Luis Ventura is a diamond within the iBuumerang organization which means he is creating a minimum of 200,000 in sales volume each month. He has create a million dollar organization with Holton Buggs in a previous company as well.
When people like this speak, it’s always a great idea to sit back and listen closely. I think no different here. Luis Ventura is a rockstar and he will teach us about launching your iBuumerang business big.
You notice I said us. This means I include me in this as well. I don’t care how great we become, if we stop becoming a student, our iBuumerang business will fall flat on it’s face.
The 6 Steps To Launch Your iBuumerang Business Big With Luis Ventura
Amateurs Start Their Business.
Professionals Launch Their Business.
The Great Holton Buggs
We have to remember that our resource is people. If you were going to start a grocery store, your product is bread, milk, cheese, etc. In iBuumerang, your product or resource is people.
In the same analogy, your grocery store product is only 1 call away. You dial up the manufacturer & purchase the food to put on the shelf. In iBuumerang, Luis Ventura explains that your commodity of people are only 1 call away.
The question is, are you a professional or an amateur?
One of the things we must do to become great is figure out why we are doing iBuumerang. It can’t be just for money because they won’t drive you very long. Most of the time, we will do way more for someone else than you will for yourself.
To create iBuumerang success, you must take this step very seriously!
Luis Ventura With iBuumerang Helps You Identify Your Why.
Ask yourself these questions. Don’t take this lightly please. Luis Ventura begs us to take this seriously.
What do you want to accomplish?
Why do you want to do it?
Where do you want to go?
How much debt do you want to eliminate?
Once we answer these questions, please send them to your upline, sponsor or coach. They will gain great insight into you as a person if you stay involved with them to help you create iBuumerang success. Then, I will put the place you want to go next to your name so I can remind you of it every time we talk.
If you miss sending the answer to these 4 questions to your upline or coach in iBuumerang travel, what will happen is they will not be able to remind you of where you want to go when you “make it”. This will cause you to miss out on the biggest motivator you’ll ever have.
One big assignment Luis Ventura talked about is to list out 100 things you want to do before you die. This simple measure will make you dream again. It will make you think about why you are building your iBuumerang business.
Seriously, sit down and make a list of what you want to do before you die. The biggest issue you’ll run into is, you’ll focus on the things you can afford right now. Dream bigger! Remember, if you can see it, you can have it.
If you were going to start over again Holton Buggs, what would you do differently?
Dream Bigger, Faster.
Holton Buggs
You need to give your dream a date. If you don’t, it’s only a wish until you do. When do you decide you will accomplish your dream. Make sure you put your iBuumerang goals on paper so you can make sure you accomplish them.
A dream is only a wish until it has a date.
Luis Ventura – Diamond Ambassador With iBuumerang
Make Your List For iBuumerang Success With Luis Ventura
You’ve heard it from Holton Buggs. You’ve heard it from Edwin Haynes & now Luis Ventura tells you that your money is in your list as well. I don’t think everyone would tell us to do this step if it wasn’t really important!
It’s like when Simba is told not to go past the fringes in The Lion King. Scar tantalizes him & teases him about what is on the other side of the fringe. He then takes another cub over to the shady grounds & almost dies.
Maybe The Most Important Video From Luis Ventura.
For a few years, I failed to take this step & I paid for it. Don’t make the same mistake. Make a list of 50 opportunity seekers & 50 people who will love to travel for success in iBuumerang.
I’ll go a step further. Make your list as big as it can possibly be. Don’t stop at 100 people. Dump your entire phone on paper. After all, the bigger your list is, the more money you’ll make. Don’t stop at 100. That is just your starting place for your iBuumerang business!
Who do you know that is capped out at their job? Who doesn’t have enough money at the end of the month? Who do you know that just had a baby?
Who do you know that would like to travel better for less for the rest of their life?
