Create Network Marketing Success In Your MLM Business

Create Network Marketing Success In Your MLM Business

Are you stuck while trying to make your MLM business a network marketing success? You’ve probably been in this game for quite a while but your MLM business is just not expanding.

Maybe it’s that fear has taken away your ability to talk to network marketing leads. Either way, this blog post will teach you how to talk to an MLM prospect and get your MLM business back on the track to network marketing success.

Why Do People Fail In MLM Business?

Regardless of you having a newly-started MLM business or one that’s been around a few years, this remains true: MLM is not easy to master, because we’re dealing with people.

As for what I think, there’s one main reason people don’t get network marketing success: fear. It might be that you’re afraid:

  • That you don’t know the right stuff to say or do
  • Others might not think much of you
  • Something else that’s holding you back.
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If you can just talk to network marketing leads and explain your MLM business to them, that fear might go away. But for now, you’re petrified. You’re always wondering what an MLM prospect thinks of you or if your network marketing leads find the conversations awkward.

So you can’t talk easily about your MLM business. This is not conducive to network marketing success.

It also might be that you’re just doing it wrong. You pitch to network marketing leads too hard, or say the wrong things to an MLM prospect, and they’ll avoid you.

This is why network marketing success eludes you.

The Number 1 Reason for Network Marketing Success

Let’s talk about another, better scenario for your MLM business – the reason people actually get network marketing success. Basically, the reason some people have so much network marketing success with their MLM business is a dreaded five-letter word called FOCUS.

Those among you who went through the War Room with me know that focus is key. You either are focusing and getting network marketing success, or you’re not which is why you can’t keep in touch with an MLM prospect. It’s like a muscle you have to build up.

If you possess the focus to talk for hours to an MLM prospect about your MLM business, you’ll definitely get network marketing leads to join. That leads to an El Dorado of network marketing success.

If you don’t have focus, barely any MLM prospect will want to join your MLM business. And your network marketing leads avoiding you would lead to failure, especially with your potential in mind.

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The Necessity of Focus

To get network marketing success, you need to focus on:

  • Generating network marketing leads
  • Building a relationship with every single MLM prospect
  • Closing properly when they’re ready to join your MLM business
  • Duplicating yourself within your network marketing leads

I don’t believe it’s possible to achieve focus without help. To get network marketing success, you have to learn how to focus.

And you can’t learn how to focus from some book, or online course, or DVD. You need practical experience and personalized guidance to learn how to focus while operating your MLM business.

Thus, when you get distracted, you’ll have someone to teach you how to prevent that, and you’ll build up your ‘focus muscle.’ That, of course, leads to network marketing success.

Generating Network Marketing Leads With You

The main point of this heading is that this section is about generating network marketing leads WITH you. In the War Room, I’m not going to stand on a soapbox and preach to you on how to generate network marketing leads.

I’m going to:

  • Generate them with you
  • Teach you
  • Direct you
  • Actually show you how it’s done

You see, I believe that network marketing success comes from being taught practically how to make network marketing leads. There’s no MLM pulpit from behind which I can tell you the magic formula to get network marketing success yourself.

This is why I talked about fear before. If you try to go ‘lone wolf,’ fear will hold you and your MLM business back.

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I could teach you this way all I want, but when you go out and talk to network marketing leads, there’s no telling what an MLM prospect may say or text. The moment something unpredictable happens, fear will set in, leading to failure.

Therefore, the War Room is a much better way to learn how to talk to network marketing leads. I’ll be there with you, directing you, showing you and helping you deal with each MLM prospect.

Finding MLM Prospects Through LinkedIn

One of the first things we do on the War Room weekend is find network marketing leads who are perfect fits for you. Your company probably tells you to treat anyone and everyone as an MLM prospect; to just tell everyone about your MLM business.

But the problem is that if we do this with our network marketing leads, we’ll fail in the end. This is because you, like me, work really well only with a specific type of person.

We all have different personalities and so do our network marketing leads. What you have to do is create a target market for your MLM business and then search for your perfect MLM prospect on LinkedIn.

Does it sound difficult? Worry not, I’ve deconstructed the system. When we start with the War Room, we’ll have a personal conversation with you where we determine the ideal target market for you and your MLM business.

