Generosity in business, does it even matter or should you just sell hard even if it doesn’t feel good? As we were talking over our weekend plans she told me it was too far to drive for a day but something deep down directed me to go anyways.
For some strange reason, she awoke from sweet dreams an hour before normal. We had planned on heading north about 1.5 hours to a series of bays on the Sea of Cortez in Baja, Mexico between Loreto & Mulege.
Before we go on, if you’d like to live life & create business by design like us, my free course teaches you how.
Over the past 8+ years we've generated 50,000 leads using the power of LinkedIn & authentic relationship building to create magic.
This newsletter will share with you everything I've learned to create monumental results.
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Generosity In Business Has Many Turns
There are 5 bays and numerous other beaches you could drive to. Which will we stop at? She had asked me what our plans were & I simply stated to allow the universe to direct our path.
In case you are wondering who the she is, she is my wife, Felicia. Generosity in business doesn’t only work, it’s the only way. In this blog as I finish my story, I hope to share with you a different way of looking at business.
We arrived at an incredibly beutiful bay but something inside said, it wasn’t the one. It just didn’t call me on this day.
The Way is not in the sky; the Way is in the heart.
Gautama Buddha
To me, this means to allow your heart to direct the way. We call this intuition or a gut feeling.
The Start Of The Day
Coming around a corner on the edge of a cliff, this campground on came up on our right side. Immiedately something told me that it was the one.
I said, “Sweets, this is where we will call home to our day off.”
And so, it was. We stayed on this beach for the rest of the day. Shortly after setting up camp, our new neighbors came over to say hi. We learned later her name was Jenie.
What You Didn’t Know
1 month ago as a holiday gift, we decided to order a really nice inflatable kayak from Sea Eagle. By now you know we are staying in Mexico. This means it needed to be shipped to Mexico.
Our kayak has been held up at the border. As Jennie warmly walked on over to our jeep to greet us she said. “Oh & by the way. We are heading into town for a bit & you are welcome to use our kayaks. They are on the other side of our camp.”
You have no idea but Felicia was just speaking about wanting to be out on the water as I muttered “be present” back to her. The universe had delivered again.
Generosity in business creates an atmoshere to thrive in for your customers. It’s that intangable feeling that people become addicted to. They don’t know why it feels so good. It’s a feeling, not a tangible thing.
What we are all searching for in business is the creation of that feeling. How can we create a feeling that becomes addicting? When we first start, it’s all about cashflow. Most of us would do anything or create anything to make a dime.
Here at TheLiveNetworker, our goal is to make business easy through authentic relationship building or generosity. You can’t make business easy using solely your head. It will not work.
Much like my story above. It we were looking at the map or outside our window for sheer beauty, we never would have found the spot. We wouldn’t have expierenced the sheer generosity from Jenie & Dan. We never would have been out on that kayak in the middle of the ocean.
In much the same way, use your head to go to the appoximate destination but let your heart pick the exact path. Let that feeling inside you take the reins that doesn’t really make sense. That feeling is called intuition or your gut feeling & is never wrong.
The Generosity Circle
This entire idea of the generosity circle came from an amazing guy, Jay Shetty. Oh yeah, I highly reccomend his book as well. Click here to pick it up.
Jay has influenced & deepened my look at business recently. I didn’t want to take 100% credit for how I think because that would be wrong.
Generosity, love & care are all the same to me. When most of us send generosity or love to others, we expect the same dose of generosity to come back.
That is just not how the universe set it up. It’s a culmunation of generosity & love sent that makes all the difference.
Generosity in business is like a boomerang. The more you send out, the more you will recieve. The optical allusion is it will almost never come back from the source you game it to… by design. Otherwise it would be too easy.
One Surefire Way To Create Generosity In Business
If you are still reading this article, it’s obvious you would like to create more generosity in business. If it is true that love & generosity is like a boomerang, it is my opinion that I will give out as much as I possibly can.
This is what I do. If I meet you & like you (hahaha), I will send you a card & brownies. This is no joke. Ask anyone who has had a call with me.
Financially does this make sense? Well, I know have numbers to back it up but… Imagine this for a second.
I meet you & we have a great first conversation. We talk about you & what you are focused with. We create another appointment for me to present my business to you.
Before we meet the next time, you receive a nice to meet you card & a sweet treat. Do you think your “feeling” will be a touch different about me? Do you think you’ll want to put more people in that “feeling”?
On top of that, your birthday rolls around and you get a card from me with cake bars. You haven’t spent a dime with me but now you feel cared for & loved.
If you continue to send gratitude & love to prospects & customers, the atmophere around you is irrestible. People just want to be in it & soak it up. They want to send referrals your way constantly.
Just remember, your generosity in business must come from a feeling tone of generosity. It’s not about the card & brownies. It’s about the energy that it comes with.
Generosity is an action, it’s not a thing that you do. It comes from the heart much like the quote earlier from Buddha.
Jenie had incredible generosity. She also understands how the universe works. The luckiest people in the world are the most generous at a heart level. Things just happen to them “by chance”. Except it wasn’t by chance, the boomerang is just coming back.
In Conclusion
There is not a doubt in my mind that Jenie was a boomerang of generosity coming back to us. Generosity in business isn’t a transaction & those who treat it as such will NEVER get results.
As we were leaving to head home, a car drives up. The driver gets out and opens his trunk, a normal thing in Mexico. Knowing he was selling something, I’ve learned to give generous presence to see what they have to offer.