Would you love to stay at 4 & 5 star hotels & resorts for 2 & 3 star prices?
iBuumerang is a different kind of company. Usually in network marketing, you get a yes or a no. In iBuumerang, you get a yes or a yes. Who isn’t going to take advantage of something for free?
This is what makes us completely different. It’s a win if they join as a TSA. It’s a win if they join as a customer. This makes iBuumerang a win, win, win for you!
Become A Jetsetter With iBuumerang
This is for those of you that want to go FAST! Achieving Jetsetter with iBuumerang is like telling the world that you are serious about launching your business.
What does it take to go Jetsetter with iBuumerang?
How To Go Jetsetter With iBuumerang From Luis Ventura.
Activate 10 customers
Send 10 iDecide presentations
Now you’re off into the jet stream. This means you’ve taken your iBuumerang business very seriously & you’re off to creating . Report to your sponsor or coach when you achieve this so they can blow you up. You’re now on the fast track to success!
Good stands for get out of debt. How many of your friends want to come to a part to get out of debt?
Everything we do here at iBuumerang travel is done on purpose. It’s a system for a reason. We either choose to follow it or not. That’s completely up to us.
Luis Ventura Tells A Massive Story Of Why Parties Are Critical To Business.
Luis Ventura talks about how incredible it is to do GOOD parties because of him being able to see the people. He highly encourages them. He tells a story inside of the video about breaking a diamond in 90 days.
This means that they got someone started & created so much energy in 90 days that one person did over 200k in volume. That is absolutely insane. Make sure you watch the video to hear the entire story that Luis Ventura tells. It’s very inspiring!
Just ask your people this question, Who would like to have another meeting just like this at your place? Luis Ventura has them raise their hands & that’s who he chooses who to work with.
Freedom Must Be Practiced Before You Experience It
Holton buggs From Luis Ventura
Inside of your GOOD party, you can do a few different things.
Show an iDecide
Invite your sponsor or leader to present
Present yourself
It’s that simple. Your number 1 goal in doing a GOOD party is to identify the next leader that is looking to do a GOOD party.
If you want to make a lot of money, process a lot of people in a short amount of time. A large list processed in a short amount of time creates massive income.
Luis Ventura With iBuumerang
Make An 18 Month Commitment With Luis Ventura
Are you serious enough about your goal to give yourself 18 months?
Luis Ventura With iBuumerang
Luis Ventura Begs You To Make An 18 Month Commitment To Your Business.
You gotta put in the work & give yourself time to grow. Please reach out to your leader to let them know that you’ve committed for 18 months & desire to create iBuumerang success. If you don’t do this, your success is like playing rush & roulette. Don’t do that.
Register For The NEXT Event With Luis Ventura To Maximize iBuumerang Success
Events chance lives. I won’t tell the entire story because I want you to make sure you watch the video & hear the story. Luis Ventura brought a group of 1,000 people to an event.
Luis Ventures Talks About How You Can 4X Your Business In A Few Months.
He was already doing about 500k a month in volume. 6 months later they were doing well over 2 million a month in revenue. I don’t know how your calculator works but mine says it’s 4 times the money.
That’s crazy. See, your job is to get people in & then get them to the next event. If you do that, the environment at the event can change the dynamics of who you are.
iBuumerang is incredible because it gives people the ability to buy a ticket for just 49.95 when they get started. Now, they only have that one chance to do it so make sure you let them know when they get started. This is very important.
Luis Ventura is amazing. He also reminded us that every event is better than the one before. Let’s crush iBuumerang! Next on tap is to learn about the 20/20 plan from Edwin Haynes & why it’s so important.
iBuumerang Resources To Create iBuumerang Success For You
Using LinkedIn for network marketing is by far my favorite method to recruit new members. If you’ve been to my blog before, you certainly understand & know that. It’s no secret.
I will be sharing with you in this blog post why using Linkedin for network marketing is so powerful to understand and utilize in 2020 & beyond into your business. Not only is it my favorite way to recruit professionals, it just makes sense.
