iBuumerang success shouldn’t be so hard to attain but sometimes it is. This blog post will give you the 7 steps to create iBuumerang success on every single phone call. The Diamonds inside of iBuumerang & the corporate team have done an exceptional job.
The Corporate Team At iBuumerang Has Already Done An Amazing Job
This instruction manual to create iBuumerang success is meant to simply success in iBuumerang for you. If you’re here investigating iBuumerang & if it’s a good fit for you, check out the link below to see the full story on iBuumerang.
A machine is something that works every single time. If I you follow the proper instructions, you’ll get the same result every time. This is what the instruction manual is all about. These 7 steps will create iBuumerang success for you.
The 7-Step Instruction Manual To Create iBuumerang Success
Defining iBuumerang Success
When you land on this blog post to create iBuumerang success, I think it’s best to define what I mean by iBuumerang success. In most cases, true iBuumerang success is going to be vastly different for every single person that joins this great company.
Does iBuumerang Success Look Like A Machine To You
I’m talking about creating iBuumerang success in a little bit different light. This blog post will share with you how to be ultimately successful on every call you make in regards to iBuumerang.
I view success in iBuumerang like a machine. A machine works perfectly every time & we can easily predict the results that the machine will bring. To create iBuumerang success, there are 7 steps to the machine that I will gladly detail inside this post.
There Are 7 Steps To Create iBuumerang Success For You
1. Create iBuumerang Success – “Make The Call”
I know it seems simple & easy to get on Facebook or your favorite application online to prospect for iBuumerang. That is fine as long as you never speak about iBuumerang at all!
I didn’t stutter or mis-type. If you want to create iBuumerang success, listen closely, you have to make a phone call. This is where you have ultimate control.
You’ve Got To Make The Call to Create iBuumerang Success
We have to remember that people buy from people, they don’t buy from businesses. People buy because of your energy, your vibration & your passion. If you don’t bring those qualities to the table, they will decide based on logic & logic will always tell them no.
At the end of the day, you must become a master on the phone to become great at making money with people. I have a blog post that shares with you how to master the game on the phone. I would highly encourage you to not look at but STUDY the below post.
2. Create iBuumerang Success – “Setting The Stage”
This step may be the most important step in creating iBuumerang success for you. Why is this?
You Must Set The Stage So You Don’t Get Asked A Million Questions
It’s quite simple. Your nightmare in recruiting is when you get blasted by questions before your prospect ever watches a video. You know, on that first call.
The crazy thing is, you completely prevent this from happening 100% of the time. You’ve just got to set the stage for success in iBuumerang. Here is how you do it.
I have a zoom coaching call coming up in 4 minutes but I have a quick question for you John.
Terry Jay Gremaux – Create iBuumerang Success Scripts
Of course, you speak it with a little bit faster tone of voice & a touch of intensity in your words. You’re in a hurry, remember. Your prospect will not ask you questions if your words & energy tell them you’re in a hurry.
This protects you from finding yourself on the wrong end of a nerf gun fight trying to weasel out from all the questions. Make sure you get good at this step to create iBuumerang success.
3. Create iBuumerang Success – “Ask The Question”
This step is pretty simple but a lot of people mess it up by not asking a question, making an assumption or not allowing others to answer. You’ve got to ask the question & collect a decision.
You Must Ask The Question To Create iBuumerang Success
The question I ask 100% of the time goes like this.
We are working with a few ultra-successful entrepreneurs from around the world. In fact, the top guy created 45 millionaires in 10 years & put 110 million in his pocket.
Are you at least open to looking at what we have to offer?
Terry Jay Gremaux – Create iBuumerang Success Scripts
Your prospect only needs to see & hear the sizzle to the steak. There is no reason at all that you need to talk about travel or the other details of the company. They will do you no good.
This create iBuumerang success script has done very well for me therefore I don’t use anything else. Memorize & then humanize it. Make it real for you & it will pour in amazing results for you.
4. Create iBuumerang Success – “Setup The iDecide”
I know it sounds crazy but the presentation isn’t going to recruit people for you, EVER. This just won’t happen. You have the ability to impact your prospects mind before they see the presentation.
The Setup To The Presentation Is The Most Critical Ingredient
Your job is to get them excited to watch the presentation without telling them details about the company. If you give them details about the company, they certainly don’t need to watch the presentation.
Remember, it not how good the presentation is, it’s who your prospect is & what they are looking for when they see the presentation. This can be massively influenced by you.
Awesome John.
I’m going to send you over a piece of technology. It’s amazing. You’ll be able to point & click to take it where ever you want to go. It’s truly an incredible piece of technology & you’ll love it!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Create iBuumerang Success Scripts
You need to say it with a tad bit of excitement & speed up your talk a tad. This will get your prospect salivating to watch the presentation & now they are watching the presentation to validate what you’ve already told them.
On to the most critical piece of your iBuumerang success. If you do everything right but forget this step, iBuumerang success will evade you. You will not succeed, I can promise you that.
We Must Book A Meeting From A Meeting To Be Successful
It will be like you’re chasing people constantly and they will not like it. People will not know what to expect or when you’re going to call back. This means when you do call back, they will be doing something different so your call will interrupt them.
Your prospect will probably never watch the presentation either because they have no deadline. Why should your prospect do as you asked? You are not meeting again. These are the reasons why a BAMFAM, “Booking A Meeting From A Meeting” is essential!
That’s great. If I send you this 15 minute presentation right now, how soon can you watch it?
Prospect: Tonight
Great, Let’s follow up tomorrow. I have an opening tomorrow night at 7 or 9. Which will be better for you?
Prospect: 9
Alright, I will put you on the schedule at 9. If something comes up, please let me know. Talk soon, gotta run!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Create iBuumerang Success Scripts
Let me point out a couple things about this script above. Some people are incredibly busy. You want to make sure you schedule an appointment from their commitment of watching the presentation that you are sending over.
You then want to give them a choice on your calendar. Even if you have nothing going on, you always want to give them choices as if your schedule is really tight. You let them schedule & that gives your prospect the thought that it was their choice.
Then, finish it off with a tone in your voice of seriousness. Your energy should tell your prospect that you aren’t messing around. If they aren’t going to show up to tell them. Your time is very valuable.
6. Create iBuumerang Success – “Activate A Customer Every Single Time”
Whether we have a prospect who says YES to watching the presentation or if they say NO to watching the presentation, we don’t want to get off the phone before we activate them as a customer of iBuumerang.
Activate An iBuumerang Customer On Every Single Call
Customers in iBuumerang will make you a lot of cash in the long run & this business is really a race to the people. Once you grab the people, they are taken for life & everything they purchase on the platform, you get credit for.
I will provide 2 scripts below for you. 1 for the prospect who says YES to watching the presentation & the other one for the prospect who says NO to being open to iBuumerang.
Before I go further into the scripts for iBuumerang activation, I have an incredible blog post to show you how to active iBuumerang customers 100% of the time.
I’m gonna give you free access to our platform that will allow you to save up to 35% on anything travel you book for the rest of your life. Is that cool?
Prospect: Thank you so much!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Create iBuumerang Success Scripts
We always want to say this script in an excited tone with a little bit of speed. This will always have your prospect saying YES. You want to make sure you don’t ask them, just tell them what you’re going to do & then do it.
I’m also going to give you access to our iGo platform so you can see what we are all about. I will send you free access over with the presentation.
Talk to you on XYZ!
