ll want to type the kind of person you’re looking for.
You type in “Real Estate Agent” or whatever your target market it. You can narrow that search on the right-hand side by selecting the location or certain keywords.
You’ll want to select “2nd connections”. This means LinkedIn connections that are connected to someone you’re connected to but not connected to you as of yet.
With LinkedIn For Network Marketing, You Have The Ability To Search For Anyone You Would Like
Just start clicking connect as that sends a connection invitation to them privately. I never send a personal message when I do this.
Simply that automated message that LinkedIn provides is plenty good enough. Now, we’ve connected with people – our MLM prospects.
Your goal should be to connect with around 100 people a day. One of the LinkedIn prospecting tips is, it will only take you about 15 minutes. That simple!
Now, we’ve got to connect to those who have accepted our connection every single day!
Getting Quality Invitations Means Linkedin For Network Marketing Is Working For You
Select my network at the top and then click on “See all” on the left hand side.
This Image Signifies Sending New Messages To New Connection According To LinkedIn For Network Marketing
This allows you to see all of your connections and is sorted by recently added at the top. You need to keep track of where you left off of the day before.
Then, I just send them a message to start engagement and mine looks like this:
This Is The MLM LinkedIn Script That Works Super Well For Me Over The Years
I will then message everyone that is new to me and get a conversation going. LinkedIn recruiting is that easy. Extremely Simple!
Ask a peek interest question to see if they are open to looking at your network marketing opportunity.
Set a follow up date to answer any questions.
Here, let me show you a conversation I had with a girl this week. (She ended up joining)
How To Recruit MLM Distributors | Real Conversation
Let’s analyze this conversation from LinkedIn. It’s actually pretty simple. I’m always looking for an in or a way to build rapport like making a friend. Simply making a friend will cause you to create more new reps in your team than ever before.
Find a commonality and dig deep inside that item. The next phase is simple when recruiting on LinkedIn. You just ask if they’re open. Remembering that we’re on LinkedIn & LinkedIn is all about creating new opportunities. And this is what all top network marketers do successfully.
You simply ask if they’re open to more income and they will answer YES or NO. Most of the time if you build rapport correctly, you’ll find they’ll be open.
How To Use LinkedIn For Network Marketing Professionally starts with ASKing!
Then it’s off to simply ask for the phone number. Now, this is where most people get all wacko.
Don’t get all weird. If someone wants to make more money and you have an opportunity, you have to get on the phone to build rapport & show them your opportunity.
This is the next step in the equation. They know it and you know it. Simply ask for your MLM prospects’ number. More often than not, they’ll give it to you. Just don’t have any weird energy towards it.
I can’t get into what to say on the phone and I know that’s where your mind is. But I do want to give you some network marketing tips for calling here:
This Powerful Blog Has Taught You How To Use LinkedIn For Network Marketing The Right Way!
How To Use LinkedIn For Network Marketing To Recruit More Solid Business People Into Your Team!
I showed you exactly how to reach out to other people and have lots of conversations going on.
Remember… 100 connections a day will take you about 15 minutes. If you just do that and get on the phone showing your presentation, you’re good to go!
LinkedIn Advanced Search Proof
I’ve always thought that proof far out-weights just telling you how to do it. Here is a story how I used LinkedIn Advanced Search to find a franchise broker that was perfect for my business.
You Can Enroll Amazing People Using LinkedIn Advanced Search As Well!
Think about it. He has 35+ years of experience in corporate America. He loves to help people & this is why he started becoming a franchise broker. He has never been involved in network marketing before.
When you get your LinkedIn profile dialed in & you also understand how to use LinkedIn Advanced search to find your target market, you’ll be able to recruit amazing people at will. It’s absolutely incredible.
Ready To have Results Without The Time Effort & Energy It Takes:
Why would I tackle such a controversial topic with MLSP(my lead system pro) on my blog? Because it’s a mlm topic that must be covered. Most topics that really need to be talked about never are out of being scared to offend.
Let me start out by saying this about MLSP.
Just this week, one of my clients told me that she got involved in a “mlm system” that promised to help her build her network marketing company. She told me, it’s like I got baited into building their company and taking focus off of my network marketing company.
I find that this happens often and I want to make sure you stay on point, if network marketing is your focus. If you’re looking to build a huge mlm organization & if residual income is your key. Note: More about this story later in the post.