This blog post about using LinkedIn for network marketing will greatly on your daily routine. What do you need to do each day to guarantee you will find success using LinkedIn for network marketing?
Many people continue to ask me why do you use LinkedIn for network marketing & the network app called Shapr. It’s very simple to understand this question if we go back to the root of network marketing.
If you want to grow a huge network marketing business, we must recruit people that have a network, have influence & are willing to go to work. It’s really that simple. If you do that, you win big.
If you don’t, you’ll have a really, really tough road. You don’t want to have a really tough road. That is silliness! That is why we use LinkedIn for network marketing instead of the other platforms. I know this blog post is all about how to follow-up when using LinkedIn for network marketing but we first need to understand why LinkedIn.
Following Up Is Like Juggling When Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
They always say that the fortune is in the follow up. It took me ages to actually learn what this phrase means. When using LinkedIn for network marketing, this is essential because we need to understand the follow up game in the cold market with professionals.
I will won’t talk too much today about what I say on the phone & if you need to know those key points, I’ve written a blog with 3 videos that explain every piece of what to say when on the phone to a lead using LinkedIn for network marketing.
Be sure to see the blog up above as it will help you immensely talk to folks, know what to say, how to say it & have success in your network marketing business. Using LinkedIn for network marketing certainly plays by a different set of rules than warm market or any other platform online.
In the upcoming section of this blog, I will be sharing with you my daily routine using LinkedIn for network marketing & how you can create magical success in your business.
How To Follow Up Correctly When Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
When you have a call that books on your calendar or you get their phone number from LinkedIn, you need to understand this concept. If you don’t get this clear picture, you’ll fail compared to where you should be.
If you want all my LinkedIn MLM Scripts, click on the blog post below. You can copy them word for word. I’ll give you permission.
Back to the point. When you have your appointment with that professional that you got on the phone with & they tell you they are open. You will send them information. Please book a meeting from a meeting before you get off the phone.
These meetings are like juggling. If you don’t book another meeting before you get off the phone, you’ve dropped the ball. When you drop the ball it decreases your ability to earn income, enroll members & customers greatly!
You want to BAMFAM until they join or tell you no. It’s truly that simple. If they don’t join, you simply put them back on the calendar for a date down the road. You put another piece of information or a 3 way call into line for the next appointment. Just keep the call in the air.
Your Daily Routine For Using LinkedIn For Network Marketing
Visualize Your Day
Invest In Yourself (At Least 1 Hour)
Do LinkedIn Items
Make Your Calls
Follow Up
Plan Your Tomorrow Before You Go To Bed
Let’s roll through this daily routine when using LinkedIn for network marketing. I think that you need to have a clear mind when getting your day started. Your mind will constantly talk to you if you don’t quiet your mind.
I don’t know any other way to quiet the mind than meditate. It doesn’t really matter to me who you follow but essentially you want to sit quiet & be mindful of the things going through your mind to let them go. Just sit & pay attention to your breathing. It will make a profound impact on you.
Now that your mind is in a meditative state, you now want to visualize your day & how you want it to end up. As Jim Rohn says, start your day by seeing it first. I visualize each member of my team turning into 20 people. It’s amazing when I started this visualization what started to happen in my business.
It’s time to sink your teeth into some personal development. When using LinkedIn for network marketing, please understand that you need to make yourself better. If you don’t, you’ll fail in this business. You’re reaching out to professionals, but you must continue to grow.
I suggest putting at least 1 hour of good personal development into my mind each day. This is a great start. But please understand that you do it to grow, not to just check it off the list. One of my favs is skill with people
The next thing is your LinkedIn items. I will not go through them here because they are inside a blog up above. I would like to invite you to our program. You’ll be able to never worry about these things again. We, the professionals will deal with that for you.
Now of course you do your calls & follow up with your folks. The business is truly this simple. If you just allow us to help you generate leads & do the dirty work for you, you’ll understand how to get your time back.