Felicia had been wanting a cinnimon roll, American style, for months. No joke, we couldn’t find one going to bakery after bakery. Out on a bay with no cell phone service in the middle of nowhere, it show up.
The next morning, the sugary sweet flavor reminded me of generous outpouring of the universe. Our job is to tap into it & become a terminal instead of a stop gap.
Generosity in business is not a fad. It will never where out. Your competition can’t outspend you. If you like this, grab our course down below.
The others in the office have the same health insurance leads that I do & the office recycles the same leads to all agents. We are encouraged to purchase them from the office. A good friend and client, Dan Maher told me this scary story.
Hearing this set me off & I was sure to get to the bottom of it. It’s no wonder the most health insurance agents fail & are fighting an uphill battle.
By the way, if you get any value from this post, please SHARE it to your friends. Sharing is generosity & that is what we are made of. You are why I created this course below.
Over the past 8+ years we've generated 50,000 leads using the power of LinkedIn & authentic relationship building to create magic.
This newsletter will share with you everything I've learned to create monumental results.
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My First Thought…
Those pour soul’s on the other end of the phone make me cringe inside. The immediate picture that populates in my mind was a wounded seal at sea with great white sharks surrounding it before the seal took it’s last breath. Could you imagine what that feels like? Do you want to be a wounded seal?
I know that image is kinda grim but it’s true. It’s no wonder that most health insurance agents don’t have fun at work & feel like a sales person. The reason you become a health insurance agent is to HELP people, not sell them. This is an internal issue that we all have to live with
Here at TheLiveNetworker, we set out on a mission to find a solution for you. This way you could have fun again & actually talk to REAL people. You know, build a relationship instead of feeling like a sales person hunting for his next meal.
The greatest gift I receive from your program is the ability to talk to real people.
Dan Maher
Health Insurance Agent,USHA
Where To Find Quality Health Insurance Leads
For the last 8 years, I’ve been creating mutually beneficial conversations on LinkedIn. We have created over 50,000 LinkedIn leads & 100’s of thousands of dollars. I’m not telling you that to impress you but to impress upon you that there are multiple ways to get to where you are going.
If you’d like to know all about what we do, over 80 modules went into this free course called LinkedIn With Generosity. Go here — to pick it up. My blog is all about the philosophy & our course is how you make it happen step by step. You could call this a health insurance lead program.
LinkedIn has been our go to for amazing Linkedin leads in all shapes and sizes including health insurance leads. In another blog post in the future, we will go deep into every piece of LinkedIn. Let’s stay on topic for today.
Why LinkedIn Leads Are Better
Let’s step back a touch. Imagine you are floating above yourself having an out of body experience. I know you think I’m a little crazy about right now & thats okay.
You are the prospect. You’re watching 2 events unfold. On the right, you see a person get call after call. No matter how many times they decline the call, they keep getting more calls from different numbers.
On the left you see a different scenario all together. You see a mutually beneficial call making the prospect feel really good. They don’t have anyone else calling upon them.
If you were to describe each situation with 1 word, what would you choose? On the right, it may be something like a wounded animal with a predator bearing down on it.
On the left, I would see a community coming together with generosity. The perfect health insurance lead program produces leads for you to build a relationship with, not sell!
Which one would you rather be?
This is why LinkedIn Leads for health insurance and the best leads you can generate. Oh yeah, you can do it for free.
Would You Refer You
Before you rapidly go answer YES to this question, place you butt in the pants of your typical prospect. Take a moment to imagine the emotion they feel.
If you are like most health insurance agents, you purchase leads that have put their name on a sheet. They are getting called by 10+ other agents. They decline call after call, yet they keep getting called. Trust me, I’ve been on this side too.
If you are truly that prospect & you have that experience, would you put your friends in that space?
ME EITHER! This is the biggest reason why most health insurance agents don’t create referrals on a regular basis. Yet another reason why health insurance agents should choose LinkedIn.
If you’re ready to see if we are see are a good fit for you, click the button below.
PS… If you enjoyed this article and got even a little piece of value from it, it would mean the world to me if you commented down below.
This helps me become better at everything I do to bring better content to you. I appreciate you!
PPS… Would you like to increase your enrollment percentage 250%? How about yourreferral percentage by 300%? This (CLICK HERE) is how we did it!
The Linked With Generosity lesson for health insurance leads goes as follows. We need to understand the feeling tone of doing business goes a long way.
If we choose the feeling tone of generosity, we always win. We recieve more generosity if we give more generosity. Choose your health insurance lead program wisely.
I completely understand you showed up to this blog to discover how to grow fast in network marketing. I won’t disappoint, I promise you that. I have 17 powerful tips to help you grow rapidly.
Yes, just like any business network marketing has a system to be extremely effective inside of the business. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you have to do certain things correctly & fast. I’m going to walk you through my favorite & best network marketing tips to grow fast.
17 Powerful Tips | How To Grow Faster In Network Marketing
These are the top 17 network marketing tips to grow fast in network marketing. These are all tactics that I teach my team so they should work very well for you. Please put them into action for fast growth in your company.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #1 – Build A Big List
We’ve heard it a million times in network marketing, you must build a list to grow fast in network marketing. What does that mean in 2020?