Terry Jay Gremaux – Create iBuumerang Success Scripts
Just make sure you don’t mess up on activating someone as a customer. If they are not interested in becoming an ambassador, most times you won’t get ahold of them again.
If you want to create iBuumerang success, activating customers every single time is a big deal.
7. Create iBuumerang Success – “3 Way Calls”
This is the most under utilized tool that cheats you out of iBuumerang success if you don’t use it. 3 way calls create credibility that you can’t do by yourself. The bottom line is, create the ability through 3 way calls for your success team to help you.
Don’t Miss The Most Under Utilized Tool For An iBuumerang Ambassador
The #1 misconception that most folks have with 3 way calling is that their prospect has to know & approve a 3 way call. This is so far from the truth. The reason is simple.
You would never go into a store and ask them to change the way they do things for you. You don’t ask your prospect for approval. You simply follow the system & have them on the 2nd call. If you do this, you’ll create iBuumerang success. If not, it will be rush & roulette.
How To Guarantee iBuumerang Success For Yourself
We all want to create iBuumerag success. None of us get into the business of iBuumerang to not do well. We have goals, travel & freedom we want to attain. I want to share with you how to guarantee yourself that your goals will happen.
This is a machine. If you want to make sure you create iBuumerang success, all you have to do is follow all 7 steps. It’s that simple. Every single phone call you make, follow all 7 steps every single time.
Print this iBuumerang success pdf out and set it by your desk. Then, I want you to master every step. It’s that simple!
If you’re currently involved in iBuumerang but you’re looking to create iBuumerang success by activating iBuumerang customers, this is the blog post for you.
If you’re not yet involved in iBuumerang or an iBuumerang customer, that is completely okay. I’m 100% willing to help you out.
By becoming an absolutely FREE iBuumerang customer, you now will save up to 35% on every single travel booking you make for the rest of your life. If you’re not yet an iBuumerang customer, please become one. I just want you to enjoy the amazing blessings that iBuumerang customers get to enjoy!
You Should NEVER Get Off The Phone Without Creating An iBuumerang Customer
This blog post will share with you how you can easily create iBuumerang customers 100% of the time with these simple steps. Yes, I’ll include my patent pending (joking) script that has created iBuumerang customers nearly 100% of the time.
Before we get to talking about the iBuumerang customer script or the other important steps on your journey, let’s get clear what you have your hands on.
The iBuumerang Customer Mindset
We have built a customer database of 420 customers & counting without ever launching an ad or paying for iBuumerang customers in any way. I’m absolutely not telling you that advertising or paying in any way is bad. I just want to be clear on what I teach.
Understanding what you have in your hands is the 1st step to iBuumerang success. If you don’t understand what you have, your energy & conviction will not be to the level that it should be.
The iBuumerang Customer System
With iBuumerang, a free customer receives incredible discounts, up to 35% off on all travel they book for the rest of their lives. Remember, they don’t pay for anything EVER!
To me, this isn’t about saving money for people, it’s about increasing experiences. A normal family saves approximately $600 per year. This means they will have about $600 in experiences hanging on the wall.
Our company here with iBuumerang is about what the savings will do for people in their lives. I think this is absolutely magical not counting what activating iBuumerang customers will do for others around the world.
Every activated iBuumerang customer will feed 1 child 1 meal of proper nutrition somewhere around the world. This is incredible. No money came into iBuumerang but our foundation feeds someone, somewhere.
To me, this is about iBuumerang success is really about. We are making a huge difference just by activating free iBuumerang customers even if those customers never use the iGo platform.
The Huge Pitfall To The Usual iBuumerang Customers Method
The pitfall that we’ve saw time & time again is what I call chasing buumerangs. You come into the business of iBuumerang & you want to create iBuumerang success by activating customers.
Stop Running After Buumerangs When There Is An Easier Option
You then think…
Wow, this is free! I will send buumerangs to everyone I know in Facebook & text people in my phone! This will be so easy!
Terry Jay Gremaux – The Pitfall Of Activating iBuumerang Customers
The problem that we’ve found inside of our iBuumerang organization is you’ll find yourself chasing buumerangs & only about 10% will activate to become an iBuumerag customer.
You Want To Activate iBuumerang Customers Not Chase Them
This completely defeats the purpose of creating easy iBuumerang success now doesn’t it. Don’t fall into the time wasting shortcut known as sending text messages & Facebook messages with buum codes. After enrolling 93+ ambassadors & 420+ customers, there is a much easier way to create iBuumerang success.
3 Steps to Guarantee iBuumerang Success
We know the numbers. Every customer that we activate on the iGo platform with iBuumerang, you will earn approximately $300/year once we go through a full rotation.
This number comes from the simple fact that the average person will save $600/year, therefore we earn 50% bonuses on what our customer saves. This is only on the travel portion. It has nothing to do with the other verticals that may enter the iBuumerang customer model.
The 3 Step iBuumerang Customer System
Here are the steps to guarantee that you activate as may iBuumerang customers as possible. In fact, if you follow these 3 simple steps, I’ll guarantee you’ll activate every person you ever talk to.
Make The Call
Create Conversation
Follow This Exact Script
How To Create iBuumerag Success By Activating iBuumerang Customers
Making the Call For iBuumerang Customers
There is no possible way for you to get your passion, your positive energy & the feeling of your vibration over to the people that you love the most without a phone call. There is also no other way you can guarantee you’ll activate an iBuumerang customer than making a phone call.
Make The Call To Guarantee To Activate iBuumerang Customers
If you really got an immediate payout of $300 every single time you activated a customer like you will within time, how may phone calls would you make?
This step-by-step process will create major iBuumerang success for you over time. If you haven’t made your list or don’t know who to call, I would highly recommend watching the training below. It’s from our GMA Edwin Haynes.
He’s a rockstar as you know & I would highly encourage getting yourself organized before moving forward in your business.
No worries. I have you covered! All of my recruiting for activating iBuumerang customers has been done on LinkedIn & Shapr. I want to give you access to see how I’ve created iBuumerang success on both of those platforms.
LinkedIn for network marketing is my favorite by leaps and bounds. There is a long list of reasons why. If we just focus on the iBuumerang customer side, do you think that customers that are business people will use your service more than the average person?
Not only will they use it more but they will go on more lavish vacations, will save more thus putting more money in your pocket! I truly believe if you use LinkedIn for network marketing inside of your iBuumerang business, your customer check will 10X that of advertised leads or Facebook leads.
It’s an app called Shapr. We have had some incredible success with Shapr already. I’ve recruited folks & created duplication from Shapr already. I’ll tell you a story a tad later.
First, I want to give you the details of how to get your Shapr account setup because it’s a really easy, fun way to meet new people.
Tee Mariga is his name. The first person I actually met on Shapr. I remember it clear as day. We connected on the phone & 3 weeks later he had joined my iBuumerang business.
What was even better was within a couple weeks he had his first person join his business from Shapr. That’s what we call duplication & that’s why we run a network marketing business!
Create Rapport & Have A Conversation
Yes, step 2 is simple & fun. We get to chat with folks! That is all we do is talk with others & help them decide whether they’d like to become an iBuumerang customer or not.
Have A Conversation To Get More iBuumerang Customers
I want you to follow what has been laid out for us. The Diamonds have done an exceptional job making sure we have the information to create iBuumerang success.
I’m going to lead you to a very good blog post with several videos on it to master the art of the phone. Especially if you are calling folks that you don’t know.