Before you go to bed, make sure you plan your next day. This puts the intention where it needs to be and allows you to go to bed with a clear mind. It took me a long time to understand this concept, please just take my word and do it.
Daniel Camero is a high energy crazy amazing leader & has had incredible iBuumerang success. This guy simply has created the most incredible success by following Mr. Holton Buggs & this system that you’re reading about.
Daniel Camero moved to the United States from Venezuela when he was 11 years old. He now resides in Atlanta Georgia. When he was 19, he dad told him to get in the car. He resisted, after all, it’s Friday night and he wanted to go party.
Daniel Camero had watched his mom & dad fail in network marketing is entire childhood. He not only disliked network marketing, he absolutely hated network marketing. Daniel Camero’s dad said get in the car or I’m kicking you out of the house.
Daniel proceeded to get in the car & they drove 16 hours to Dallas, Texas to see Holton Buggs. In that moment, he found the person he wanted to emmulate.
I wanted the lifestyle of a rockstar, I wanted to eat like a rockstar, I wanted to live like a rockstar.
But I was a waiter & I didn’t like to study or work.
Then I met Holton Buggs!
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
Holton Buggs was 39 years old when I met him. He was living my dreams and I attached to him that day. I committed to get up every day to find answers to this crazy question. How can I be the best network marketer possible?
I became a product of Holton Bugg’s environment. If you or anyone you know does the same thing, you’ll quickly understand how to create millions in the industry just like Daniel Camero did. Just follow the process I’m about to layout & watch the video below. It will help you blow up your iBuumerang business!
Daniel Camero of iBuumerang Talks About How To STP Your Way To Success In iBuumerang
What You Get Paid For In iBuumerang Travel
Daniel Camero understands clearly what we get paid for. You don’t get paid to watch training, be on zooms, reading books, making a list or anything of that nature. It comes down to 2 things if you want to have iBuumerang success.
Recruit customers (Send Buumerangs)
Grow A Team Of Entrepreneurs (TSA’s)
If you’re not recruiting customers or growing a team, you simply have no business. It will not grow. Daniel Camero is a multi-millionaire in the industry of network marketing & in iBuumerang.
He talks about the most important thing you can ever do. This is to expose your business to human beings. This is how you recruit customers & recruit TSA’s. It’s that simple.
The # Of Exposures…
…Will Determine The Growth Of Your Business
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
If you want a huge iBuumerang business, you need to have a large number of exposures running through your organization. If you want a medium sized iBuumerang business, you want to have a medium number of exposures running through your organization. If you want a small iBuumerang business, just do a few exposures.
It’s simple. How big do you want your business to be? How much money do you really want to make?
When you know how big you want your iBuumerang business to be, you just show the plan that many times per day. If you want to grow quickly, show the plan (STP) at least 2 times per day. Don’t depend on your team to do more than you’re willing to do. That just doesn’t work to create iBuumerang success.
Every time you STP someone, you have an opportunity to sell a customer or bring in another partner to help you build your iBuumerang organization. Therefore, it’s impossible to build a sizable business if you’re not STP’ing may humans each week.
From CEO Holton Buggs & 110 Million Dollar Money Earner
If you show the plan 3 times per day Monday through Saturday for an entire year, it’s impossible not to have a million dollar business.
Holton Buggs – CEO Of iBuumerang
Daniel Camero had found the secret sauce. It’s exposing the business of iBuumerang over and over and over. It’s that simple. Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
If you are exposing new people to your business…
…your business is open.
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
Remember, if you want a huge business, have a huge number of STP’s running through your business. If you want a small iBuumerang business, have a small number of STP’s running through your business.