Building A Big List Is Essential In Growing Fast In Network Marketing
Only if you want to grow fast in network marketing do you do this. You take your phone & dump it on paper. You take all the contacts in your phone & you write them down on paper with their phone number next to them.
The Bigger You List, The Bigger Your Paycheck.
Terry Jay Gremaux — How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Get yourself prepared to build a big team in network marketing. If you choose not to do this, you’re simply choosing not to play big. That’s okay if you’re okay with playing not as big as you could.
Remember, your mlm team is going to do what you do, not what you say. It’s interesting that as a child or as an adult, we only do what others do, not just what they say. I think that’s incredible. Go grow a big team fast!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #2 – Study Your System
We all have a system in our network marketing companies that was designed from success. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you need to know your system so well you could take an exam on it & be 100% confident you would pass with flying colors!
Your Network Marketing System Is Your Key To Success
You want to study your system to grow fast. Watch every video & study the person who put it together. Know it inside & out. Take copious notes on each step of your system & then put it into practice.
Study Your Network Marketing System To Discover How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Terry Jay Gremaux — How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
This way when you teach your network marketing team how to build fast, you reinforce the system of success for your company. If you fail to know your system really well, you will end up making things up that don’t coincide with your system & that will hurt your network marketing team.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #3 – Study the Books You Read
I want you to stop reading books. This doesn’t help your network marketing team at all! I know you think I’m crazy about right now but let me explain.
Stop Just Reading & Listening To Books
Millions of people read or listen to books & they don’t advance or change themselves at all. This is because they never create the ability to soak up the information. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you’ve got to understand how to learn.
Get Addicted To Growing. To Do That You Must Study. Stop Simply Reading Books & Start Studying Books.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
You learn by studying. You learn by taking copious notes. You don’t learn just by listening to & from work. You don’t learn by just reading. You’ve got to study. This will help your network marketing team win by helping you actually grow!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #4 – Always BAMFAM
Do you know what BAMFAM means?
The BAMFAM Is Key To All Advancement In Network Marketing
BAMFAM means you’re booking a meeting from a meeting.You’ve got to remember that the only reason to have a meeting in the first place is to book the next meeting. For your network marketing team to grow fast, you must make this a rule in your business.
If you don’t make another appointment, you’ll not give your prospect a deadline. If you don’t give you prospect a deadline, you’ll forever be chasing them.
BAMFAM’ing is what professionals do to crush the business. Are you ready to be a professional? I challenge you to step up for your network marketing team & never again fail to create that meeting. This is how you grow extremely fast in network marketing!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #5 – 3 Way Calls, 3 Way Calls, 3 Way Calls
3rd party validation or 3 way calls are by far the most under utilized tool in the entire network marketing industry. The irony of this statistic is that 3 way calling is also the #1 most effective method to sign up a new person into your business.
Start Using The Most Underutilized Tool In Network Marketing
Why are 3 way calls so effective if done correctly?
Stop giving excuses. Just do the 3 way call. You’ll make more money.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
It’s very simple. People generally want to hear from someone else of success. Another person that is having a small or large amount of success inside of your business will help you close them dramatically.
As long as 3 way calling is used effectively by telling stories & answering questions, this is your most effective tool. Please use more of them to close more business for yourself.
If you don’t know exactly how to be most effective in a 3 way call, please see the link below.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #6 – Generate Professionals To Talk To
OMG! Is this not the most important tip of them all. If you put great people in the business, this means you’ll get great people out of the business. If you put the wrong people inside of your business, you can’t expect them to produce.
Generating Professionals Into Your Business Is Key To Fast Duplication
If you are going to grow fast in network marketing, you absolutely MUST understand where to find great people. Great prospects live in a different pond then the potential smaller potential prospects.
Recruiting professionals will make duplication easy.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
In network marketing, we are searching for people who are successful, connected & know what business is, right?
There is one place to absolutely guarantee that you find them, every time. This same place has given me 99 sign-ups & 527 customers in the last 13 months. It’s LinkedIn & you can click below to find out more information on LinkedIn.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #7 – Get Reps Started Fast
This step is imperative to fast growth in your network marketing team. It’s very easy for your new reps to come in & get ready to get ready.
Don’t Just Get Reps Started Fast, Get Them Started Right
This refers to someone who tries to learn every ounce of everything in your network marketing company before they get started. This is the recipe of disaster. They simply will never start the activities that actually promote growth in your business & this is a huge problem.
Your new reps will follow a percentage of what you do. Make sure you’re setting a firm example in the form of action payments for your new reps to follow.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
You want to make sure you give your reps 1 or 2 specific directions when they get started. When you give them these simple directives with simple & to the point instructions, it’s fairly easy for them to follow.
If you don’t, you’ll see a lot of reps come in & not get started fast. The pace is always set by the leader. Make sure that you are doing everything you can to enroll fast. Your people will follow a percentage of what you do.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #8 – Process A Lot Of People
The trick to network marketing success is to create major momentum. If you’re going to grow fast in network marketing, you’ve got to create major momentum.
The Number Of People You Process Through Your Machine Will Always Tell Your Real Story
We created the machine to help everyone do just that.
The Machine Will Help You Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Momentum is created by taking a large number of people through a proven system in a short amount of time. The proven system that I’ve used to create a lot of success is right up above.
If you want to grow fast in network marketing, take a large group of people through a proven system as fast as you can. Feel free to distribute the system above to your team. It works wonders!