I want you to understand that MLSP or My Lead System Pro has a lot of great benefits for your network marketing company which I talk about later in this post. I want to teach you precisely what those are but I can assure you, it’s not building your network marketing business.
This is a topic that consistently comes up with my audience therefore it tells me I must cover it. It’s not meant to be a shot against MLSP or to tell you how bad they are. I just believe you, as a network marketer, need to understand the mlm truth about my lead system pro.
The many reasons why it won’t actually help you build your network marketing business.
What My lead system pro is really good for. (Yes, this isn’t a negative post)
How to use it to actually help your mlm business.
Your solution to actually bring in more customers and business builders to your team.
Where to go from here.
As I type this message, I made a post on Facebook about who would want this blog post. Some people go crazily negative and get mad. I didn’t make a negative post about MLSP here, I simply wanted you to understand what MLSP and other systems are actually good for.
Remember, true leadership isn’t always fun. A real leader talks about subjects because it’s the right thing to do, not because it’s going to net them more income, make them popular or it’s something that everyone will love to hear.
My History With MLSP | What Is My Lead System Pro
I’ve made about 40k lifetime earning inside MLSP with Brian Finale & the gang. Surely not crushing it but not to bad either. Super grateful for him putting attraction marketing on the map. I got involved several times before I stuck but 2014 was when I got started with MLSP.
Me & my “now” wife, Felicia Diane Gremaux, shared the stage with Mike Dillard in 2016 and almost hit L5 before we changed directions & focused on our network marketing company. I’ll tell you that MLSP taught us a ton about how to market our business online but it also took a lot of focus off of our network marketing company.
We ran really hard with this attraction marketing lead system and noticed several key factors that happened because of it. Some good and some really killed the growth of our network marketing business.
What is MLSP or My Lead System Pro?
It’s an educational mlm system that teaches you how to generate leads online with pre-built capture pages offering value to the network marketer. To me, the mlm system preys on struggling network marketers who want to generate leads and are looking to do their mlm online.
They boast about helping you generate leads for your network marketing company(meaning reps joining your mlm organization) and to me this is a falsity. I will get into this subject deeper, a touch later.
The fact is, the mlm company is setup with pre-built capture pages, blog sites, and funnels to help you make more money (selling MLSP products) which it’s good at but not to generate leads for your network marketing company.
Let me explain:
Struggling network marketers who are jumping into another deal will typically jump again after they don’t make any money. This is a never ending circle that takes the focus off of your actual network marketing company.
If you’re looking to another way outside of network marketing to actually create income, MLSP is a great solution for that & I’ll go into that deep later on in this post. Systems are great for creating more income differently but if your looking to build a network marketing company big, don’t join systems like MLSP.
I find, a lot of network marketers get involved in MLSP to recruit more reps into their team. They fall into the education trap that takes them out of action and distracts the 5 hours per week that they may have.
I’m sure that most big earners will tell you, they will tell their team to never do such things because distraction will kill your network marketing business. This leads me into…
Top Reasons Why MLSP Doesn’t Help Build Your Network Marketing Business
In this section, I want to focus on the reasons why MLSP will only hurt you in your network marketing business. Of course, there are 2 sides to the coin. The next section focuses on why you should join MLSP.
Just please don’t make the reason be to build your network marketing company. Because it will not do that but for the select few. You’ll always to prospecting struggling network marketers trying to convince them to join your deal & this will never create duplication for you.
Remember, I’m coming from the standing that you want to build a great big network marketing team. If you’re just looking to make some money here and some money there, you’ll do great with my lead system pro.
Big Distraction
The foremost factor of success for you with any group of people is distraction. MLSP is another bright shiny object that will just lead you & your distributers astray.
You & your reps may have 1 (maybe 2) hours per night, 5 days a week to work their business. Now, remember, your reps will do what you do, not what you tell them to do. This means that if they follow a few directions inside MLSP most of those 5-10 hours are now taken up by a this object.
MLSP, for me as well, created a huge distraction for me as I went after (easier money) and lost sight on the residual aspect of my network marketing company. I’ve seen this happen to countless other people as well. Yes, we made money but our team say us promoting MLSP hard and you can’t multi-focus.
Always remember your objective.