Daniel Camero: Methods Of Exposure With iBuumerang
Daniel talk about PS#. Peak, show & 3 way. This means you will peak interest, show the plan & then get your senior partner on the phone for a 3 way call. You need to know who that is for you. Who will be helping you grow your iBuumerang business?
iDecide Presentation (My Favorite)
1-on-1 Presentations
Good Parties Or BUUM Parties
Business Briefings
Video Conferencing Through Zoom
Executive Luncheon
Pool Parties
You want to have a plan of how many people you will expose each week. You then set a goal for exposures each day, week & month. This allows you to hit income targets & pin levels. Showing the plan is the #1 activity you must master to create iBuumerang success.
When does your week start?
As soon as it’s done.
The Late, great Jim Rohn
As soon as your week ends, it’s time to plan the next week. This is how you will ensure that you get done what needs to be done. You can plan the next week on paper (On Purpose).
This will enable you to never slack on your goals or numbers. As soon as your week is accomplished, as soon as your day is accomplished, plan the next day.
Those of you that have been in awhile. In the last 2 weeks, how many people have you showed the plan to? The answer here will determine your destiny in iBuumerang.
Your organization will copy a certain percentage of your work habits. You choose what you want them to do by creating the habits yourself. Create habits that create iBuumerang success & your team will duplicate it!
The Baseball Diamond By Daniel Camero For iBuumerang Success
The baseball diamond is an illustration to help you understand how to master exposing the business. You want to continue to hit base hits to get your people home or to get started in the business.
Daniel Camero Helps You Understand Exposing the Business In iBuumerang
80% Of The People That Will Join Your Business Will Not Join The First Time You Expose Them To The Business
Daniel Camero Of iBuumerang
This means inside of your iBuumerang business, you want to expose people to the business using the iDecide, zoom call or presentation of some kind. Your job is to take them through a series of exposures to make a proper decision.
From an exposure to 3rd party validation to a decision, either yes or no. That’s is your job. Holton Buggs has created an incredible system here and all we have to do is follow!
The Art Of BAMFAM With Daniel Camero
You have to learn how to BAMFAM. This means, book a meeting from a meeting. This may be the very most important part of the exposure process. If you don’t understand this, you will fail.
This means, if your prospect doesn’t join iBuumerang simply book another meeting with them. You never get off that phone without booking another call. You want to setup the next exposures. This is a core piece of your plan to have iBuumerang success.
You don’t want to go fast nowhere. Sometime, you can have a huge network & do it wrong. What you get when that happens is a lot of work without any result. You certainly don’t want that.
Within the invite process, this is how you make sure you collect a decision. Remember, that’s your only goal. Here is how Daniel Camero invites prospects to a meeting or presentation.
Hey FirstName,
Hows it going? I don’t have a lot of time right now. I’ve got some big things going on. You got a minute?
Listen, I came across some crazy successful entrepreneurs. They’e launching something huge in the technology business.
I can’t promise you anything but they asked me if I knew any go-getters. Before calling anyone else, I wanted to call you 1st.
Would you like to know more about it?
Awesome, we have an incredible 15 minute presentation that will tell you all the details of this technology business. If I send you the link, can you watch it right away?
Great! I only have 2 more I can give out today. Please tell me yes, you’ll watch it for sure or no, you won’t.
Yes, I’ll watch it.
Daniel Camero Of ibuumerang
Your goal is to collect a decision and take them to 2nd base. We prefer to take them to a 3-way call next but we certainly don’t have to. You can also take them to a zoom call, business briefing, team training or some other video that you think would be a great fit.
It’s even a great fit if you are going to another 3-way call. You just want to take them to another exposure that is different than the 1st. It’s really that simple to have iBuumerang success.
How To Master Edification With Daniel Camero Before The 3-Way Call
Of course 3-way calls are a huge deal. They are a monster. They mean everything. But if you don’t properly set them up prior to getting someone on the phone, you will fail the validation.
This is how Daniel Camero does it properly in iBuumerang.