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #9 – Crush Event Promotion
Events change lives, we know that. If you don’t know that, you do now. If you want to radically change your business, get as many people to your next event as possible.
Events Change Lives, End Of Story
You want to become an event promoting machine. What ever the next event is, you want to be there. You want to get as many people on your team there.
You go to an event to make a big decision. Don’t make a big decision to go to an event.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
What ever you do & what ever you promote will happen more often. Your income will be directly tied to how many people you get to the event, end of story.
Always remember this. Every big earner made a big decision at an event to build it big. Every person who goes to an event will not become a top earner but every top earner goes to every event
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #10 – Make A Commitment For 18 Months
Network marketing success isn’t about what is here today. Success in network marketing is about what you build, much like an investment.
You Need To Create A Solid Commitment By Actions Not Words
All of my people I bring into my team, I make sure they have a mindset of 18 months of commitment. Commitment doesn’t mean just being involved in the company.
People often mistake commitment with existence.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
18 months of commitment means that you’re in consistent action for 18+ months. This means you’ve went to all events possible for you. This means you prospect 5 days a week. You completely commit.
If you stop for a month or longer, your commitment starts over. Your momentum gets halted & therefore, your time of commitment must start over as well.
Don’t mistake commitment with existence. It’s like they are trying to prove their own mediocrity right. Don’t be that person.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #11 – Relaunch Every 3 Months
Timing is completely different for all of your prospects in network marketing. It’s not about your timing, it’s about their timing.
Relaunching Your Network Marketing Business Is Incredibly Important
This means that you’ll never have all of your prospects have all of their timing perfect all the time. This is why we need to roll back through them and “relaunch” our business each quarter.
It’s not about your timing, it’s all about your prospects timing. Your job is to catch your prospect inside their timing window.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Through all of your prospecting, make sure you are saving those people as contacts in your phone or CRM. These folks will be future team members of yours.
You just need the courage to reach back out to them every quarter to have a conversation. This is key to your development of your team and your recruiting numbers as you drive forward.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #12 -Master Skills With People
After-all, network marketing is built with people, correct?
Skill With People Is One Of The Greatest Books Explaining How To Influence People
I understand you think I’m the crazy guy after making that comment but I wanted to make a point. If you’re going to master the game of network marketing & become great, you must master skills with people.
There is an incredible book that I absolutely love that is titled Skill With People. I actually created a blog post out of it too. There happen to be 15 skills with people that you need to master.
At the end of the day, your finances in network marketing will be directly tied to your level of skills with people.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #13 – Remove All Emotion
I spent several years in network marketing addicted to the outcome of what another human would say to me after introducing them into your business. It’s crazy that we feel this way.
You Must Remove All Emotion To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
The shear thought of the possibility of feeling this way typically makes you squirm or make you not wanting to make the call. This feeling of rejection can even make you completely quit the business.
It’s completely illogical to bring emotion into business. Leave it at the door & just go through the numbers.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
Leave the emotion behind to grow fast in network marketing. You’re simply introducing something amazingly helpful into another persons hands. If they tell you no, they are simply telling themselves no or they are just not interested.
You simply want to focus on decision. Just collecting a decision from other people. Both yes or no is awesome. After all, it’s their choice, not yours. Your job is to process as many people as possible.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #14 – Do All Your Work On The Phone
In 2020, there are so many ways to communicate that seem easier. The problem lies in the control you have when you’re on the phone. All other avenues of communication remove the ability for you to control.
Don’t Take The Easy Road For It Is The Hard Road
I highly suggest that you talk about ZERO business until you have someone directly talking to you on the phone. A prospect buys you long before they buy your company.
Do all of your business communication while talking to another human. Don’t take the easy road to talk on social media because you lose all control.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
They have to feel your energy, your vibration to get truly excited about your company. It’s impossible for them to do this if you don’t allow this to happen by talking of the phone.
Use social media and all other avenues to actually get on the phone with your prospect. This allows you to use your amazing energy, vibration & excitement to make sure they understand how serious you are.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #15 – Work With Those that Deserve
This is the absolute hardest of them all for me. We have a heart to want to carry everyone to the finish line but we can’t. We can’t do it for them & the only way we can decipher would we should spend time with is action payments.
Learn To Work With People Who Deserve Your Time, No Those Who NEED It
Yes, action payments don’t lie. Who is talking to people? Who is calling you for 3 way calls? Who is enrolling customers?
Talk is cheap but action payments never lie. Choose to work with those who pay in action payments.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
See, talk is really cheap. Everybody talks big. If you work with those who have a huge potential, you’ll always be broke. Potential doesn’t do a damn thing.
Spend your time with those people who have made big action payments. Continue prospecting until you find them.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #16 – Learn To Invite Professionally
Inviting is the number 1 skill you must master to become amazing in network marketing. If you don’t learn to invite, you don’t have a chance to succeed in network marketing.
You Must Learn To Invite Professionally As It’s The Number 1 Skill
Over & above inviting, it needs to be professional. Instead of me trying to teach you in words, I put an entire blog post together just for you to discover how to invite professionally.
I suggest watching the videos over & over until you can’t get it wrong.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing #17 – Memorize & Study Your Pitch
This one boggles my mind a tad. If you want to grow fast in network marketing, you need to become a professional. The difference between amateurs & professionals is professionals get paid & amateurs don’t.