Overwhelming & Outdated Training
My Lead System Pro is great at lifting people up. They bring leaders that have done well in a certain arena for an amount of time and they post those courses & training in the archive for the member to view.
As you know, technology changes. You have no idea is this information is up-to-date or if it was actually put together by an actual expert. This creates this world of not knowing. Of course, as you’ll see in the next section, a lot of the training is simply amazing & has the ability to help you dramatically.
There isn’t a starting point or an ending point with webinars on different subjects each Wednesday night. A user will see hundreds of hours in content available to them and then another value based webinar every Wednesday night that leads them into a different strategy.
Of course, this is taking time away from your network marketing company but on top of that, you see yourself paralyzed in the overwhelming amount of information not knowing where to start. This paralyzes you in all aspects of your business, not just with MLSP.
Remember, you started this to build a residual income with your network marketing company. So far, your 10 hours a week are taken up by mostly training.
You can’t cheat that system. It will not work. While not MLSP’s fault, you get promoted NO CALLING WARM MARKET and such things that kill your duplication efforts.
I get that this is a sales tactic but once again, we started this to build or network marketing company, not to become an affiliate marketer.
Money Out
My Lead System Pro will cost you about $149.99/month. This is a lot of money to most people therefore you will feel obligated to spend a lot of time trying to learn it, showing up on the Wednesday night webinars, ect.
This essentially kills your success as a network marketer simply because of time. Now you feel obligated to go make money with this MLSP system taking focus off of your network marketing or recruiting in general.
This creates a bigger money issue than before getting involved in MLSP or your network marketing company. If you pay for an entire year, that’s $1,500. This may cause you to not be able to go to convention, once again, hurting your potential inside your network marketing company.
Once again, hurting your residual income chances. The 1 main reason you started your business, right?
MLSP Leads
Remember, all MLSP leads will be struggling network marketers. All the capture pages and ebooks & courses are structured to help the network marketer. Telling them no more cold calling, no more warm market, no more ect.
These are the very things that big network marketers tell their teams to do. The very thing that systems tell people not to do in order to lure them in. Now, I understand the generating leads thing completely.
But if you start sending a message of not calling people and not talking to warm market, your team will take the easy route and feel like they don’t need to do that anymore. Once again, this isn’t MLSP’s fault but by using their capture pages, the very marketing used sends that message.
At the end of the day, when you’re generating your leads from struggling network marketers, you’ll never create duplication or it’ll be very hard. The reason is, duplication happens fast when you have people with a warm market.
People with a warm market are not struggling network marketers. Networkers have long abolished their circle of influence. This means you’ll be recruiting people that have no warm market that will have to go up against the cold market to win in this business.
This is possible but certainly not the fast way to build any company.
I Think It’s Wrong (Morally)
Last, but not least, I feel it’s morally wrong to promote MLSP as a help with network marketing. Why? Because the vast majority of people will become distracted, not make any money and ruin the chance they had to actually make money in your network marketing company.
I think for a lot of marketers this will not make them happy. It’s promoted on the outside as a help for their network marketing business instead of an educational program. There is a good way to use MLSP which I go through in the next section.
Just don’t promote it to make money telling others it will help them join their network marketing company. This is a myth and a lie. If you want proof of that, look at the leaders inside of My Lead System Pro.
None of them have a huge team of network marketers. Yes, the likes of Ray Higdon, Tanya & Cesar & others have a network marketing team or used to. They also have a sizable team and do very well.
I would call them more of affiliate marketers. Like I state in the next section, MLSP is a good passive income source for the blogger, advertiser, ect. It’s just not the place to promote to find network marketing team members. You’ll be dis-satisfied if you go in with this expectation.
Simply put, don’t do something that doesn’t feel right just to make an extra buck. It will haunt you and yes, I’ve been here. It’s not worth it. We always inherently understand what the right thing to do is but are often skew our judgement when trying to make money.
Do the right thing for your network marketing team. This is where I enter:
MLSP – Why Should You Join?
After last section, you may now hate me or love me. At the end of the day, I believe that I’m standing for the network marketer to stay focused and do well in their company.
My Lead System Pro is awesome to join for education. To understand how to generate more leads, be involved in community & many other things I’ll list out inside this section.
Think of it as an investment, not something that is looking to repay you immediately or something you need to sell right away.
Who is MLSP perfect for?