Listen, I have the pleasure of working with FIRSTNAME/LASTNAME. He’s a sapphire leader. One of the biggest leaders in all of iBuumerang out of Dallas. He’s building a multi-million dollar business & he’s projected to be one of the top ambassadors worldwide in iBuumerang.
He’s very busy but told me if there was someone that was really serious about building a big business he would take 5 minutes out of his very busy day so he could answer your questions & share his experience with you.
IfI get 5 minutes of his time would you take advantage of that?
The expert can now come in & validate what the prospect has already seen. The prospects belief increases & they are able to make a decision to join iBuumerang. If the edification doesn’t happen, none of this matters.
The expert will typically take the credit card and if they don’t, your expert will BAMFAM them to a 3rd exposure. You BAMFAM your prospect until they say no or join iBuumerang!
The Fortune Is In The Follow Up For iBuumerang Success
Remember to take advantage of all types of exposures from trainings to presentations! When you mast the exposure process & fall in love with STP’s, you will become a millionaire!
Become addicted to exposing the business daily. Get to where it physically makes you sick to not expose your iBuumerang business. I highly suggest you to reach out to your sponsor and tell them you plan. How many will you show the plan to daily, weekly & monthly?
Report back to your sponsor so they know you completed this step! Start with you & you will be living the life of your dreams.
iBuumerang Resources To Create iBuumerang Success For You
Sam Bean is another incredible leader with iBuumerang and his background gives him the unique ability to train with the best. Coming out of the military & serving in Desert Storm, he understands leadership, team work, mental toughness & being trainable.
Of course, in that line of work, being coachable means that you’ve stayed alive. It’s a huge deal!
Never ever not finish a mission or a job until completion.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
Sam Bean learned very clearly how to follow through and make sure that nothing was left undone. His training clearly indicates why he is a Diamond at iBuumerang. It’s really simple to understand. Creating iBuumerang success is as simple as following the proven system!
How To Follow Up & Follow Through With Sam Bean At iBuumerang
Let’s address the reasons to follow up within your iBuumerang business. The reason we need to address these concerns is simple. If we don’t understand why we should follow up, why would we ever do it?
Sam Bean of iBuumerang Talking About Why You Should Follow Up
The first is to address all areas of concern. iBuumerang is a big world that most have never seen. This opens up so much possibility to them but it also creates a lot of questions. The first reason you should follow up is simple. To address your prospects concerns before getting started.
The second is to enroll them. Of course, this is the simple one. To put money in the bank. It isn’t all about the money but this is a huge reason to follow up with them.
The fortune is in the follow up.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
The 3rd and final reason to follow up is to BAMFAM. We call it booking a meeting from a meeting. See, most people won’t be ready to get started after the 1st look at the presentation or the information to join iBuumerang. You’ll have to start the exposure process.
You need to understand that booking the next meeting to see the next exposure is like playing baseball. It’s like a bunch of base hits. Isn’t that the team that usually wins the world series?
Most don’t join iBuumerang until after the 5th exposure. 44% quit after their 1st no.
See, it doesn’t matter what the next exposure is. What does matter is you schedule the next exposure. You can’t be wrong if you just continue to put your prospects with iBuumerang in front of all the awesome information & training we have our hands on.
The 1-No-Dream. Don’t let what you see get in the way of what you saw.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
What Does A No Mean In iBuumerang
Lacking Clarity
Fear – The Root Of Everything Negative
Not Right Now
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang Talks About How To Make It Happen Professionally
We have to understand that fear comes from the lack of understanding. It’s totally okay for someone to take their time. Give them their space. Just you knowing this is where fear comes from will give you a huge leg up in prospecting for iBuumerang.
This is also why scheduling is so critical for you. If you are a professional, you schedule your appointments & schedule on your prospects calendar. Always give them 2 options to create iBuumerang success.
Awesome FirstName,
I know you’ll probably love the presentation I’m sending your way. What would be better tomorrow to follow up with you, morning or afternoon?
Great. I have 8amEST or 11amEST, which is better?