Memorize & Study Your Pitch To Be Great In Network Marketing
The reason why professionals make money in network marketing is because they practice until they can’t get it wrong.
Professionals practice in private until they can’t get it wrong. Amateurs practice until they get it right 1 time.
Terry Jay Gremaux – How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
How well do you know your pitch? What do you say to the perfect prospect on the phone?
Do you have that down yet? If not, practice until you do & don’t let that be an excuse. It’s what you practice in private that makes you great.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog on how to grow fast in network marketing. I’ll see you on the next one!
Recruiting in network marketing doesn’t have to be so hard. It’s like an illusive animal for most representatives that call network marketing or mlm home.
The good thing is, network marketing recruiting doesn’t have to be so hard. It does have a process by which works & if you follow it, you are destined to have magical success.
What If Recruiting In Network Marketing Was Like A Machine
Like most things in business or life, there is a simple process to follow. The problem is, most people have no idea what that process is. This is why most network marketers get so frustrated & quit the business.
I’ve put this process together I call the machine. I break it down in this video & will also share with you a detailed version of every step because I want you to make recruiting in network marketing easier. Start by watching the full video directly below.
Recruiting In Network Marketing Is Like A Machine
When you started your career as a network marketer, you got a booklet, a how-to step-by-step journey on exactly what to do at every juncture to make recruiting in network marketing easy, right?
A little facetious, don’t you say?
Maybe you got started perfectly but I didn’t. I had to discover this process over a 14 year journey and it surely wasn’t a simple one. The cool thing for you is, you get to learn what I did the easy way.
There Are 8 Steps To Mastery In Network Marketing Recruiting
These 8 steps that I follow on every single phone call will guarantee your success. Follow them and teach your team to do the same thing. Let’s dig in!
1. Recruiting In Network Marketing | Use The Phone
This is why. Even though you think your product & company is the best in the world, your prospect doesn’t care. In fact, the prospect really doesn’t care about your products.
Listen, if you’re going to have success in recruiting in network marketing, you’ve got to pick up the phone. You can’t build this business big on social media alone. Simply put, it’s not possible.
At least until they buy you first. People buy from people long before they buy a product. It is factually impossible for people to buy you if you’re only behind a text message.
You Must Make The Call To Make Recruiting In Network Marketing Simple
A text message has no excitement or emotion. It’s like a robot. They are just words. Words lead to thinking analytically when we buy emotionally. If you don’t make phone calls, you will not succeed in recruiting for network marketing.
There are 24 different network marketing objections you’ll face & I have 14 different voicemails that you’ll absolutely love. Oh yeah, you’ll get scripts too. You can click on the appropriate links above to get value on those 2 topics.
2. Recruiting In Network Marketing | Build Rapport By Tying Knots
Building rapport is so incredibly important when recruiting in network marketing. It may be the most important thing you ever attempt to master. Rapport will help you in so many parts of your life.
Not only is rapport building important, it may be the only thing you need to become excellent at in order to be a great recruiter in network marketing. Awhile back, I produced a video on the 7 steps to create rapport each time you get on the phone.
The video is right here & I highly encourage you to watch it over and over to get good at recruiting in network marketing.
How To Create Trust In 7 Easy Steps To Make Recruiting In Network Marketing Easy
I really want to to fully watch the video above as it will help you understand the power of rapport. I’m going to articulate building rapport to support recruiting in network marketing inside these words.
Think of rapport as likability. If we want others to buy from us & join our team, we must become likable. If you recall from above, people buy from people, not business or products.
Now the question becomes, how do you become likable to people that you don’t know or those that you do know?
We understand people. This is a great time to tell you about the book Skill With People. I wrote a blog post where I reviewed the 15 different skills with people & related it to network marketing. You should take a peek.
Building Rapport Is The Magic Of Recruiting In Network Marketing
People want to know 2 things in order for them to like you. They want to know they have something in common with you because we all like those who are like us.
They also want to know exactly how they are like you. Let me explain.
It’s not enough to say, yes, I’m from Memphis too! You’ve got to tie that knot tight & dive deeper into the Memphis subject. I call this incredible idea, tying knots.
The more knots you tie, the deeper the rapport becomes. The deeper the likability & rapport becomes, the more likely it is they will buy from you. When you combine the final 6 skills of recruiting in network marketing to likability, you have magic.
Your job is to find commonalities by asking questions & then link them to yourself or someone you know. When you accomplish that once, you have tied a knot.
Your objective is to tie 3 knots in every conversation. When 3 knots have been tied, you have accomplished likability officially. Your prospect now believes they are like you & the chances of them joining you has sky-rocketed! Follow the video above.
3. Recruiting In Network Marketing | Setting The Stage
Once you have successfully built rapport & created likability with your prospect, it is time to set the stage for success. If you don’t do this step, the likelihood you’ll be successful in network marketing recruiting diminishes 10-fold.
Can success still happen? Yes, but it’s like playing rush & roulette. I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want to have my business & family playing on LUCK.
If You Want To Win With Recruiting In Network Marketing, You Must Set The Stage
Instead, secure your recruiting in network marketing by setting yourself up to win. This step will ensure that you don’t get a million questions at the end of your “pitch”. Instead of telling you theory, I’ll share with you my exact script.
Hey FirstName,
We have had an amazing conversation! I’ve got a zoom call (some excuse) coming up shortly. I have about 3 minutes but can I ask you a really simple question?