Here Is The Complete 3 Step System To Guaranteeing iBuumerang Customers In Your Business
I’m going to give you free access to our incredible platform. It will allow you to save up to 35% on all travel for the rest of your life! Is that cool?
Awesome! I’ll send you over the login details shortly.
Terry Jay Gremaux – iBuumerang Customers Script
On every single phone call you ever have, end with the above iBuumerang Customers script. This will make you a customer gathering machine. More importantly, you’ll become very wealthy because of having so many customers on your iBuumerang team.
Feel free to share with your team members. I’d love to know your results. We’ve been able to crush it using this script! Happy recruiting & giving away!
How do you maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan so you make the most amount of money while building your iBuumerang business?
Welcome to the unlocking of the income potential with Holton Buggs through my fingers here at TheLiveNetworker. Before we get started, as I write this, we are Ruby Ambassadors here at iBuumerang. I want you to create iBuumerang success as well.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan To Create iBuumerang Success
This blog post will teach you how to unlock the iBuumerang compensation plan to maximize your success at iBuumerang. If you haven’t seen the full scoop on iBuumerang, click below please!
The Insider Secrets Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
In 2019, iBuumerang became the fastest growing company in all of network marketing. That’s right, Holton Buggs vision came to fruition. Of course, we are just getting started but…
He still wasn’t happy. Holton Buggs wants you to be a Diamond. He wants to set you free. He wants you to spring board to the next level in life, to create whatever level of iBuumerang success that you’d like.
Holton Buggs starts off this broadcast by talking about playing an arcade game when he was a kid. When you have the “cheat” codes to make you run faster & grow bigger, it’s much easier to win the game.
Holton Buggs: I’m Giving You The Cheat Codes Of The Compensation Plan
This blog post & presentation of the iBuumerang compensation plan is like having the cheat codes to the arcade game called life. If you follow what’s in this presentation, you’ll make a lot of money & create major iBuumerang success.
You’ll find that Holton Buggs secrets are simple but require effort. I would hope it would require effort to put this incredible iBuumerang compensation plan to work for you. If it didn’t require effort then everyone would do it, right?
iBuumerang Compensation Plan | How Do Create iBuumerang Success
This blog post will not be just numbers & how much money you can make within the iBuumerang compensation plan. This will teach you how to make the numbers of the iBuumerang compensation plan actually work for you.
Rookies will always argue that their compensation plan with their such & such company is better. iBuumerang success will be difficult if you focus too much on the numbers. The numbers are only part of the equation.
Only Rookies Argue Over Compensation Plans
A iBuumerang compensation plan is just numbers. It doesn’t really mean anything. What is truly important to you is how to make the numbers actually work for you. This is what we will talk about today.
A compensation plan is made up with 4 parts. The compensation plan (the numbers), the system, growth & environment. The numbers are the reciprocating way the field get paid for their results. A great compensation plan must have all 4 parts.
The system is what make the numbers work. You can have the greatest numbers in the world but if you don’t have a system to make the numbers work, it’s pointless. This is why you should NEVER compare compensation plans.
The growth is what the executive team is so great at. Their job is to create & stimulate growth with promotions & recognition on a weekly & monthly basis. If you don’t have extra-ordinary ways to make a compensation plan work, you’ll be shortcutting your iBuumerang success.
The environment of the iBuumerang compensation plan is most important. It allows people to feel good & stay. It allows your people to stay around the fire long enough because it feels good. This is the #1 most important piece of any compensation plan in network marketing.
With the iBuumerang compensation plan, we added a piece that is unmatched in the industry. It’s called LUE. It stands for loyalty, unity & edification.
Holton Buggs: LUE Is The Biggest Part Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
LUE is the greatest part of the iBuumerang compensation plan. It’s not just a shield to protect your other brothers & sisters. This group of Diamonds & above enjoy a brother & a sisterhood that if something were to happen making it impossible for you to work your business. Each Diamond must work at least 2 weeks in your organization if you were to be sick or pass away forever.
Think about that for a minute. You have a group of high achieving amazing people & you now that no matter what happens to you, your family will be taken care of. I don’t know of another compensation plan on planet earth that does this.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – Do You Want Amazing People To Take Care Of Your Business?
LUE isn’t about our policies & procedures. It’s truly what makes the iBuumerang compensation plan work because it makes us impenetrable. The loyalty & unity that LUE brings to the table makes the Diamonds in iBuumerang work so hard for you. This is why I believe iBuumerang is the best company on the planet.
Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? What is the purpose of the iBuumerang compensation plan?
Holton Buggs: The Purpose Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Just like any compensation plan in any company, the plan is designed to determine the style of the behavior we want performed in the field. The iBuumerang compensation plan directs behavior of the reps. Corporate puts bonuses & money on what iBuumerang wants performed more often.
In iBuumerang for the 1st time EVER, we no longer sell products. We give away technology that saves people huge money. This is a huge transition or change in the industry. This is why iBuumerang was the top momentum network marketing company in all of 2019. That’s absolutely crazy.
Remember the elephants & the fish that Mr. Holton Buggs create iBuumerang for. Those people that aren’t amazing, awesome recruiters. The iBuumerang compensation plan was created just for you!
How To Make The iBuumerang Compensation Plan Work
Let’s get to the fun stuff. How in the heck do you make that iBuumerang compensation plan work to have success in iBuumerang?
Remember, nobody gets paid a dime when they recruit others into iBuumerang. This is important to note. To recruit or enroll another person into iBuumerang is $49.95. We call this level Standby.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – Nobody Gets Paid Unless A Pack Is Sold
Every single person that enrolls pays this $49.95 fee. No commission is paid out at this level. We only make money in iBuumerang when a membership pack is purchased. Here at iBuumerang, we call them coach, business & first class.
iBuumerang ambassadors make money when a customer consumes a transaction inside the PRIB. Remember, this same platform is sold in resorts & timeshares for 30k with an annual renewal fee! Seriously, 30k & you can pick it up for 1k & 99.95 per month. I would say that’s some amazing value!
Every package we have from the free customer all the way to our top first class option are customer packages. You get paid when a paid membership gets sold by you or someone in your organization. On the customer side, you get paid when a free customer consumes a transaction like booking travel.
What Is iBuumerang: The Xccelerator Bonus Has Been A Huge Pay Raise For The Field
The Fast Start Xccelerator Bonus was designed to give the fish & elephants a bigger piece of the pie. Of course we have a binary compensation plan here at iBuumerang but this allows you to unlock 7 levels of the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Holton Buggs: The Fast Start Xccelerator
I won’t go through the numbers, you can see the numbers on the chart. I want to focus on how to make the number that you see in the chart actually work. Typically in a binary compensation plan, you have to have both sides even in order to make a lot of money.
In this example, it’s not like that. If you enroll 1 person that builds an organization, even if you have nobody on your other side of your dual team, you are going to get paid over & over again 7 levels deep. This is incredibly powerful!
The Best Way To Unlock The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
If you want to make a lot of money & unlock the greatness inside of the iBuumerang compensation plan, you’ve got to understand momentum. In the case of iBuumerang, we are talking about the speed of packages sold & the quality at which they are sold. This takes you into growth.
Momentum = More Numbers X Speed Of Packages Sold
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Let’s take 2 examples. Bob recruits 12 personal & builds a team of 100 within 1 year. Mary, on the other hand, recruits 12 & builds a team of 100 in 90 days. Who has the most momentum?