If you’re a blogger or already have a list, MLSP is a perfect situation for you. You can blog about it and put it as a P.S. line on your blog and in your emails. This is actually how Ray Higdon built his 10’s or thousands in this company.
If you’re a marketer, not necessarily a network marketer, but strictly a marketer and want to make some cash, then MLSP is a great fit.
If you’re looking to crush your network marketing company, it isn’t the place for you. You’ll find yourself discouraged, filled with resentment and maybe even deceived. MLSP wasn’t meant to bring you network marketing leads for your company.
I want to focus on the amazing things with MLSP:
Once again, Brian & the boys at my lead system pro have done an excellent job creating a community. A group of people that will have your back through thick and thin. If you’re a marketer and want to advertise or blog your way to greatness, this is an amazing world to be involved in.
It’s almost like a brother or sister hood. Once again, as a sole network marketer wanting to build your business, I firmly don’t think this a the fit for you.
If you’re looking for a community of people that you can bounce ideas off of and get to know, MLSP is a great way to get started with. Great Job MLSP!
Latest Education
One of the greatest aspects of this attraction marketing system is it’s education. The ability for you to learn the latest and greatest advertising, blogging and marketing strategies to benefit MLSP. Teaching you how to enroll more people into that business.
If you’re really good at taking a subject taught to enroll MLSP reps to your network marketing company, this will be beneficial to you completely.
In fact, their educational platform is almost 2nd to none. It’s really good. They just won’t teach it to you in terms of getting leads for your business. It will be about getting leads for MLSP or struggling network marketers.
Much like the last subject, but the morning calls to affirmations to the Wednesday night webinars, so much is to be liked about the training MLSP gives you.
It’s quit amazing really. Such incredible partnerships have been created by the leaders that continue to give amazing value. These concepts really do work but you’ll have to translate them into your own company. That’s the only issue.
Just have your objective be to learn and not to immediately make money and enroll more reps into your network marketing team. That’s not what the platform has been designed to do.
One of the very best things MLSP does is lift it’s people up. If you’re lacking recognition and you want to feel great, this is a great place.
Whether it be on a webinar or at a particular event, they are so good at making people feel good. Making people feel on top of the world. Making them feel like they can do it.
This is so key in your evolution as a business owner in network marketing. Network marketing is about people and the biggest people key is to make them feel good. When they feel great, they will do anything for you!
Great Job Brian & MLSP!
Making Money
If you’re looking to make money possibly easier than your network marketing company but knowing that it’s not true residual income, look no further.
This is what MLSP is all about. This truly should be an income opportunity as an affiliate, not something to support network marketers.
Heck, from every $149.99, you make $100 every time you refer someone to the company. Of course, there’s not really any levels like your company and it’s not long-term residual typically but if you want to make money, my lead system pro can do well for you.
Just remember, if you’re a network marketer and want to grow your team, don’t get fooled by a few bucks on the outside. The fact is, that will ruin your focus. That will cripple you. Don’t fall into that trap.
How To Really Super Charge Your Network Marketing Business
Now, I’ve raised a HUGE question in your mind. Okay, if I’m not suppose to do that, what should I do? How can I go faster? How can I really generate more leads?
A system was the appropriate answer but a system to actually generate leads for you that want to join your company. In network marketing to succeed, you need 1 thing.
This is why I put a system together to gather leads for your company. And I build it custom to you to give you exactly what you need, qualified people to talk to.
If you’d like to talk with me personally about a system for you, just fill out this application. I’m looking forward to giving you exactly what you need to build your company the right way.
My Complete MLSP (My Lead System Pro) Review
I hope you’ve enjoyed my post on MLSP and respected where I come from. Remember, if you’re a network marketer and want to grow a large team, it’s about eyes on your presentation.
Systems like MLSP are going to distract you from your common goal. I don’t think MLSP is bad, just don’t have the expectation that it will help you in your network marketing business because it probably won’t.
On the other hand, if you’re just looking to make some extra money, I think you can do very well. Just understand that it’s impossible to not take away from your network marketing business. Do things for the right reasons and not just to make money.
I want to say thanks to Brian & the gang at MLSP because they’ve done an excellent job creating something that creates community & income for so many people. Just know, stick to the basic if you want to build a great big team!
Please SHARE this post if you got value. Enjoy!
Terry Jay Gremaux – +1.406.366.9280
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