Recruiting In Network Marketing – Setting The Stage
Come up with an excuse. I don’t truly care what it is for that doesn’t matter. When you give your prospect a reason for you being in a hurry, they will no longer ask you any questions.
When you setup your recruiting process with this “setup” phrase, you’ll immediately stop any questions from coming from your prospect as long as you pick up your speed & tone.
This is less about the words & more about your energy. You’ve got to become the message of being busy. Everything about you needs to scream busy. The words are only 7% of that communication.
4. Recruiting In Network Marketing | Asking The Question
You now have the prospect where you want them. They believe you are super busy & are awaiting your question intently. They are paying attention to you because they understand that you’ve got to run.
It’s time to ask your question with posture. It’s not enough just to ask the question. You’re a millionaire. Ask your question like your life depended on it & recruiting in network marketing becomes easy.
It’s Pivotal To Ask The Question When Recruiting In Network Marketing
Here is my generic recruiting script.
(Compliment) I really love your energy & your past success. (Be as specific as possible)
Congrats on that. I’m working with some incredible entrepreneurs across the world. You’re a professional.
Do you keep your options open to other streams of income if they fit well into your life?
Recruiting In Network Marketing – Asking The Question
Who wouldn’t say yes to other streams of income that fit will into their life? It works well but remember the prospect buys you, not your company. You need to be postured & likable.
If you’re getting a lot of no’s, it’s because you have developed enough posture & your prospect is not buying you. Work on you to increase your recruiting in network marketing.
5. Recruiting In Network Marketing | Setting Up Your Presentation
It doesn’t matter how good your presentation is, if you don’t setup your presentation properly, your recruiting in network marketing will fail. Your success depends on your ability to get your prospect to excitably want to see the presentation.
It’s not about your presentation. A good recruiter in network marketing will far outperform other reps even if they don’t have a presentation. The reason is, they understand how to setup their prospect properly.
Always remember that your prospect is buying you & nobody else. Once they have fully purchased you emotionally, then your company is just validation.
Setting Up Your Presentation To Have Your Prospect Running To See It
When setting your prospect up to see the presentation that you offer, remember that facts will not get your prospect excited. Positioning your presentation properly is about “selling the sizzle.”
It’s not about your product, the testimonials or all the reasons you love the company. The facts do nothing to get your prospect to see your presentation in a good light.
Sell the sizzle, the excitement. This should last no longer than 2 minutes. Tell them what they will see without boring facts, company names or vomiting on your prospect. Simply share the absolute excitement that they are going to experience.
It doesn’t matter how long the presentation is either. I have a 2nd exposure presentation that is over 2 hours long that gets watched about 90% of time because of the setup. Don’t let your prospects logical brain take over.
6. Recruiting In Network Marketing | The BAMFAM
BAMFAM Is The Key That Unlocks Greatness In Network Marketing
The only reason for you to have the first meeting with any person is to have the 2nd meeting. Even if they sign up, you’ll want to BAMFAM them to the next appointment.
That begs the answer to this question, what is a BAMFAM?
It stands for “booking a meeting from a meeting”. On every single meeting you have, you want to schedule the next meeting BEFORE you get off the phone. That is only IF you’d like to talk with them again.
This is how to properly BAMFAM your prospect for network marketing success.
This Is How To Easy Elevate Recruiting In Network Marketing – The BAMFAM
You see, the high likelihood is, you’ll never sign up someone on the first call. This is a for sure. This means you MUST follow up. If you don’t book a follow up call the chances of you getting back on the phone with your prospect is next to zero.
The BAMFAM also gives your prospect a deadline to watch your presentation by. This is incredibly important. We humans do everything by deadline, not just because. By BAMFAM-ing, you’ll triple your video watch rate.
Here is what the BAMFAM looks like in a script.
Rock On!
I’m looking forward to talking with you after you take a look at what we are doing. Let’s get on the calendar again.
I have tomorrow or (the next day) Tuesday available, which would be better for you?
Prospect: Tomorrow
Awesome! Would morning or afternoon work best?
Prospect: Afternoon, I get off work in the AM.
Great, I have 4 or 7. What works best?
Prospect: 7, that allows me to sleep.
Fantastic, I’ll call you at 7 but if something comes up can you please let me know?
Prospect: Absolutely
Recruiting In Network Marketing – The BAMFAM
Always remember that posture is very important in this process. It’s not about the words, it’s about the energy & vibration behind the words that makes recruiting in network marketing really work.
7. Recruiting In Network Marketing | The 3-Way Call
The 3 Way Call Is The Most Firepower You Have With Recruiting In Network Marketing
After you get done with the call, it’s now time to employ your team. 3-way calls are by far the most under utilized firepower you have in recruiting in network marketing.
If you don’t have a team to help you inside of your company you can create one with sidelines & success team members. There is no reason for you to not use 3-way calls in your business.
The validation you receive with 3 way calls is something you can’t create on your own. It’s simply impossible. The validation process makes recruiting in network marketing an absolute breeze.
8. Recruiting In Network Marketing | Repeat As Needed
Just Repeat Steps 4 – 8 As Needed To Complete The Recruiting In Network Marketing Process
Yes, you’ve got the recruiting in network marketing process. Remember above I told you this was a machine. This means it will work for you just as well as me.
You’ve just got to work it. You’ve got to take every prospect you ever have through the process. You’ll typically have to take your prospects through the process a few times before they join.