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – How To Create Momentum
Mary will run circles around Bob! She has built momentum in her group by putting more numbers in a smaller time frame. This creates a significantly bigger momentum curve. This is what you want to focus on to create massive momentum inside of the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Making The Numbers Work Inside The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
The percentages are not important. What is important is you actually know how to make the numbers work. The numbers & percentages are static. If you don’t understand how to make the numbers work, you won’t create iBuumerang success!
Get excited about knowing precisely what to do in order to create momentum & large income in your group. Don’t memorize the percentages to make you think that you know the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Your structure that you build inside of your iBuumerang business is the 100% most important thing you understand. Please listen & read very closely to the upcoming text.
Let’s talk about your PET. When I refer to PET, I’m talking about your Personal Enrollment Tree. We have to remember that your team will do exactly what you do, not what you say. In order to have integrity to teach people what to do, you must do it as well.
You want to build your PET as wide as possible. Follow the 20/20 plan that Edwin Haynes taught by clicking the link below.
You want to personally sponsor at least 12 wide in your first 60 days. This way you can honestly tell your newly enrolled personals to go do the same. You can’t tell people to do something that you’ve NEVER done.
Well, you can tell them, but your words have ZERO weight & you won’t be listened to. More over, your team will not listen to you as you’ve lied to them or told them to do something that you haven’t done. You will come across with insincerity & lack of confidence will shine through like light on a sunny day.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – Be Integral So Your Words Mean Something
Good people will be able to sniff a phony out in minutes & at that moment, you’ll blow your opportunity to have respectable integrity & build trust. Once this trust has been lost, you’ll probably never gain it back. This means your leadership is impossible to go on from level to level.
What ever you want your people to do, you go do it first. In fact, don’t just do it, go above & beyond to do it bigger than the minimum. Then your team will have the opportunity to follow suite.
Always Be Truthful. Be Sure That The Truth Is Good Enough.
Create Edify-able Structure Within The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Now, we understand why we need to do it first in order to unlock the greatness of this magical iBuumerang compensation plan. I want to share with you WHY you need to build a very wide PET (Personal Enrollment Tree) if you want to build a huge business.
Understand that your goal is to pack so much volume in the first 4 levels of pay structure as possible. That is your goal. This will set yourself up to maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – Create Editify-Able Structure
Imagine 2 different triangle. 1 is skinny and tall. The other is short & fat. If you only have 6 in your PET, you end up having a skinny & tall organization. If you have 18+ in your PET, you end up having a short & fat organization.
The reason you want a short & fat organization is, you only get paid 7 levels deep within the Fast Start Xccelerator Bonus. If you only enroll 6 & duplicate, you’ll have most of your volume coming in on the 7 – 10 level where it will be out of your pay. You’ll miss out on your greatest momentum as you mature your organization.
If you have the same exact volume & the same exact number of ambassadors in 2 organizations, the short & fat organization will create 4 – 5 times the income as the skinny & tall organization.
This is key when starting so you don’t find yourself in a situation where you’ve wasted money & more importantly, time. You want to focus on the structure you need to build to maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan.
The Fast Start Xccelerator Bonus only pays 7 levels deep. This means that you only get paid 7 levels deep. If you don’t build wide, you don’t have a chance to get paid on all those levels. It’s impossible.
Most of your pay will end up outside of your pay & you’ll sacrifice great time & effort to get minimal results. Let’s talk about how impact drives income.
Holton Buggs: Impact Drives Income
You want to jam as much business in the 1st 4 levels of the iBuumerang compensation plan as humanly possible. In the first 4 levels of business they all look at you as a leader. They look up to you.
As long as you’re teaching them the real system of HB & how to recruit properly, the message doesn’t get diluted. This means your first 4 – 5 levels can use you as an example & listen to your message.
Before your organization matures into a duplication machine that doesn’t need you, it’s based on your leadership because everyone is watching you & copying a little bit of what you do. You have to understand that your group will do what you do, not what you say.
It will take you 6 – 18 months to reach full maturity inside of your iBuumerang organization. Maturity means you are not needed in order for volume to pour in.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – It Take 6 To 18 Months To Reach Full Maturity
Before maturity, if you leave the organization or don’t show any STP’s for a week, your organization will feel it in production completely. If you build it correctly in the beginning, the first 4 to 5 levels of business will look at you as a leader and follow your example.
The first 4 to 5 levels of business then will build the rest of your business for you because they’ve been taught correctly & they understand how to build iBuumerang correctly. This is why you are such an pivotal piece of the equation.
You Want Massive Amounts Of Volume In 1st 4 Levels.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Within the first 6 to 18 months, your duplication machine takes over. The first 4 levels of teaching & example you have set takes over. The massive number of PET’s creates amazing posture for you.
Now, you can’t stop the growth even if you tried. You’ve got amazing people that are doing exactly as you’ve taught. This is a huge reason why you must teach them the right way. If you don’t teach the right way, you have a bunch of people doing the wrong things.
If you have a bunch of people doing the wrong things, you’ll never get to the duplication machine part & you’ll be in the building phase forever. This means if you take any times off, your organization & your check feels it.
My Average Enrollment Had 14 To 16 PET’s. That Included About 60 That Never Recruited A Sole.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
If your average enrolled on your 2nd level is not good, it’s your leadership. You have to be really honest with yourself & change your tactics if you want to make big money in the iBuumerang compensation plan.
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – What Is The Average Number Enrolled On Your 2nd Level
Nothing will change, if you don’t change. The litmus test comes when your 2nd level either enrolls folks or not. It’s that simple. What your 2nd level is doing or not doing on average, is heavily waited on your leadership over time.
Remember, jam as much volume in the first 4 levels as possible. Your first for levels will pave the way to greatness for you.
The 7th Level Will Pay You More Than The 1st 4 Levels Combined If You Build It Correctly.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Sponsor People In Batches With The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
You don’t want to sponsor one-zies, two-zies, dance with me suzies. You want to sponsor in batches. You want to bring folks in like the 20/20 plan suggests. You can read up on it below.
The biggest reason you want to sponsor people in batches within iBuumerang is so your new recruits have others they can associate with. If your new recruit doesn’t have other people that came in at the same class as them to compare with, they will not be as motivate-able.
When you recruit in batches within iBuumerang, you have the ability to apply in-direct pressure. You never want to apply direct pressure to another team member to have them hit a rank. This will cause them to run out of the business.
People that are enrolled outside of your classes or batches feel like they can’t compete. They look around at everyone else on your team & see you’ve been there for a long time. They typically won’t compete with you because of how long you’ve been involved therefore not creating any iBuumerang success.
When you enroll people in batches & 1 of them breaks a rank, the other people within that class now are super motivated to hit that rank as well. They believe they can do it because the person that joined after them did it. That’s indirect pressure & you want to apply it all day long.
You then want to introduce that person that just got binary qualified to the new members of your class. This makes those new members be motivated to do what the super star has done. They feel like they can relate because their age within the business is the same!
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – It’s About The Psychology
Maximizing the iBuumerang compensation plan isn’t just about the numbers, it’s about the physiology that makes the iBuumerang Compensation Plan work. This is another play that makes the players on your iBuumerang team play ball.
1 person in each class will emerge as the leader. They will break executive or sapphire in 30 – 60 days. That is the #1 signal that you must start recruiting a new batch. That class now is complete.
It’s now your responsibility to bring on a new batch of people. You can’t count on that old batch of people to create that wealth for your family. You count on structure & strategy.