You see, if we use LinkedIn to find network marketing leads who are the perfect fit for you and your MLM business, you’ll never again want for an MLM prospect to talk to. You’ll have countless network marketing leads to choose from. And that’s the key to network marketing success.

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Making Recruiting Fun Again In Your MLM Business

‘Fun’ is a novel word for your MLM business. Recently, a member of our boardroom – Shayla Gordon – told me that she had gotten so fearful of prospecting that she was ready to quit. She felt like she was begging and pushing her network marketing leads too hard.

Thanks to the War Room, she said, prospecting was fun for her again. When I asked her how it had helped her get network marketing success for her MLM business, she said, “Terry, because of LinkedIn I can get connected to so many people around the world who actually want to talk to me.

They want to hear from me. I’m able to build amazing relationships with them, instead of begging people to join my MLM business on Facebook.”

You see, I will make MLM prospect recruiting fun for you again through the War Room. You’ll find network marketing leads who are actually fun to talk to because they’re ideal matches for your personality.

Make no mistake, my friends: the War Room will not only bring you network marketing success, it will make running your MLM business fun again.

Watching Over Your Shoulder For Network Marketing Success

If you observe any high-level MLM training program, you’ll notice it has two components: learning alone, and learning with someone else who can show you how to do it right.

Books, courses and DVDs might get us closer to network marketing success, but it’ll be lacking the bits you need to really build your MLM business. Each week in our continuation program, people learn that network marketing leads say unexpected things that I can’t teach you the response to because they’re unpredictable.

What I do is watch over your shoulder while you type and tell you what to write. Thus, you’re able to use my words to ensure your network marketing success.

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As we repeat this many times, you’ll learn how to deal with any unexpected response that comes from an MLM prospect.

A Guaranteed Road To Success

This program is the same as me coming to your hometown, spending two days at your house telling you exactly how to deal with network marketing leads. Basically, I’m looking right over your shoulder.

So if you’re someone who:

  • Has technical challenges…
  • Isn’t well-versed with computers…
  • Freezes in unexpected situations…

You won’t be able to fail because I’ll be with you. I’ll be able to see your screen and tell you what to say to your MLM prospect to get them to join your MLM business.

Achieving network marketing success, and learning the secrets to recruiting network marketing leads, is guaranteed with the War Room weekend.

MLM Business and the Fear of the Phone

We talked about fear before, and again it comes back… this time as fear of the phone. If you want network marketing success for your MLM business, just accept that the phone is necessary.

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Talking, not texting. You need to get good at it; I won’t give you a script, but I’ll give you a calling sheet.

I will give you a seven-step flow on what to say to an MLM prospect, which you’ll have in front of you to assuage your fears.

Apart from that, I’ll teach you how to be excited – not scared – to discuss your MLM business with network marketing leads. There’s a fine line between the two, but before you get on the phone on Day 2 of the War Room weekend, I’m going to tell you how to make talking to a MLM prospect about your MLM business feel exciting.

Basically, fear of the phone – like many other fears – goes away if you have someone (me!) by your side.

The War Room Welcomes You

My name is Terry J. Gremaux, and I welcome you to the War Room. I wish I could go back in time 13 years when I started out and have this then.

We network marketers need a few things to achieve network marketing success for our MLM business.

The Main Thing Is Family

Your support system. In the War Room, you’ll get the phone number of your ‘Battle Buddies’ to create a family, a support network, of people who are going through the same thing you are with their own MLM business.

Your WarRoom family will help you up when you have trouble, give you advice and celebrate your network marketing success with you.

If you want to join me on this journey to network marketing success for your MLM business, the War Room is a perfect fit for you. I will:

  • Teach you how to deal with every MLM prospect.
  • Celebrate with you the network marketing success your MLM business gets.
  • Pick you up when you fall – because it does happen.

Don’t forget to check out our testimonials and stories from your future ‘battle buddies’ from the War Room.

Read The WarRoom Survivor Stories | Network Marketing Success

Terry Jay Gremaux — +1.406.366.9280

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How To Remove Fear From Your Network Marketing Business

How To Remove Fear From Your Network Marketing Business

Does fear put a stranglehold on your network marketing business currently?

Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to pick up the phone and talk to a stranger with ease? Does that anxiety hold you back from success in MLM?