It’s just how the network marketing game works. You’ll have to repeat those steps. Treat these recruiting in network marketing steps as things you absolutely have to do.
Now go share with your team so they can get the same benefit!
The Missing LinkedIn To Success In Network Marketing Recruiting
This 8 step process is incredible and works extremely well for us. I know you’ll have incredible results in your team as well.
What if you don’t have qualified leads to talk to and you’ve been through your warm market? What do you do then?
You Need Qualified Leads To Make Recruiting In Network Marketing Work
If you want to generate professional leads for your business to make duplication easy & power the above 8 steps, look no further.
What makes us completely different is we do everything for you. That’s right. Up until the phone call, it’s all up to us. This make sure you can spend all of your time talking to people which is what you get paid for!
It is also guaranteed to put your recruiting in network marketing on auto-pilot. You’ll make duplication easy by putting rockstar reps into your company that are already successful.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post on Recruiting In Network Marketing. Please pass on to your team!
In this blog post, I’ll share with you best tips on network marketing when it comes to voicemail scripts. I’ll give you my 14 best voicemail scripts to use for network marketing.
I want you to especially pay attention to the “Are You Okay” text. This text is responsible for more enrollments & engaged prospects that anything else in my arsenal.
As TheLiveNetworker, I often get asked this question. When I am calling my leads & nobody answers the phone, do I leave a voicemail for them? If I leave a message, what do I say?
Network Marketing Tips – Do You Leave A Voicemail When Your Prospect Doesn’t Answer
In this blog post, I am to demolish the ability to every have this question in your library of confusion. I’ll give you my 14 best voicemail scripts for network marketing that I use today!
Tips On Network Marketing | The Result You’re Seeking In A Voicemail
This is one of the biggest mistakes I ever see in network marketing & that’s the very reason I’m spending so much time on explaining why you should leave voicemails & what you’re looking to gain.
The Objective Of Leaving A Voicemail Isn’t To Sell
After the voicemails I receive with a link to a website or the next conference call, I go bat crazy. There is no way another human being is going to your next conference call from a voicemail message.
The reason you leave a voicemail message is simply to receive a call back or some form of communication
Tips On Network Marketing – The Reason For A Voicemail Message
My Top 14 Voicemail Scripts For Network Marketers
This inherently means your voicemail message isn’t at all to sell or direct to more information. Your voicemail message isn’t to ask if they’ve watched the presentation. Your voicemail or text message isn’t about asking any questions.
The voicemail message is about recreating a line of communication that will assist you in creating a new appointment with your prospect.
Tips On Network Marketing #1 – The Initial Reach-Out Call
This voicemail is used when you originally reach out to your warm market or people that you know. When you leave this message, you want to be soft & compassionate. Remember, they are your friend.
The Initial Reachout Voicemail
Hey FirstName,
Give me a call when you’re free. This is YourName. (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The Initial Reach-Out Call Voicemail
Tips On Network Marketing #2 – The Are You Okay Text Message
One day after the previous message, send this text. This text tells your warm market that you care about them but also almost guarantee’s you’ll get a response.
The “Are You Okay” Text Message
Hey FirstName,
Are you okay? I tried to call you yesterday & didn’t hear back from you. Please let me know.
Tips On Network Marketing – The “Are You Okay” Text Message
Tips On Network Marketing #3 – The In-Person Follow-Up Call
After meeting a prospect or a new friend in person, use this voicemail message. It will allow you to reference where you met & get back in touch with those people you wish to talk to.
The In-Person Follow-Up Call
Hey FirstName,
This Is YourName. We met at XYZ. Can you please give me a call back at your earliest convenience? (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The In-Person Follow-Up Call
Tips On Network Marketing #4 – The Initial Call For a Cold Market Prospect
There are all sorts of different ways to find leads for your network marketing company. If the lead is someone you’ve never talked to before, use this voicemail message. You’ll need to be a little more stern & professional remembering you’re setting your 1st impression.
The Initial Call For A Cold Market Prospect
Hey FirstName,
This Is YourName. Please give me a call back at your earliest convenience. (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The Initial Call For A Cold Lead
Tips On Network Marketing #5 – The Missed A Scheduled Appointment
On the off chance that they don’t, this is the voicemail I want you to use.
The Missed A Scheduled Appointment Message
Hey FirstName,
I’m sure you just got caught up on a call & you’re busy. It’s YourName. We had a scheduled appointment. Please give me a call back as soon as you can. (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The Missed A Scheduled Appointment Message
Tips On Network Marketing #6 – Scheduled Appointment “Are You Okay” Text
This text is sent 15 minutes after the previous voicemail message is left. I will absolutely guarantee this text will get 99% of your missed appointments to get back on the call or text you.
It also shows compassion & love. This voicemail message is my very best message I’ve ever used in my life.
My Patented “Are You Okay” Text From A Missed Appointment
Hey FirstName,
Are you okay? Please let me know. You seem like a person of integrity; therefore, missing an appointment scares me. YourName
Tips On Network Marketing – The Scheduled Appointment “Are You Okay” Text
Tips On Network Marketing #7 – Touching Base With An Old Contact
We should always roll back through our current contacts to keep in touch. Follow-up is one of the most important skills you’ll ever master in network marketing.
When you’re leaving this message, be casual. Act like you’re calling a friend just to say hi.