I Believe In You, I Don’t Believe You.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
The Numbers Of The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
If you want to maximize the iBuumerang compensation plan, just master the promotion of “It Takes 2”. If you just focus on helping your new recruits get 2, this compensation plan takes care of the hard work for you.
Holton Buggs: What The Numbers Look Like Inside The iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Remember, your 7th level is where all your money is made. In order to maximize your 7th level, you jam as much volume & people into levels 1 through 4.
This strategy will create a popcorn effect on your highest payout inside of level 7. You won’t even know these people but because you put so much effort on levels 1 – 4, levels 5 through 7 just fly!
The binary pays out based on packages purchased. When someone within your team purchases a coach, business or first class package, you get paid out within your binary structure. This means you have 2 legs, a left & a right.
Holton Buggs: How The Binary Compensation Plan Works With iBuumerang
If you’re lucky enough to be on a team leg that is active, you might see some spillover happen to land on your team. This spillover is volume that you didn’t have to work for. Everyone doesn’t get this & you may not get it forever.
Your pay leg is the other side. The side of your binary structure that has the lowest amount of volume is where you’re paid from. Depending on the level that you join at determines the percentage you get paid.
Don’t have the mentality of who are you going to place below me. Be the guy or gal that makes a case to cause people to want to place others below you. Go build your own team to create iBuumerang success!
Maximize The iBuumerang Compensation Plan – Don’t Let Money Dictate Whether You Help Or Not
Have an abundant mentality. Help people beneath you whether you brought them in or not. Don’t let the money dictate where you are helping people. You help people because that is who you are.
Great Things Happen To Great People.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Once you get binary qualified, you are locked in to create binary pay. Becoming binary qualified also stores the volume that is being created under you for later use.
This is crazy. The volume does not flush at the end of the month. One person could put 10’s of thousands of dollars in volume under you & it doesn’t flush. As long as you’re binary qualified, the volume stores to be used later.
Holton Buggs: How To Qualify For 7 Levels Of Pay
You will get paid 10%, 12% or 15% based on your level inside of the company. This is why it’s pretty silly NOT to be at the top of the compensation plan. In fact, it’s completely ridiculous. If you are not currently at first class, get upgraded so you can make more money!
The iBuumerang Compensation Plan gets better with dynamic compression. This is one of those “see” type of things. I don’t believe I can give it justice with words. Please STUDY the video below to understand how incredible this company is.
I Don’t Know Of Any Other Company That Has Dynamic Compression.
Holton Buggs – iBuumerang Compensation Plan
Holton Buggs: The iBuumerang Compensation Plan 7 Dynamic Compression
Thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate you checking out the iBuumerang compensation plan. If you want to check out more into iBuumerang or find out truly what it is, click the link below.
What is iBuumerang? That is what I’d like to throughly explain today to makes sure you completely understand what we do here at iBuumerang. If this is your first stop, at least become a customer.
As you’ll understand later on in this presentation “What Is iBuumerang” blog post, we get to give away amazing free “codes” or “buumerangs” to amazing people just like you. Before you go any further, become a iBuumerang customer.
This is one of the things that makes us here at iBuumerang radically different than any other network marketing company on the horizon. Pay attention but enjoy your customer experience first!
Now that you’re an iBuumerang customer & understand how amazing this cool concept can be, let’s go into the details of why iBuumerang, what is iBuumerang & why now!
Your prospects are sitting at home wondering what will happen with their lives & their livelihood. It’s absolutely insane! We are in a home business & now we have the opportunity to talk to folks that are insecure about their job taking care of them.
The world is telling them to stay home. This is 1 big reason why iBuumerang is seeing such amazing momentum & why you should absolutely take a very close look at iBuumerang as a solution in your life.
It Doesn’t Matter If You Get Knocked Down. It Only Matters If You’re The Same Person When You Get Back Up.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
With iBuumerang being about 1 year old as of March 11 of 2020, this airplane has taken off. It’s in launch mode at a fierce rate. In fact, if you don’t necessarily believe me, iBuumerang has set records in the short time they’ve been around.
If iBuumerang was in the top 25 of companies in their 1st year, it would be a huge success but Mr. Holton Buggs found his company at #1. Yes, that means the #1 company in the world in 2019. There is no better or faster growing company on the planet.
This is why you should watch the video below to find out exactly, “What Is iBuumerang”, I certainly don’t want you to miss out on the greatest network marketing momentum of it’s kind.
Watch the “What Is iBuumerang” video below to answer the questions you may have in your mind. Then, finish reading our blog post.
Listen To Johnny Wimbrey As He Shares With You: What Is iBuumerang?
The Internet Will Create More Millionaires Than Any Other Source.
Bill Gates – What Is iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang
In a simple answer, throwing customers free buumerangs or good will, where they become free customers & you get financially incentivized to give away free buumerangs.
Become a free customer here so you understand what iBuumerang really is.
Remember, the income or iBuumerang success that you see from others in presentations is directly tied to their work habits, effort & study. There are no guarantee’s except the same chance applies to everyone involved.
What Is iBuumerang: The Network Marketing Industry Has Been Archaic For 60 Years
Network marketing has been the same archaic industry since the 1960’s when it was invented as a potential business platform. Essentially, it’s stayed the same.
We, as distributers, have the obligation to get good at selling products if we want to make great commissions. Our commission depends greatly on our ability to sell products within the industry of network marketing & keep in touch with our customers making sure they stay on the product.
Then, we must become great at upselling our customers to the next product that comes out within our company. We have to become great at the switch pitch!
I Know You Already Use Face Cream, Try Ours!
I Know You Already Have Home Goods, Ours Are Better!
What Is iBuumerang: The First Company Where Ambassadors Are Told NOT TO SELL
For the first time ever, iBuumerang success happens by you not selling a thing. It’s not your job to sell to your customers. It’s not your job to keep your customers. It’s not your job to upsell your customers.
That’s what the PRIB is for. In fact, for the 1st time in history we are highly encouraged to NEVER talk to our customers!
iBuumerang takes the responsibility to sell to your customers & use technology to make sure to incentivize your customers to use the platform & everything inside of the PRIB. (More On this Later In This Post)
Did you catch that?
This means that you bring the customers in for free & iBuumerang does all the heavy lifting for you! NO MORE SELLING!
What Is iBuumerang: Taking Network Marketing From The Taxi Cab Era
We Are A Cutting Edge Opportunity.
We Are Redifining How The Network Marketing Industry Works.
We Are About 50 Years Ahead Of Our Time
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
See, typically in network marketing only the strong recruiters win. If you can’t recruit 50 to 100 people into your company, you lose in comparison to your goals.
Typically your customers pay more for the same dang product and you get the profit but your customers suffer.
In iBuumerang, you can win even if you just share our free technology with the world! Seriously, if you can share something for free, you can make iBuumerang work for you!
What Is iBuumerang: The Modern Era Is Being Starting With iBuumerang
Welcome to the modern era of network marketing. We have technology to help ambassadors & customers win big. You only make money when your customers save money.
That’s right, your customers will never leave you! After all, why would they? It’s free and your customers are just saving money. When asked, what is iBuumerang, it’s a loaded question!
This is why I would like you to click below to get the full scoop on iBuumerang & truly understand… WHAT IS iBUUMERANG!