Welcome to this blog post. This is Terry J. Gremaux, and this is the Live Networker blog.

I’m here to teach you how to eradicate fear from your network marketing business. How to learn network marketing in a way that leaves you poised for success in MLM.

I’m going to teach you that there is really only one way to take fear out of the equation for your network marketing business, and thus finally achieve success in MLM. The solution is detailed below. Let’s get started.

Why We Fail In Our Network Marketing Business

Before we get to the topic of how to fix our troubles, first I’m going to tell you why we fail in our network marketing business. The cause isn’t that we fail to understand how to learn network marketing.

It’s usually not because we lack to proper information for success in MLM. Neither is it because we don’t have the right people to make our network marketing business a success.

network marketing business

The main reason is fear.

Network marketing is not a knowledge game; it’s an action game. I’m not saying that trying to learn network marketing is unimportant, of course.

But if you want to be an MLM sponsoring success story, you need to know how to crush your fear. How to talk to people and convince them to join your network marketing business.

There’s no need to buy another MLM course thinking that it’ll help you learn network marketing in a way the others didn’t… unless it says ‘action’ on the tin.

Learn Network Marketing | The Gap Between Knowledge And Action

The secret to success in MLM is that you need action to get rid of fear. I can’t just instruct the fear out of you, or I’d be like one of those motivational books that say, “Just go do it.”

And yet if you pick up the phone, it’s like you’re paralyzed and tongue-tied by fear. Sound familiar?

network marketing business

The only way you can really learn network marketing is to learn from someone who’s had success in MLM themselves.

That’s precisely what happens in the War Room. I mentor you, stand by you, and let you depend on an expert – me.

Do you want to learn network marketing properly, to gain that confidence? To drive out the fear and have success with MLM?

The War Room teaches you how to be great at MLM sponsoring and get success in MLM.

We teach you:

  • How to find your target market
  • What to tell your prospects
  • Call flow-charts and how to use them

And I partner with you in your network marketing business and help you learn network marketing, drive out the fear and succeed. Once the fear is gone, MLM sponsoring will become easy for you.

MLM Sponsoring Is About Removing Fear

I may sound like a broken record here, but MLM sponsoring revolves around crushing your fear. For most of us, that’s easier said than done, or we’d all already have success in MLM, and you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

network marketing business

That’s why I decided to do something different with the War Room.

You see, the War Room treats removing fear as key to helping you learn network marketing. Hence, it’s way more likely to get you better at MLM sponsoring.

Thus, you’ll actually have success in your network marketing business.

The success you want is on the other side of fear. Fear is in the mind, and we allow it to control us.

With the War Room, I can walk beside you so the fear is gone. This is how your network marketing business succeeds.

The Only Way You’ll Have Success In MLM

So by now, you’ll have understood that fear is the brick wall between your network marketing business and success in MLM. It’s very hard to remove fear by yourself.

To be honest, I don’t think even 1% of us can do that. We need support from others. That’s what the War Room gives you.

The War Room Welcomes You

Thus, if you’re here today and want your network marketing business to break on through to the other side, know that it’s all about fear. And I want to welcome you to the War Room, where fear is not in control.

network marketing business

It won’t stop you from being great at MLM sponsoring, because I’ll be in the fray with you.

You can click here to head over to the War Room page and schedule your next date for our two-day event to learn network marketing. You’ll learn:

  • What to say
  • My script book and its use
  • My calling flow-chart to dictate a conversation
  • How to follow up
  • Follow-up systems

Most importantly, I’ll be your partner and your friend, so you won’t be held back by fear. If you want to learn network marketing, click here to head over to the War Room.

If you want greatness in MLM sponsoring, you need someone else. If it’s not me, it can be someone else, but support is how your network marketing business will have success in MLM. I wish you the best.

Talk soon,

Terry J Gremaux

Save Up To 35% Every Single Time You Book Travel Online
This Trumps All Network Marketing Tips To Create MLM Success

This Trumps All Network Marketing Tips To Create MLM Success

If you want to achieve MLM success, network marketing tips are indispensable to your advancement in this industry. In this Live Networker blog post, I want to teach you how to actually have fun while recruiting MLM prospects for your organization.

Usually, most network marketers looking for MLM success don’t have a lot of fun with what they do. They actually despise the fact that they have to talk to MLM prospects to recruit them.