Super. Talk with you then!
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
If you don’t schedule an exact time, you’ve completely lost the battle. When you call them back you’ll always be bugging them. You will not hit them in the right spot. They will feel bothered. Start scheduling today.
Be a professional & use a calendar. This shows that you’re disciplined, professional & prepared.
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang Teaches The 5 Keys To Following Up
Stories are one of the biggest ways to close people into the business. Pay attention to the stories of people close to you in your team. Within iBuumerang, you can pay attention to flight school or tell your uplines story.
You can easily tell stories of customer gatherers from corporate or personal members of your team that have had early iBuumerang success. This is why it’s so important for you to pay close attention to the people winning close to you.
Leverage is the next key component from Sam Bean. You need to always be building & always have your team growing. If you have your team growing you can come back & tell people how many people have joined.
Within our binary compensation plan at iBuumerang, it’s here for leverage. You can always say something like this.
Hey FirstName,
No pressure but…
I just want you to know that since we talked last we’ve had 7 people join the business. We also have 4 people ready to join within the next few days.
You’ve missed out on the last 7. You will now be on their team instead of them being on your team. I have no clue what they could have done but now you have the ability to have the next 4 on your team.
Would you like to get started & take advantage?
Sam Bean Of iBuumerang
3-way phone calls are number 3. They are possibly the number 1 factor of you not making more money.
If you’re not doing 3-way phone calls, it’s costing you lots of money!
Make sure you know your senior partners phone number. If you’re on my team, it’s on the bottom of this blog. Send me a text!
The next way to follow up correctly is to give out materials you need to get back. This makes 100% sure that you’ll see your iBuumerang prospect again. You can give out brochures, the vision album, flight plan calendars, etc.
See, Sam bean tells you to buy enough materials for you & 5 other prospects for maximum iBuumerang success. Or maybe even 10. This way you can let them into your system as a part of your prospecting efforts.
When you get referrals from someone who isn’t ready to join quite yet. What you want to do is enroll their referrals. Their referrals should be prime prospects because they trust the person that sent them to you.
The moment they are ready to enroll into iBuumerang, you go back to the person who referred you and offer them to enroll the partner & then you’ll get 2 new partners in your business. If they say no, just enroll the partner and keep going.
Good News Always Comes Back Around.
Same Bean Of iBuumerang
Just remember, if you always maser the basics, you’ll always have a big check. Go master following up in your iBuumerang business to create massive iBuumerang success!
If you know me at all at TheLiveNetworker, you know that LinkedIn MLM Prospecting is my game. I love to do it and I certainly love to teach it to others through our LinkedIn for network marketing leads program.
This blog post regarding LinkedIn MLM Prospecting is geared towards you that just joined our program & those who may be looking for a solution of LinkedIn lead generation in their lives.
It may also be a fantastic fit for you if you are a network marketer simply looking to miss the land mines that may hit you in the network marketing journey. LinkedIn MLM Prospect is one of my favorite ways to recruit other professionals but it can get very scary out there.
The Reason For My LinkedIn MLM Prospecting Program
I was sitting on the beach one day thinking, why don’t people, network marketers win big in their business. As a trainer in the industry, I had to get real with this problem.
You see, we have sold hundreds of thousands of dollars in courses & certainly have the success stories to prove that our courses were fantastic. The fact is, only 3% of course buyers actually finish the course. This of course means that very few people take action on what we have taught them.
Therefore, when thinking about how to teach people how become successful, I had to ask myself this question. LinkedIn for network marketing is an incredible tool. I absolutely love it but if I can’t get most people to do it consistently, it doesn’t even matter.
Then this struck me like cord…
A LinkedIn For Network Marketing Course Isn’t The Answer
Because the majority of people won’t go through a course, I had to ask why is that. The reason is quite simple. It’s actually really simple!
You are busy. You have a family. Most of you have kids. You have a demanding career & you even have some community events pulling on you. I didn’t even mention going out with friends & a few dates with your spouse.