What Is iBuumerang: There Is No One On The Planet Like Holton Buggs
Johnny Wimbrey explains in the presentation at the top of this “What Is iBuumerang” blog post why he choose to leave 180k/month in income to play ball with iBuumerang.
When Is the Last Time You’ve Been Able To Team Up With Someone That Is The #1 On The Planet?
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
It’s all boils down to the above quote. Mr. Holton Buggs has been in the dirt of network marketing. He didn’t make over $500/month for his first 7 years in this industry.
Holton Buggs knows what it’s like to fall flat on your face time after time & get back up to start running again. He knows how to dig in the dirt & I believe that makes Holton Buggs the best CEO on the planet.
He was able to develop a system that created 45 millionaires and over 110 million dollars in his pocket in a 10 year stretch. There is literally no one that can even come close to those numbers.
He know what we need as ambassadors. He knows the systems to put in place because he built it. He’s built 45 millionaires. iBuumerang isn’t guesswork. It’s a proven concept that has been refined to perfection.
How can you lose with a guy that’s created 45 millionaires?
The tools you need, he builds them. This iBuumerang company was founded to be the company that Holton Buggs would love to be a distributer of. It’s just crazy what is happening here.
Holton Buggs Launched iBuumerang Because His Vision Outgrew His Previous Company.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
This explains Holton Buggs. His goal is to find a handful of people that he can lead to break his previous record. Who does that? He wants to be the factor that causes others to break his records. Maybe that is you!
What Is iBuumerang: Our Leadership Team Is Has Incredible Network Marketing Experience
We have spoken about Holton Buggs & his incredible leadership. T. Gray is the VP of Operations & was another 7 figure earner inside the industry of network marketing.
Mark Kithcart is also an amazing marketing mind that was a 6 figure earner in network marketing with Holton Buggs in his previous company. It’s incredible to me that most of these guys are people that Holton Buggs has personally mentored. To me, that’s simply amazing!
David Manning is the CEO of Xstream Travel. He is the mind & the brains around how our travel booking engine. Without him, the success we are having at iBuumerang would not be.
Let’s not forget our Chief Giving Officer. Remember, iBuumerang is all about giving & Peter Hirsch is one of the most remarkable giving people you’ll ever meet. He heads up our foundation of feeding kids around the world & also has an incredible team in the field.
Our GMA – Edwin Haynes served as a wing man to Holton Buggs for the last 20 years. If Holton Buggs taught it, Edwin Haynes knows it. This guy is an incredible man to have in the field to have your back.
And last, but certainly not least, Lori Spears. She knows more about travel than more people will hope to see in their lifetime. She is our travel expert. The woman is absolutely incredible in terms of travel knowledge.
What Is iBuumerang: The Most Unique Way To Take A Technology To Market
The PRIB of course. You’ve probably seen a word or 2 about the PRIB above in this text. It stands for Perpetual Residual Income Builder.
Here is what I must say. When you actually wrap your brain around the PRIB, you won’t sleep for days, no joke! I know it’s crazy, but this crazy technology is our product. If you get it just a little bit, you’re life will drastically change!
To understand the PRIB a tad, become a customer, if you haven’t.
What Is iBuumerang: The PRIB – When You Understand This You Won’t Sleep
Perpetual because the PRIB never sleeps & iBuumerang keeps stuffing the PRIB full of other products & services for your FREE customers to consume.
Residual because you earn income in a residual basis. This means that every single time a customer consumes a product or service, you get paid.
Income because no matter the product or service, commission is attached to it when your customer or a customer on your team consumes it. Remember, customers pay nothing to be involved.
Builder because iBuumerang will constantly build your income by introducing new products to the PRIB. This is the craziest Amazon-like concept you’ve ever heard of!
What Is iBuumerang: The PRIB Does Everything For You
The PRIB actually does all the work for you. It follows up with your customers. It sells only what your customers actually want because it’s tracking what the look at & buy 24/7.
You notice how you never get mad at Amazon? This is because they only put things in front of you that you like. This is what the PRIB will do to your customers.
This gives you world class people power. In traditional home businesses, your ability to sell your product or service will make or break you!
Not at iBuumerang!
What Is iBuumerang: How To PRIB Takes Care Of Your Customers & Your Team
With the PRIB doing all the work for you from talking to your customers, upselling them on what they actually want to purchase to following up with them, you only have to put free customers in the pipeline. The PRIB will do all the other work.
When your team gets started, the PRIB helps them get a convention ticket, trains them, upgrades them, gives them orientation & kindly welcomes them to the iBuumerang family.
Thank You PRIB! Can you imagine with the PRIB can do for you?
What Is iBuumerang: The Front Door Of The PRIB Is iGo Travel
iGo Travel is how your customer gets entered into the PRIB. From the moment your customer enters the PRIB, they are being analyzed. The PRIB goes to work collecting data to make sure the only offers your customer sees are offers your customer wants.
Are you seeing why “What Is iBuumerang” is much more than a 1 paragraph answer?
What Is iBuumerang: iBuumerang Started With Travel Because It’s Fun, Rewarding & FUN
Let’s look at Amazon for a moment. Remember, they started with books. Why did Jeff Bezos do that?
To study his customer. He knew exactly where people were in their life by what they were reading. This enabled him to offer them exactly what they wanted to buy. This have created the largest company on the planet.
Amazon doesn’t create any products. Amazon is just a gateway to the world because you can have access to any product on the face of the planet. Yes, Amazon was genius!
That’s exactly what we, iBuumerang have done with travel. We have created the funniest thing on the planet to study our customers to give them exactly what they are seeking.
What time of year do they travel, what restaurants do they buy from, how many are in their group, what hotels do they book or do they love cruises…
You get the picture. This way, the PRIB can put the perfect offer in front of your perfect customer. When a new product is introduced, the PRIB will know exactly how to position it in front of your customer.
Put simply, the PRIB does all the work for you!
What Is iBuumerang | Incredible Savings With iGo
What Is iBuumerang: Why Pay More Money When You Can Save $100’s
iBuumerang started out in the travel industry because of it’s size. 8 trillion dollars and increasing every single day. Who doesn’t love to travel! This is why the PRIB started out with travel.
See, other sites business plan is to make money on travel. This is why we can get such killer deals. That isn’t what iBuumerang is all about. We want to give you such amazing deals, like those above.
So you fall in love with the savings of being a customer and the amazing treatment you’ll get with all the products here at iBuumerang. This way you’ll be a customer on all the services we ever offer you.
This is the reason why our prices are so cheap. We make very limited money as a company because our business plan isn’t to make money on travel. Our plan is to make you fall in love as a customer & keep buying over and over.
Sound like Amazon yet?
What Is iBuumerang: Would You Like To Travel To 5-Star Places For 3-Star Prices
As you can see from above, our core services at iBuumerang are everything from hotels to homes to cruises & everything in between. On the right side, you see the additional activities rewards & savings.
This is where the PRIB goes to work for you. As you can see, Theme Park tickets, golf outings & wine clubs are all park of the extras. The PRIB will match your customer up with what they are guaranteed to love. This is why this opportunity with iBuumerang is mind blowing!
What Is iBuumerang: Here Is An Example Of Free Customers Giving You Commissions
Let’s look at this example really quick.
You have signed up a customer. They saved $212 on their travel adventure. I just want to note, how cool is that?
You make 50% of the savings. In this case your travel savings bonus is $106.
Now, out of the other 50% savings, 35% of it is converted to commissionable volume to be dispersed throughout your team. This means you’ll make over-rides on all your teams customers!