Thus, I’m going to use this blog post to teach you how to have fun while on your road to MLM success. I’m convinced that this is the part where most MLM training fails – it makes network marketing look like a thankless job, and I disagree so I made this blog post.

network marketing tips

Hopefully these network marketing tips make your path to MLM success more fulfilling.

Network Marketing Tips to Make Recruiting Fun

Before we talk about these network marketing tips, let’s discuss why we want to make this fun. Most people whose MLM success endeavours are mundane probably think, “Well, this is a job after all.”

No. Network marketing is a volunteer sport.

1. Focus On Connecting

You need to have fun with what you do if you want MLM success. So if you enjoy talking to MLM prospects, you’ll want to do it more.

You’ll put your heart and soul into it, and because of that, you’ll have more MLM success. Now, let’s move onto our network marketing tips for MLM success.

I want  you to focus on connecting with the MLM prospect you are talking to, be it on LinkedIn or anywhere else.


  • Focus on trying to create a sale.
  • Be obsessed with getting them to join your comapny.
  • Overthink about how to make the most money.

If you make these mistakes, you’ll fail. Here’s why:

MLM success depends on your relationships with your MLM prospects. Hence, it’s not based on selling people over and over. We hear it all the time in network marketing that ‘we share, we do not sell.’

network marketing tips

We do need to sell product, but network marketing is all about sharing stories that inspire people to join our company. It’s not just about retailing a product to your MLM prospects.

2.Make Friends

If you focus on forging friendships and listening to your MLM prospects and their issues, it’ll be easy to tell them about your company and tell your story. But if you form good relationships with your MLM prospects, MLM success will also come to you as a byproduct.

It’s one of my favourite network marketing tips, because it’s a pretty good skill to have even in your normal life – success comes from being willing to forge friendships.

3. Erase Money

If you go after MLM prospects with only money in mind, you’ll fail – no MLM success for you. The reason is simple: we all hate to be sold, but all of us love to buy.

This is why, to me, MLM training is often lacking – it doesn’t teach you how to get MLM success by having fun while talking to your MLM prospects. One of my network marketing tips is not to focus solely on money, and try to enjoy the process of talking to MLM prospects as well.

network marketing tips

4. Be Interested In People

We discussed this earlier, but MLM success comes from talking to MLM prospects about our products and services so they purchase them. To do this consistently, we have to talk to cold-market people, because our warm market is going to run out.

In order to do this, we have to step out of our comfort zone and talk to strangers.

Most MLM prospects who will increase your business are strangers. If you don’t enjoy calling them, they won’t want to talk to you either.

So here’s another one of my network marketing tips… To get MLM success, forget the money for a while and just learn to love connecting to MLM prospects and listening to them.

This will attract them to you; they’ll most likely want to join your team and you’ll get the MLM success you want.

Why Most MLM Training Misses the Boat

Most MLM training fails at a certain point – because it’s too focused on scripts, information and doing everything in a certain way. It does not even considering fun as a part of MLM success.

In fact, most MLM training usually focuses on hammering it into your head that no matter what you do, you have to do it in a particular order. The problem with that is that network marketing is a volunteer sport, and if we’re not having fun, we’ll withdraw from this whole industry.

network marketing tips

My network marketing tips focus on making sure you don’t see MLM as a soul-crushing job, but as something that can be fun and fulfilling.

The War Room is entirely different from most MLM training. In the War Room, I teach you how to have fun recruiting MLM prospects.

We make a game out of it, with a points system, so we have fun while trying to achieve MLM success.

In fact, there’s a $1000 prize at the end of the War Room. This is why I believe the War Room is by far the best MLM training program for MLM success.

Not only does it give you the network marketing tips you need, but it teaches you to have fun and be invested in what you do.

The War Room Welcomes You

Click the button below and you’ll be redirected to the War Room page, where you can check out what the best MLM training program is really about. It’s simple: a two-day event that teaches you how to have fun while recruiting MLM success.

Additionally, I will give you network marketing tips to instruct you on how to achieve MLM success in your chosen company.

Don’t let time go to waste – click the button below to check out our War Room page.

Thank you for reading this blog on network marketing tips on how to have fun while trying to achieve network marketing success.


Talk soon,

Terry J Gremaux

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