Just Touching Base With A Old Contact
I’m just reaching out to touch base. This is YourName. Can you please give me a call when you can? (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The Touching Base Message
Tips On Network Marketing #8 – Business Card Off Of A Cork Board
I love this concept that Todd Falcone taught me a few years back. When you walk by business cards that are on cork boards or tables, pick them up. When you get home, call them.
Most of the time, you will not reach them because they don’t know that you’re calling. You’ll learn this message in a touch of a stern voice.
The Business Card Off Of A Cork Board Message
Hey FirstName,
I grabbed your card from XYZ. Can you please call me when you can?
YourName (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The Business Card From Cork Boards Message
Tips On Network Marketing #9 – #11 My 3-Step Voicemail Follow-Up
This is the proven 3-step voicemail sequence that will work for any leads that you call upon. I will walk you through how it works & how you can easily input it into you life.
To start, there are 3 patented voicemail messages that you should understand & master. This is a proven voicemail system that will virtually guarantee you get call backs.
My 3 Step Approach For Any Person To Follow To Get A Call Back
I want you to view this as a machine. You are simply putting people through a process that will garner you results. You strip away any emotional ties to the process and just take people through the process.
3-Step Voicemail Follow-Up #1 – “The Casual Message”
You want your first message to feel like a friend calling. It needs to feel like an open door. If the feeling of the energy is inviting, your prospect will call you back.
The Casual Voicemail Message
Hey FirstName,
Give me a call as soon as you can.
YourName (Leave your number twice)
Tips On Network Marketing – The Casual Voicemail Message
3-Step Voicemail Follow-Up #2 – “Are You Okay?”
This voicemail needs to feel like care, not just words. Your energy needs to hit the heart of your prospect & make them feel cared for.
Done correctly, this message build more rapport than anything on the planet & allows you to get a call back 100% of the time!
The “Are You Okay” Message
Hey FirstName,
I called you a couple days ago & I haven’t heard back from you. Can you please let me know you’re at least okay?
Tips On Network Marketing – The “Are You Okay” Message
3-Step Voicemail Follow-Up #3 – “Taking You Off My List”
Absolutely no person on the planet wants to get taken off any kind of list. They just don’t want it to happen. This last message in this 3-step approach will garner more results.
If your prospect listens to this message or the “Are You Okay” message & doesn’t reply, you should take them off your list.
The Taking You Off My List Message
Hey FirstName,
I called you a couple times in the past week so I’m gonna take you off my list. If I’ve got this wrong & you’ve just gotten busy in your life, please give me a call back.
Tips On Network Marketing – Taking You Off My List Message
Tips On Network Marketing – The Guaranteed Callback Formula
These next 3 texts will literally guarantee you an appointment or a call back. I will guarantee great results if you follow very closely.
Most of us have life stuff going on that interrupts our daily routine or intentions of getting our business priorities done. This is normal but our program has created a solution for this epidemic inside of network marketing.
As I’ve read lately, intensions are ambitious liars. The only thing that truly matters is our results of what gets done.
Still, even if we generate leads for you, only 35% of them will book an appointment using your calendar system. This creates an issue for the other 65%. What do you do with them? What do you say?
Most of us have life stuff going on that interrupts our daily routine or intentions of getting our business priorities done. This is normal but our program has created a solution for this epidemic inside of network marketing.
As I’ve read lately, intensions are ambitious liars. The only thing that truly matters is our results of what gets done.
Still, even if we generate leads for you, only 35% of them will book an appointment using your calendar system. This creates an issue for the other 65%. What do you do with them? What do you say?
The next 3 text scripts will share with you how to get the 65% of your leads that don’t book a call with you automatically back on your calendar.
Tips On Network Marketing – #12 Non-Scheduler Text #1
Just remember, you always send this first message 2 days after your lead lands on your progress report or the calendar has been sent.
The First Message Is Sent 2 Days After Your Prospect Becomes A LeadWe Exchanged Numbers But You Got Busy
Hey FirstName,
We exchanged numbers on LinkedIn or Shapr & I followed up with you, with my calendar link. I know that you’re extremely busy but are you still open for a mutually beneficial call?
Tips On Network Marketing – Non-Scheduler Text #1
Tips On Network Marketing – #13 Non-Scheduler Text #2
Send message 2, 1 week later. I suggest creating a time slot in your calendar once a week to do your follow-ups.
Sent Message #2 1 Week After The First MessageI Reached Out To You Last Week
Hey FirstName,
I reached out to you last week & I know that your life is busy.
I just want to know, are you still open to have a mutually beneficial call with me?
If so, I’d love to connect
Tips On Network Marketing – The Non-Scheduler Text #2
Tips On Network Marketing – #14 Non-Scheduler Text #3
This final message needs to be sent 2 weeks after the first message is sent. If your prospect doesn’t answer this text, just stop wasting your time. You’ve given them ample opportunity.
This Is The Final Message You Send 1 Week After The Prior MessageI’m Taking You Off My List
Hey FirstName,
We met on Shapr/LinkedIn a few weeks ago. I’m still looking forward to connecting with you but if you don’t respond, I’ll just take you off my list.
Are you open for a short chat?
Tips On Network Marketing – The Non-Scheduler Text Final
Thanks so much for reading this tips on network marketing blog post. I appreciate you greatly!
Please let your team know about these 14 best voicemail scripts for network marketing!