What Is iBuumerang: What If You NEVER Wanted To Actually Recruit People
Let’s go look at the income potential as a customer acquirer. This assumes you never bring someone on to your team. In this example, you’ve enrolled 10 customers by giving away something for absolutely free!
On average, a customer saves $600 per year by traveling with iGo. Simple math tells us with 10 customers, that is a savings of $6,000.
This means you’ll receive a $3,000 travel savings bonus annually from these customers that you gave something for free to!
How many 10’s of customers can you acquire by giving away good will?
What Is iBuumerang: You Want To Build A Team – What Is Possible For You
Let’s say you want to go a little bit deeper. You’d like to build a team. Nothing crazy. Instead of focusing on your efforts alone, you’d like to build a team of people grabbing free customers!
We are assuming that you only have a team of 50 & each of them gets 10 customers. In this example, that is 500 customers total. Each customer saves $600 per year, just like in the previous example.
The customer volume is $575. This means your average monthly income would be $1,726 per month once your organization matures. My question is, could you get a few that get a few to build a team of 50?
Then iBuumerang is perfect for you!
What Is iBuumerang | The RideShare Industry
What Is iBuumerang: We’ve Entered The Fastest Growing Segment Of The Travel Industry
One of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry is ride share. This is why iBuumerang decided to tap into the ride share industry to own a piece of real estate that has been dominated by 2 other companies since inception.
You’ve never been financially incentivized to use ride share until now with VibeRides! See, when you told your friends & family about Uber & Lyft, you probably earned a small credit. Now you can create a massive income stream every time a ride happens inside of your iBuumerang organization!
VibeRides are coming to your city sometime soon. You can either wait until it arrives to take over or you can be prepared when it gets to your city. A consumer waits until it arrives but an entrepreneur decides that now is the time & get going. You’ve just got to decide which side of the plate you are on.
With VibeRides, you have the ability to choose your vibe. You choose the temperature & music playing when you choose your car on the app. Female drivers, this rocks! You have a ability to only have female drivers come pick you up & you can make sure you never pick up a guy. Safety First!
Are you an entrepreneur or a consumer?
What Is iBuumerang: Are You Starting To Understand The Power In The PRIB
Remember, iGo travel is the entry into the PRIB. VibeRides happens to be our 2nd vertical of services. Every vertical is a different industry completely. VibeRides with financially incentivize you to share us with your friends!
Just the ride share industry is a 24.4 billion dollar industry world wide & now you can tap into it yourself!
What is coming next? We don’t know but what I do know is now is the time to get started & start gathering customers like crazy!
What Is iBuumerang: With Over 5 Million Drivers & 98 Million Riders, The Ride Share Industry Is Booming
With ride share being in massive momentum, there has never been a better time. The prediction is this industry will increase by 5 times in the next 3 to 5 years. All of your iGo customers will be incentivized by the PRIB to take a VibeRide when available.
What Is iBuumerang: 3 Ways To Earn With The Next Generation Ride Share Platform
This is absolutely crazy. There are 3 ways to earn inside of VibeRides.
Of course, you can drive. You will get the bulk of the fare that you’ll see in the next image. You can earn when others drive & you can earn with customers drive.
Check this out. You could have drivers that you sign up with VibeRides & you earn 3% on every single ride they ever take. That is absolutely insane. Are you starting to see the PRIB going to work for you?
How Much Money Do You Make When You’re Not Driving?
What If I Could Show You How To Earn When You’re Not Driving?
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang: Where Does $100 Go With Vibe Rides
The picture speaks for itself here. We need to understand that most fare’s aren’t going to be $100. This number just gives us a very easy multiplier to understand where the money is going.
Imagine the left side as a driver referrer. Every single drive our driver takes for the rest of his life you get paid for. There will be people that quit driving because they are making more money referring people than driving.
Do you understand how big VibeRides is?
Now, imagine the rider side. I don’t know about you but every single time I travel inside the USA, typically I take ride share to my hotel. Sometimes, I take ride share everywhere I go.
Every single time I use VibeRides for the rest of my life, you would make money. Do you understand how huge that is at scale? If you do, please click below & check the rest of this crazy tech company out!
The Faster You Can Say Yes, The More Opportunity That Exists For You.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
See, after the world says YES & iBuumerang is a household name, the opportunity will be much smaller. iBuumerang will be like Google. Did you google it?
Do you boomerang? You just have to decide if you’re going to take major advantage & get in now or wait until everyone says it’s a good idea. Either way, you’ll be coming on board. It just depends if you’d like to have more or less opportunity!
What Is iBuumerang: Smart Codes Understand The Landing Page Needed
Become an iBuumerang customer to see how this works. It’s truly simple. If you can do what I just did above, you can do this business.
We simply give out something for free to amazing people worldwide. They will become a free customer just like you!
Go ahead, go activate! This is what it means to buumerang!
Help Champion The Cause With Us!
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang | How To Earn With iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang: The Xccelerator Bonus Has Been A Huge Pay Raise For The Field
The Xccelerator fast start bonus was put together for you. Really, it was put together to give us in the field a raise. What CEO ever does that in network marketing.
This means that even if 1 person really takes off in your organization, you are still getting paid on their every move.
So incredibly exciting! If you want to see the entire iBuumerang compensation plan, please click the link below.
What Is iBuumerang: The Dual Team Bonus Caps At $250,000 USD Per WEEK
This is the binary side of the iBuumerang compensation plan. The really cool thing about this is, you only have to bring on 2 people to activate this huge bonus inside of the compensation plan.
I’ve Never Seen Any Compensation Plan This High & The PRIB Rolls Everything Up To You!
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
How To Get Started With iBuumerang
What Is iBuumerang: The Different Places You Can Play Ball At iBuumerang
I Have No Emotional Attachment To Which Level You Choose.
Johnny Wimbrey – What Is iBuumerang
What I can tell you is, there are major advantages for coming in at a higher level. In fact, 1st class allows you to have more travel benefits & to get paid more for doing the same amount of work.
All we do is go above & beyond to interrupt people’s lives with positivity! We teach others how to setup a business from home to take care of your families future.
We have a higher rate of commissions & there is no selling. Seriously, no selling required. We give away free sites as you’ve seen inside of this blog post. The PRIB does everything else for you.
What Is iBuumerang | Why TeamDare With Terry Jay & Felicia Gremaux
There are so many teams that you could choose when you sign up with iBuumerang. I want to share a few things that make our team called TeamDare special.
We have Monday nights designed to expand your mind & get to know the other members that will have your back. It’s that good.
More than anything else, I’ll be the best fiend you’ve ever had. I’ll do 3 way calls for you to teach you how we’ve had some crazy success in the industry. It’s the little stuff that makes all the difference.
We’ve enrolled 92 ambassadors & counting so we know what we are doing. I’ve broken down every step of Holton Buggs system into bite sized chunks for you to master the game. This is the same system that created over 45 millionaires so we no longer have to guess or hope that what we are doing works.
We have a proven system. If you’re ready, shoot me a text or give me a call. I’d be happy to help you make the proper decision for you. You absolutely deserve success!
The compensation plan for iBuumerang really starts out with the foundation of long-term success much like if you were building a sky-scraper. In this blog post, I will share the iBuumerang compensation plan foundation for success through Edwin Haynes, the (GMA) global master ambassador’s words.