Now, if I’m sane, how do you think I will teach you how to be great at LinkedIn MLM Prospecting & how to fit it into everything else you are doing called life. This occurred to me that it’s not your fault!
This is what happened. You got involved in network marketing to live out your dream. That is probably why you are searching for things like LinkedIn MLM prospecting. You’re looking for the solution.
You have that dream to make that money for your family. You want to walk stage & help so many dang people. I mean, let’s get real. You are here for a reason. Here is the problem.
You got into network marketing & then it happened. That thing we call life. You are out of your warm market searching for things to do to find good people to talk to, how to talk to them & you get lost.
Lost in internet land. You buy this course and that course only to find out that there is greener grass always on the other side of the fence, it seems. You go to platform after platform and gosh, is everybody an expert online?
You are now just like everyone else. This is why we fail. We try to win. We hope & dream. But at the end, our time is limited. You have a very limited schedule & all your time is spent messing around online.
The Biggest Struggle For Network Marketers
“Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living, but if you work hard on yourself you’ll make a fortune.”
Jim Rohn
This quote is the essence of my entire program. In order to succeed at LinkedIn MLM prospecting or any other network marketing systems, you must invest in yourself at a high level.
Not just listening either. You must study and actually grow. You see, this is the magic sauce!
How do you invest into yourself at a super high level chasing your tail in other lead programs. You can’t. It’s just impossible. It’s not going work out. You go chasing all these other lead programs, success wisdom & you’ll typically find yourself without the success you’re looking to create.
A LinkedIn MLM Prospecting Students Job
I get this question from my LinkedIn MLM Prospecting students from time to time. Terry, after I get started with the LinkedIn for network marketing leads program, what do I do?
See, some think that they have free time. Some think that they should be spending more time prospecting. Some think it would be a terrific time to do other lead strategies.
I’m not telling you not to prospect in other ways but I started this LinkedIn MLM Prospecting program to allow you do the thing you need to do more than ever. That 1 thing that you need to do is invest in you to create change.
You don’t need a lot of leads if you’re investing in yourself continually getting better. I mean pouring good amazing books into your soul. This is a great review I did that I know you’ll get great benefit from.
You can decide to be coachable or not but with my LinkedIn MLM Prospecting system, you truly can create unlimited success in 2 hours or less per night.
It’s simple. You call the leads that show up on your calendar that are 100% perfect for you based on what you’ve told us. You take the rest of the time to actually invest in yourself.
When you start investing in yourself with massive quantities, you’ll find yourself having more success that ever before. LinkedIn MLM prospecting isn’t about you having to call hundreds of leads. It’s about you getting the right leads in front of you and being capable to man those leads.
I don’t care how many leads you get, you’ll never be successful unless you’re big enough when those leads come around. Grow ladies & gentlemen, grow.
This allows us to conquer the #1 problem we all see in network marketing. Spending more time on your business than on you. The problem is, when those leads get in front of you, you will fail unless you’re building yourself from within.
The Price Of LinkedIn For Network Marketing Leads
This is why patience & buying into our system is so dang important. The price of LinkedIn MLM prospecting leads is so important to understand. See, these aren’t just people off the street. They are professionals. We are building something perfect for you.
We enrolled a professional football player from LikedIn not very long ago. This guy s incredibly connected and excited to crush it. He knows so many people. I guarantee he goes very high in our company.
It’s impossible for him not to do incredibly well. These are the types of people that I simply can’t get in touch with without my LinkedIn for network marketing leads program.
On top of that, it only takes 3 of these people to create millionaire status for you. Remember that. It’s a huge deal. Stay patient students, stay patient. If you’re not a student YET, click on the below button to find out more.
Network Marketing Isn’t About Recruiting A Lot Of People, It’s About Recruiting The Right People. That’s Exactly What My LinkedIn MLM Prospecting System Does For You.