If you want to have iBuumerang success in your business, please pay very close attention to this blog post. iBuuumerang success in any progression means getting paid. This post will share with you the foundational philosophies that are proven to help you grow your business.
It’s called the 20/20 plan. This compensation plan for iBuumerang ensures that you are able to unlock the greatest potential income within the iBuumerang compensation plan. I will share with you the process to create a foundation to build a sky-scraper of income instead of a small house of income.
Duplication Is Where It Gets Fun.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
What’s Important: The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang
Remember, it’s super easy to have iBuumerang success when you have the Michael Jordan of the network marketing industry. Nobody on the planet has done what this man has accomplished. It’s absolutely incredible what’s happened.
Teach The Teachers To Teach The Teachers.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
The 20/20 plan is the foundation of the compensation plan for iBuumerang. It’s what will unlock long-term income for you. You can’t build a massive income without the proper struction.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang — What To Expect In The 20/20 Plan
It’s much like building a sky scraper in New York City! If you want to build a building that is 20 stories high, you’ll have to build a foundation in the group a story or 2. It’s just how it works.
How big do you want your iBuumerang income to be?
That’s why the 20/20 part of the compensation plan for ibuumerang is so important. You want to build the foundation. You don’t want to chase the income. This will get you in trouble. The proper structure will unlock iBuumerang success by giving you unlimited income.
You Don’t Chase Income, You Chase The Proper Structure.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang Structure
I want you to have iBuumerang success! This is why I’ve created this duplicatable resource for us to use forever. You can watch the videos & memorize this plan over and over again!
The 20/20 iBuumerang Compensation Plan
When you step back, it’s simple to see how this compensation plan for iBuumerang works. We have a binary or a 2 team system. You have a left team & you have a right team.
Th 20/20 iBuumerang compensation plan foundation says that you’ll enroll 20 ambassadors on the left & 20 ambassadors on the right within a 6 month time frame.
Never Wanted To Do What The Average Did.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Remember, chase the structure of the 20/20 plan to max out the compensation plan for iBuumerang. I don’t want you chasing the money & how much short term income you could have. Chase the 20/20 structure and you’re guaranteed to create a massive flow of income.
To set your iBuumerang business up for long-term success, you’ll need to follow the 20/20 iBuumerang compensation plan rather strictly. I don’t care if you do it in 6 months or 2 years. Strive to do it under 6 months & your bank account will like you a lot for that!
This Isn’t A Get Rich Quick Thing But I Sure Did Get Tired Of Trying To Get Rich Slow.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Diamond is where you’re headed. If you want to go Diamond & create walk away life-time residual income, you must master the structure of the compensation plan for iBuumerang.
The 20/20 iBuumerang compensation plan will create a basis of massive duplication for you and your team. This plan has been proven over & over — over decades of time!
Put The Numbers & The Law Of Averages To Work For You
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: Your 1st 60 Days
To have massive iBuumerang success, here is your goal within the 1st 60 days of being involved in iBuumerang. You want to personally sponsor 6 on your left team & 6 on your right team. Don’t worry about your volume.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The 1st 90 Days Of The 20/20 Plan
Remember, you’re looking to create long-term iBuumerang success. You need to chase structure, not the money. This means that you shouldn’t worry which side has more volume. Only worry about how chasing the structure.
To unlock the unlimited income inside the compensation plan for iBuumerang, ultimately you’ll have 20 on your left team & 20 on your right team.
Why Be An Innovator When Duplication Works?
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
If you achieve this in 60 days or less, you’ll more than likely hit the rank of Sapphire. Sapphire will create approximately $2 – $5k per month in income. This is the first step to maximizing the iBuumerang compensation plan!
On final note, never let your minimums be your maximums. Have your goal be to recruit 15 in your 1st 45 days instead of 12 in your first 60 days. This ensures that you’ll crush it even if you don’t hit your goal. iBuumerang success depends on your mind to help you conquer even the smallest tasks.
The Faster You Do It, The More Momentum You’ll Have.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
When you enroll 12 into your iBuumerang business, here is what will happen.
3 – 4 will quit. Yep, let them do what they are good at.
3 – 4 will incubate. They will be on training & enroll once in awhile. They are just not ready yet.
3 – 4 will build. These are the people you’re looking for!
iBuumerang success happens by focusing on the 3 to 4 that decide to build with you. Don’t short cut the system. You’ll never know who the 3 to 4 will be and that is why you build the structure & not to the money.
You Don’t Need To Be The Fastest, You Just Need To Be Persistent & Consistent Enough To Stay In The Game.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The 2nd 60 Days
20% Of Your People Will Always Do 80% Of The Work.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Now, it’s time to go do it again. Of course, work with your iBuumerang plugged in upline & work on duplicating your efforts with the 12 people your just enrolled in the 1st 60 day period.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The 2nd 60 Days Of The 20/20 Plan
You now want to personally enroll another 6 on your left side & 6 on your right side. Don’t worry about the income yet. Only worry about structure. Trust me, I’ve enrolled 90 & the numbers work.
The compensation plan for iBuumerang depends on you placing the proper structure to pay you out at the maximum level. Chase structure & not income. It’s gonna be tempting. It’s gonna be hard placing people on a side that has most of the volume.
The numbers don’t change. At the end of this 60 day period, you’ll be having amazing iBuumerang success. Although, I can’t promise you anything, what we’ve saw is you’ll be making $6k – $12k in monthly income.
I’ve told you that building the structure is worth it! Don’t forget this. You’ll be walking stage at Ruby or Emerald. This means you’ll be creating about $8k in revenue on average. At this point in the game, you’ve created massive iBuumerang success & you’re headed to Diamond!
You now have 6 to 8 people actually working the business. It’s now time to journey on to Diamond where iBuumerang success gets really fun!
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The Final 60 Days
You’ve created some incredible iBuumerang success by now & you’re getting showered by attention & love. But now it’s time to make 1 final surge & push to diamond. If you don’t really know why diamond is important or what it is, check out the presentation.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang Can Give You This. Watch Above!
Don’t Prejudge! Just Do Your Job To Professionally Invite & Expose. Let The Chips Fall Where They May.
Edwin Haynes – GMA Of iBuumerang
Make one final push & personally recruit 8 on your left & 8 on your right. This will finalize your 20 on your left & 20 on your right. If you do this within 6 months & put your people inside the system correctly, you’ve now reached the level of Diamond.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The Final 60 Day Surge Of The 20/20 Plan
Now you’re making about 15k+ per month on a minimum level. A lot of Diamond leaders are making a whole lot more than that. You’ve reached the pinnacle of iBuumerang success!
All it takes for a life of freedom is 6 months of consistent, persistent & dedicated effort. Counsel with your upline & make sure you’re being coachable. Ultimate iBuumerang success will be yours!
Final Thoughts On The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang
If you follow the compensation plan for iBuumerang 20/20 plan, you’ve now set up your foundation to create more Diamonds in your organization as well. It’s now time to continue.
The Compensation Plan For iBuumerang: The Firm Expectation From The 20/20 Plan
Done correctly, you have 12 people that are truly building with you. 12 people on their journey to Diamond. 12 people now building their 20/20 plan. It’s time for you to enjoy the iBuumerang success you’ve created!
Last Note: Make sure you’re using the professional invite & exposure process. They matter. It matters do things properly. Make sure you master the process. You are awesome.
See you at the top of iBuumerang success mountain!
iBuumerang Resources To Create iBuumerang Success For You